Why haven't data been released from vaccine trials on viral loads to assess reduced infectiousness? Since trials include testing cases for SARS-CoV-2, wouldn't all have 1+ sample from each case? N=185(Vac),11(Plac) (Moderna);162(V),8(P) (Pfizer/BioNtech)? @nataliexdean@mlipsitch
These aren't huge sample sizes for the vaccinated group, but I'm betting there have been more cases in both groups since these results were reported & big effects could be detected even with smallish sample sizes. Given importance of reducing transmission this is big Q.
More explanation: we still have no data on whether Pfizer/Moderna vaccines reduce infection/infectiousness. All we know is it reduces chance of symptomatic infection. If they don't reduce infectiousness, then they don't protect pop around vaccinated person.
This makes a huge difference in vaccine allocation. If vaccines reduce infectiousness, then vaccinating nursing home workers would protect at-risk residents. If not, we'd need to vaccinate all residents to protect them. Same for other groups interacting with at risk individuals.
This even matters when vaccine is widely available. If it doesn't reduce transmission, those not protected (due to refusal to get vaccinated, poor immune response, etc.) would be at-risk. If so, masks, distancing still needed by many.
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Will vaccination of health care workers (HCWs) lead to accidental silent spreading of COVID-19?
Big possible downside to vaccine allocation recommendations w/out data on whether vaccines reduce infectiousness.
The justification for vaccinating HCWs is that they are at high risk of exposure from patients & if infected, removing them from workforce has huge impact on care for patients. So vaccinating them 1st seems like an obvious choice, right? Not w/ available data.
We currently know that 2 vaccines (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna) reduce symptomatic infections by ~95%. But we have zero data on whether they reduce infectiousness (& primate studies indicate vaccine didn't eliminate it: nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.105…; biorxiv.org/content/10.110…)
Very happy to see announcement to re-open elementary schools in NYC. When preventative measures are in place, transmission in schools has been low. Unfortunately only subset of children will be able to return (minorities lose again).
Thread @elizashapiro nytimes.com/2020/11/29/nyr…
A key question early in pandemic was whether schools would be hotspots for transmission of SARS-CoV-2, as they are for influenza. Early papers suggested children were much less likely to be infected, but these studies had flawed methodology.
This tool to calculate risk of becoming infected w/ COVID19 is being promoted by some loud (& not well informed) folks. It gives ridiculously precise probabilities & data simply do not exist to quantify things this precisely.
Short thread zeit.de/wissen/gesundh…
Tool allows you to adjust 1 or more: size of room, duration, # people, ventilation (4 levels!), masks (3 kinds!), speaking duration&volume. Online tool then gives prob of becoming infected & # infected through aerosols w/ precision (e.g. 21%, 2 people infected).
It then gives examples of risk calculation for 5 settings (classroom, restaurant, choir, office, living room). 4 shown here.
Interesting new preprint trying to assess surface transmission of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2.
tl;dr RNA is everywhere but in very low amounts; surface sampling could be useful for surveillance. Risk of infection unknown b/c study didn't look at live/infectious virus.
Short thread
One of the huge early questions about transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was if the virus could be easily transmitted on surfaces. We all heard 1000s of times how much we should wash our hands, in part, to protect us against surface transmission. But...
Epidemiological evidence rarely suggested surface transmission was major issue. The best evidence for the absence of its importance (which is a hard thing to study!) was that (nearly?) all early cases in some locations (e.g. Singapore) could be traced back to known close contact.
New paper showing very high household transmission of COVID-19 in US. I haven't seen detailed summary, so here's one. There's a ton here to think about. Kids, culture, COVID.
Thread. cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/6…
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurs primarily through sustained close contact. Certainly there are rarer more distant spreading events, but study after study shows that close contacts have an order of magnitude higher chances of becoming infected.
How many SARS-CoV-2 infections are there per COVID-19 case now?
Early estimates & guesses suggested there were 10 infections for every case, but these estimates were done when testing capacity was very low. With higher testing capacity & better engagement where are we now?
It's well known that confirmed COVID-19 cases are only a fraction of all infections. Infections can be missed because people are asymptomatic, have mild enough symptoms that they don't get tested, or can't get tested even if they want to due to accessibility.
In Mar-Apr underascertainment of infections was so large & uncertain it led to claims that there may have been hundreds of infections per confirmed case. A famous example is paper suggesting 1/2 of UK MAY have been infected by Mar ft.com/content/5ff646…medrxiv.org/content/10.110…