I hear a lot of people say that S2F is an invalid model because it doesn’t account for demand. Here’s what I’m thinking.
As long as hashing keeps going up over time, that means there’s a minimum threshold of demand being applied to the #Bitcoin eco-system where miners ... 1/
Are acting as agents (among other roles) for swapping electrical bills denominated in fiat for Bitcoin. In essence, the Labor Theory of Value (LToV) is....Valid...but only in this unique situation. This is a very unpopular opinion because most people believe Adam Smith’s ..2/
antiquated economic model for determining value is invalid in almost all modern instances (which I agree with). In this particular situation though, you’re measuring the work being performed at one of the most raw levels: energy expenses for computations conducted. 3/
Now, if the hashing for the network wasn’t constantly becoming more competitive or increasing over time, I don’t think this S2F model would work. The reason why is the demand wouldn’t be consistently hitting a minimum threshold per two week adjustment. For instance, look... 4/
at the hashing on a very similar protocol, Litecoin. Here, the minimum demand for fiat to LTC energy swap is sporadic and unpredictable. If a S2F model was conducted on this protocol I would suspect the results would be inconclusive (which @100trillionUSD has demonstrated)... 5/
Let’s assume the demand for gold was constantly increasing for the past ten years relative to the amount being sold into the market. Additionally, let’s assume the speed at which new supply was allowed to be dropped into the market was governed at a certain pace. In this...6/
Situation, the price could still blow-out to the upside, but it might also suggest the price floor would be governed at a minimum amount which would have a correlation to the rate of flow being issued and governed. Sure, this price floor could be penetrated, but I don’t ...7/
Suspect this could last for any meaningful period of time as long as hashing continues to demonstrate a consistent growth in demand while the issuance rate continues to be governed. So if true, we should see such a display in the long-term price chart. 8/
Well, here’s the chart for Bitcoin for the past 8.5 years. For me, this chart is anything but normal. In a weird way, it looks like an algorithmically produced chart - like you’re looking at a processor governing the price within a certain range (but hey maybe it’s just me). 9/
Interestingly, in March 2020, I’d argue the price penetrated this “price floor” when viewing it over a near-decade view. Some may point to this instance and say it proves this theory wrong, but I think this is a good instance for demonstrating what I said earlier, ....10/
“Sure, this price floor could be penetrated, but I don’t think it could happen for any kind of meaningful period of time.” Final thought - I often get asked, how would you know if #Bitcoin was failing? To this point, I would suggest that if Bitcoin’s hashing was declining...11/
And you started to see variability in the demand for hashing, the #Bitcoin protocol may have a competitor taking market share. If the hashing wasn’t consistently going up over time, it might suggest, work for securing the best protocol has 12/
Moved on to more fruitful areas. And if that ever happened, I also suspect the S2F would fail to work as a model for projecting a minimum price floor of value relative to an ever expanding amount of fiat currency. Please shoot holes through this thread, I’m sure many ...13/
Might disagree or see it differently. My intent isn’t to tell, but to spark creative thinking and counter-opinions to my theory on why we are seeing such an odd economic phenomenon with #bitcoin price action and S2F.
When you told me #Bitcoin was a Ponzi scheme you left out the part about the four-year halving cycle and two-week difficulty adjustment...
How does that work?
//Thread Post 1
So you've probably heard your professor or resident expert economist tell you that #Bitcoin is a scam. Well, guess what, it's not. Everyone keeps claiming it's dead, but here we are, it keeps coming back and with a vengeance. How is that happening? Easy. The code is designed
to slowly gain entrenchment into the existing financial rails and eventually take over as a global reserve settle money. If it happens too quickly or linearly, governments would attempt to shut it down. But If it happens slow enough - and volatile enough - deep entrenchment
Based on the extreme debasement that's been occurring and that's expected to continue, I would suggest adopting a new unit of measure. Although the world will continue to settle in dollars or other major fiat currencies, that doesn't mean you should measure your growth in... 1/
buying power with fiat units. For people that find Bitcoin to be undesirable, the most common alternative is gold. For example, look at the performance of the S&P 500 if you measure it in gold instead of the US dollar. Down 25% since peaking near the end of 2018. 2/
If measuring the S&P500 with dollars over that same period of time (since late 2018), an investor is up nominally 19% in dollar terms, but relative to gold their buying power (for retained earnings) has diminished by 50%. So, this begs an interesting question, what could be 3/
A quote from the book, Big Debt Crises, by Ray Dalio:
"Can reserve-currency countries that don't have significant foreign-currency debt have inflationary depressions? While they are much less likely to have inflationary...1/
contractions that are as severe, they CAN have inflationary DEPRESSIONS, though they emerge more slowly and later in the deleveraging process, after a sustained and repeated overuse of stimulation to reverse deflationary deleveraging. Any country, including one with a ... 2/
reserve currency, can experience some movement out of its currency, which changes the severity of the trade-off between inflation and growth described earlier. If a reserve-currency country permits much higher inflation in order to keep growth stronger by printing lots of ...3/
I can't take the misuse of this terminology any more.
Here's my point of view.
Central banks are aggressively "inflating" the fiat monetary base. Since 2008, the US federal reserve has expanded their balance sheet from .8T to 7.1T. Post 1
That means they have "inflated" that fiat monetary base supply of currency by 21.9% ANNUALLY over that 11 year period of time. Well, then why haven't we seen CPI "inflation"? Easy, because they are buy financial assets with that freshly printed money. Bonds are purchased .. /2
off the open market and freshly printed cash is supplied into the "free and open economy". The problem - the money goes straight into the hands of the people holding assets & only a trickle comes down into the lower income sections of the economy where a majority.. Post 3
Update on Miner Capitulation. So this has been one of the most abnormal price moves I've seen considering the difficulty pressure the miners have been experiencing since the halving. IMHO, this is very bullish for the incoming price action once this epoch is complete. Post 1
In the past 24 hours, it appears the miners have been able to keep pace with the 10 minute block reward flow. This is the first time we've seen that happen in the current Epoch. If that continues to persist (that we remain 180 blocks behind until the next adjustment), Post 2
then I think the potential for a final price drop opportunity is diminished. Could it still happen - of course. But as far as waiting around for it, probably not the best idea. A simple DCA approach for free cash flow waiting on the sidelines is likely the best approach. Post 3
Investing during manipulated market conditions (a thread).
Let's face the facts, you are not participating in free and open markets, so what's an investor to do? Here are a couple important aspects I think people should consider based on the current environment ... Post 1/
First, I think it's important for people to realize global governments are providing large amounts of stimulus - MASSIVE amounts of stimulus. As you can see in this chart, the trend of stimulus has been going strong for more than a decade and it's not letting up ... Post 2/
In fact, it might even be accelerating. So what does this mean for stocks? Well, to date, it has meant the consolidation of earnings power into the hands of the few. Check out this awesome chart from @LynAldenContact. Not only that, but it appears the consolidation ...Post 3/