This is really important and everyone should understand how economists are directing the US economy effectively towards MMT (eg unlimited money printing).
Even perverted Keynesianism once feared inflation. Print too many dollars, prices go up, interest rates skyrocket, debt servicing becomes impossible & we default. This has not happened for many reasons. The biggest is debt & $'s are our #1 export.
The more countries, companies, institutions & individuals use $'s & hold USDebt, the less they want these assets to tank. Reserve currency status, without more stable alternatives, gives the US a singular chance to spend **virtually** unlimited cash.
Now EVERYONE-even slowpoke economists, who missed ALL the BLATANT signs of the Great Recession (or were actively complicit), woke up to our magical reality. So they've re-written the rules of macroeconomics, captured in this Atlantic piece I'll break down.…
#1 "most important is to run a deficit. ..US should abandon the goal of balancing its budget when the economy is good, and it should run deficits, sometimes large deficits, in perpetuity."
It's true, we can run big deficits for as long as $'s are the reserve currency.
This masks a slow-motion economic collapse: Ageing, hollowing out of the middle class, trade deficits, borrowing to fund basic expenses & failure to address root causes.
Yes, Japan has dragged along w/a dying population & stratospheric debt/GDP for decades (albeit w/more domestic creditors).
If they can, we can too. But surviving isn't thriving. It is a disincentive to fix underlying problems.
#3 Instead measure interest owed as % of GDP
This is the macroeconomic equivalent of going from a balance sheet to a cash flows statement. As long as rates stay low, we'll make our monthly payments and can buy groceries.
Inspired yet?
#4 "Use deficits to fuel growth"
This I agree with. This is something we should have been doing for decades - investing in revenue-generating activities.
Because our capital is wasted. We're barely making the rent, so to speak. Most of our spending goes to entitlements (Medicare, Medicaid, SS) & military. Very little to address poverty, healthcare, education, drug addiction & GROWTH.
We also give away billions a year in tax breaks & loopholes to politically-connected corporations & wealthy people with no justifiable upside. The 2017 tax cuts did more of that (but did reduce mortgage & state tax deductions, which were regressive).
We're not good at asset allocation & stimulating growth. I broke down our government's spotty history in stimulating industry in episode 3 of my healthcare podcast series.
So where's this going? As much as I hate to say it, towards MMT.
MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) basically argues we (esp US) can solve all problems through money printing.
So what should we do?
The good news is we have the time and resourced to fix our problems.
What we don't have is the sense of urgency or talent to do it.
Our current system is bogged down with mismanaged programs, corrupt cronies & lack of vision.
But if we could...
My draft economic prescription:
1-Massively increase immigration+assimilation
2-Pro-family policies/birth incentives
3-Private job training/apprenticeship incentives
4-Co-fund entrepreneurs, R&D
5-Untether healthcare from jobs
6-Prison/poverty job/rehab incentives
7-Free land in dying cities (Detroit) for path to citizenship
8-Align financial interests of big business & US citizens (more on this soon)
It's easy to get caught up in our own dogmas & biases. It's also unfashionable to admit mistakes, not knowing something, evolving on an issue, or dismissing someone you shouldn't have.
Here, I'll try to track my mistakes, changed opinions & lessons.
I didn't know much about Malcolm X, nor did I try to learn. I knew of his 'by any means necessary' mantra but defaulted MLK's vaunted alternative. Having watched hours of his speeches, I realize how much truth there is in Malcolm & his ideas. #IWasWrong
Despite going to Yeshiva, I thought atheism, scientism & skepticism were more evolved than faith. As I watch them devolve into soulless, unforgiving dogmas, I now value faith as a vessel for meaning, values & compassion. Albeit from a distance. #IWasWrong
The Apple strategy with its new M1 computer chips is analogous to iPhone vs Android.
iPhone's integration of hardware + software + app store has a cohesion that dozens of 3rd party hardware manufacturers can't have with multiple Android versions & loosely-regulated app store.
Google has tried to reign this in by mandating manufacturer standards to get Google Apps, but it leaves much to hardware makers, who are also desperate to differentiate.
The M1 chip w/integrated RAM/GPU/APU performs better, lets Apple retain premium pricing, but unlikely to shift share.
-market is mature
-*most* software runs well on 6 yo PCs
-new ones are cheap
The 1 exception: if Apple goes HARD after gaming market, where performance matters.
Even the richest & most successful are bound by
- social norms
- personal/business obligations
- their perceptions of themselves (remember this one...)
But some are closer to speaking - or SIGNALING - truth than others.
Qualities of The Emancipated:
✅Wealthy (don't have to work)
✅Perpetual learners
✅Public (seek media/social media attention)
✅Clear motivations
People with this profile are *best positioned* to speak truth & model essential patterns.
1. Paris accord was toothless & symbolic. Yes, we should absolutely be at the table, but hard commitments will only come from clean innovation w/real ROI
2. College debt forgiveness is regressive pandering to elites, where the 70% who don't go to college subsidize the 30% who CHOSE to go & will soon out-earn them. It;s obscene & doesn't solve the real problem.
3. Yes, drug prices must be lowered but NOT by removing all incentive to work on important diseases by invalidating patents! (I evaluare negotiation, importation, patent reform & others in The McFuture universal healthcare podcast
Online voting could be done w/bank SSO. You'd sign into a secure, private voting site using your bank's credentials, where you're already verified. Like Google or Facebook login on 3rd party sites. This can also be an opportunity to give accounts & benefit xfers to poor/unbanked.
This is not unprecedented. Companies like Intuit (TurboTax) and Yodlee access your bank, broker and ADP (paycheck) accounts to pull in W-2s and financial account data.
If done on mobile, additional sensors/camera can be used to aid in the verification/authentication process.
Proposal: New Framework for Section 230 Protections
As social networks increasingly make editorial decisions, are they still "platforms" that should be protected from illegal acts by their users?
My 2 main criteria:
—banning people beyond legal requirements
—post selection
If banning people and choosing posts (whether human or algorithmic selection), they are publishers and should have comparable legal exposure.
Same even if they don't ban people beyond legal mandates.
If they do neither, section 230 should protect them.
Trickiest one is no post selection (other than user-controlled), but accounts are banned.
If there's clear banning criteria ("hate" likely too mushy & has no legal standing) AND clear path to redemption, plus some sort of follower portability, a version of 230 should apply.