2 -#Iran#terroist plot chronological facts
Feb 11 2018-Taeb head of #IRGC intelligence sheds light on the terrorist plot ahead saying oppositions efforts in revealing mullahs terrorism & expansionism will receive a slap in the face
Zarif threatens the annual gathering of the NCRI in #Paris paving the way for further retaliate
The terrorist plot was taken to mullahs supreme national security council
#Iran Intelligence terrorist plot was assigned to its Vienna based so-called diplomat #Assadolahassadi a carrier Intel agent and expert in explosive with a CV of carrier out terrorist attacks in #Iraq
June 20, 2018
After1year of preparations, #Assadi was summoned to Tehran
June 22 He personally transferred the explosive device for the plot in his luggage on Austrian airbus flight No. OS872 to #Vienna #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
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June 22-2018
The bomb Assadi had carried in his luggage contained 500gms TATP explosives with remote control detonation mechanisim #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
June 28 #Assadi traveled to Luxembourg & delivered the bomb to 2 terrorist agents: Nasimeh Nami & Amir Sadouni
Assadi had been in contact with these agents and sent them to various countries in #Eu #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
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June 29th
These agents were already under surveillance during bomb delivery
The two agents were arrested while transferring the bomb from their vehicle the 3rd agent Mehrdad Arefani was also arrested #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
The next higher official of the #terrorst bomb plot #Zarif launched efforts to diffuse this Political & diplomatic crisis for the mullahs
His contradictory remarks shed light on his lies #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
12 -#Iran#terroist plot chronological facts
Feb 2019 #Zarif in Munich security conference attempted to minimize the catastrophe & said the operation was an arbitrary attempt by a rogue agent that wasn't taking orders from his chain of command! BUT #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
Nov 5th
Prior to the interview Zarif -in a parliament session- had denied any arbitrary measures in #Iran's centralized theocracy "We are NOT a system to act in arbitrary fashion""Can we do anything without reporting it ?"
14-#Iran#terroist plot chronological facts
LeMonde oct. 20
Quoting Belgium's Intelligence chief writes:
This attack was provoked and planned by #Iran and NOT a single man. #Assadi is working for MOIS = designated as #terrorist organization #ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
15-#Iran#terroist plot chronological facts
Oct 9, 2020
The regime's terror plot scandal becoming a dilemma, its agent #Assadi Literary threatened the Belgian police if his case was not resolved
16 -#Iran#terroist plot chronological facts
The truth? #Assadi is a senior ranking MOIS member & also a member of the Foreign Ministry
Both Ministries are under Rohani & directly under command of so-called leader
MOIS is a terrorist entity nurturing terrorist groups
Appeasement Policy along with neglecting #iran regime's espionage and #terrorism has resulted in regime taking on unprecedented CRIMES despite the high risks.
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Il est temps de rendre #iran responsable de son #terroisme mondial et de son bellicisme
Lire la suite: Un cas compliqué mais très évident de terrorisme devant un tribunal de l'UE en Belgique: est le clou dans le cercueil du terrorisme #Iran
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Son diplomate terroriste, #AssadollahAssadi, emprisonné en #Belgique pour avoir tenté de commettre un attentat à la bombe contre un grand rassemblement iranien en juin 2018, doit être jugé avec trois complices le 27 novembre.
#AssadolahAssadi, qui confond la justice belge avec les commissions de la mort et les procès simulés de la dictature religieuse, a déclaré aux autorités lors d'une réunion de 31 minutes que les Belges "ne réalisent pas ce qui va se passer, en cas de verdict défavorable"