Hearing from @anyaSIPA on the need to focus on solutions to the crisis in journalism business model. There's global interest in Australia's plans for a mandatory code requiring digital platforms to pay publishers. #regulatedigitalplatforms
As we know so well at @CroakeyNews, COVID has been really tough on journalism sustainability, at same time as demand for news & info has increased, @anyaSIPA tells webinar. We need huge structural shifts, need to get tech companies to pay for news, that will require regulation
A somewhat provocative question from @RDNS_TAI - isn't 'free news' a good thing?! Answer from @JosephEStiglitz raises the immense market power of the digital platforms, how monopolies stop innovation. ie the concerns raised in this recent US report: judiciary.house.gov/uploadedfiles/…
Discussion about immense imbalance between the digital platforms in negotiations with media publishers. If News Corp thinks they are at a disadvantage, then what hope for the smaller publishers? #RegulateDigitalPlatforms#PIJmatters
There's a Q about why ABC & SBS should be included in the code. @anyaSIPA talks about the importance of public broadcasters. It's clear that societies with public broadcasters are often less polarised, have a shared basis of common knowledge & facts, she says. #PIJmatters
It's incredibly impt to include public broadcasters in the code, says @anyaSIPA She encourages us all to appreciate our public broadcasters. Facebook & Google have not done nearly enough to stop the spread of misinformation & disinformation #PIJmatters#RegulateDigitalPlatforms
Everyone would love to see the tech companies pay taxes, says @anyaSIPA They amass billions and give piddling small grants to a few small local media outlets and think that's acceptable - and it's not: @anyaSIPA tells webinar #RegulateDigitalPlatforms#PIJmatters
In the US, one of the levers [for change] is employees of these companies, who've been active in trying to encourage these companies to be socially responsible, says @JosephEStiglitz#RegulateDigitalPlatforms#PIJmatters
Are these companies too big to regulate (given the argument that they have more power than nation states) - question from @anyaSIPA. In reply @JosephEStiglitz says, yes they are big BUT there is a lot of public anger towards them in wake of COVID etc.
Philanthropists/grants impt for non profit sector, says @anyaSIPA Smaller startups have worked out how to make small amounts $. But is very hard to make a go of it, it's hand to mouth. [Yes, we hear you!] small outlets doing good job but not enough to meet info needs of societies
Comments by @JosephEStiglitz : Sustaining PIJ is not about building a business model, that's impossible in current environment. It's about sustaining its public interest roles. We pay from public purse for research for the public good....
He says, We may have to face the reality that like the production of basic research, the production of good information is essential for a well functioning democracy and we're going to have to pay for it.
To put the new report in context, it's worth re-reading our April 2019 coverage of WA's Sustainable Health Review, which led to the inquiry & report released today croakey.org/new-review-cal…
Wonderful seeing all the photos of people and place with this #CommunityControl success story, and an opportunity to reflect on how communities, services & health teams have responded to #COVID19
"Bulgarr Ngaru has not only managed to protect its people from the virus, but continued caring for patients – perhaps not quite in the usual way, but with the same ethos and commitment as ever.... #CommunityControl#OurHealthOurWay
This afternoon I will be tweeting on using social media for research translation & impact, & professional development & advocacy - from a #CroakeyPopUp workshop w @SummerMayFinlay hosted by @BronFredericks & @atsisuq
Before we get started, I will re-share some of the resources and links that we've shared at #CroakeyPopUp hashtag: This one on Twitter and hashtags
Here is a Discussion Paper on An Australian Voluntary Code of Practicefor Disinformation Prepared for Digital Industry Group Inc. (DIGI) by UTS Centre for Media Transition digi.org.au/wp-content/upl… Some tweets from this to follow #RegulateDigitalPlatforms
It would be unwise of the media to uncritically amplify @ScottMorrisonMP talking up the NSW response to #COVID19 as part of his attack on @DanielAndrewsMP et al & the Victorian response. For starters...
He is playing a short-term political game when the outcomes of the NSW response are still unfolding. Many in NSW must be anxious about the cases in healthcare workers at Sydney hospitals: abc.net.au/news/2020-09-0…
Would be interested to hear what public health people in NSW think of the PM's statements, given that the decision to keep NSW "open for business" is being driven by political & economic considerations. How much more difficult has this approach made the work of #publichealth?
Thread: some context re this citation for Tony Abbott: "For eminent service to the people and Parliament of Australia, particularly as Prime Minister, and through significant contributions to trade, border control, and to the Indigenous community" gg.gov.au/sites/default/…
The article cites this statement from Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander orgs: nacchocommunique.com/2014/09/04/ple… "Budget cuts to Indigenous Affairs were impairing the ability of community-controlled organisations to deliver frontline services...