I am sad that this talented brother lost his earthly life to this disease at such a young age.
Most of us don't know the details of the screening, diagnosis, and treatment journey he endured. #ColonCancer #SaturdayThoughts
2/ What I do know is that according to the @AmericanCancer, colon cancer screening is recommended starting at age 45.
I also know that Black people suffer disproportionate health inequities related to colon cancer compared to other races/ethnicities.
3/ We suffer these inequities not just because "we don't screen as much," but due to issues with access to care, insurance, public health outreach, and provider bias.
The same factors that drive racial health inequities from #COVID19, #HIV, and numerous other health conditions.
1/ A dear friend called me yesterday to talk how he had anal sex without a condom 24 hours earlier. He wanted advice on if he should be worried.
He used phrases like:
"I did something stupid"
"I know I'm being paranoid"
"I know I'm a hypochondriac"
2/ I asked if he had enjoyed the sexual and intimate experience he had - his first in 9 months of self-imposed celibacy.
"Hell yeah!" he responded. "It was nice."
I asked about his HIV status.
He was negative. The sexual partner said he was negative when asked directly.
3/ "But, you never know..." he added.
I understood. People lie.
He was worried. He goes for STI check ups regularly when he is active. The last health care provider he saw didnt even know what pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) was.