Do you 😍promontory forts? Today in #HillfortsWednesday we will show you a 2-in-1 solution! Welcome to Neixón forts (Boiro, #Galicia). Were they good neighbours? Who payed the community expenses? There's a good mistery here. Let's go to the thread!👇
First: it's all about location. The Neixón Forts were built at the bottom of the Ría de Arousa, the biggest firth of Galicia. This is a safe and quiet space for docking and they became a trade hub in the prehistory. #HillfortsWednesday
...but both forts never coexisted! The oldest is Neixón Pequeno, the southern one, founded at the end of the Bronze Age. In the 1920 decade, archaeologist found here revealed the first evidence of trading between Gallaecian people and Phoenician traders. #HillfortsWednesday
When Neixón Pequeno was abandoned in the middle of Iron Age, Neixón Grande was built, but without houses inside! Excavations revealed that the fort was used as a facility, and during the Iron Age a lot of storage pits were built. And something fascinating. #HillfortsWednesday
There were a lot of pits full of Gallaecian and Mediterranean pottery close to the East gate. And ditches were filled in Iron Age with ritual offerings: luxury objects, unbroken vessels, sea food and bones. This was more a magical ditch that a physical one. #HillfortsWednesday
So, Neixón Grande looks like a hillfort but it is not exactly a hillfort: archeologists found complete banquet sets in the pits. It was a place to encounter, trade, celebrate, preserve, not for daily life. #HillfortsWednesday
Latest excavations revealed a huge medieval building inside Neixón Grande, interpreted as a possible Late Antiquity church. The sacred sense of the space still remain today. There is a vivid romería and the priest give mass in front of the ramparts! #HillfortsWednesday
Este temporal permite un pequeno prodixio: descubrir a traza máis occidental do continente dun antigo ser mitolóxico. Mirade ben este vídeo, porque isto se pode ver poucas veces. Vedes unha rompente pequena que escacha á dereita de Punta Nariga? 👇
(Grazas a Xosé Manuel Varela)
Ese baixo chámase A de Couce. E a xente de Malpica conta que é unha pedra que botou alá o cabalo branco de Santiago coa pata antes de dar o seu último chimpo. O cabalo branco tamén deixou pegada noutro lugares dese promontorio máxico que é Nariga.
Hai lendas dos chimpos do cabalo branco de Santiago por todo o país. As súas pegadas fican gravadas para sempre nos penedos. Ás veces son marcas naturais, outras petróglifos auténticos, coma estas ferraduras de Primadorno (Silleda).
Se é posible, todos os 25 de decembro pola mañá subo ao monte. Hoxe o Barbanza estaba precioso: 3 graos, vento do Norte cortante. Se gustas a arqueoloxía, hai que visitalo así, porque nesas condicións aprendes a ver como os antigos. Explícome. 👇
A serra ten un clima duro. Na paisaxe aberta, calquera cambio orográfico, un petón, provoca unha variación térmica. En días coma hoxe, cando camiñas e de súpeto notas caloriña, párate a mirar. É moi posible que atopes un antigo hábitat humano.
Son fermosos e misteriosos. Aldeíñas de cabanas circulares ao resgardo dos ventos, preservadas durante centos de anos. Un proxecto de investigación recente do GEPN amosou datos alucinantes: pastores e agricultores vivindo durante milenios na serra.…
O Pazo de Meirás pódese tamén ver como un colosal dispositivo fake: unha simulación destinada a leximitar os seus habitantes a través da relación co pasado.
O inventario permítenos apreciar unha obsesión reveladora: os escudos heráldicos.
Tired after a long day of hunting or a hard run against the neighboring hillfort? Try relaxing in a sweat lodge, those fascinating Iron Age buildings from Gallaecia that we will visit in this #hillfortswednesday 📸by @par_virtual
The sweat lodges are very unique buildings from the Iron Age in NW Iberia. They are concentrated in the west of Asturias and in the north of Portugal.
It has not yet been explained why there are so few in the central region.
📸by Marco G. Quintela
The most spectacular part is the 'pedra formosa' (the beautiful stone). In the southern sweat lodges they are beautifully decorated, with deep symbolism. The entrance to the heat chamber is always very narrow and small. #hillfortswednesday
Tras a celebración dos 500 anos da Asemblea de Melide, quérovos contar como concibimos esta ilustración feita por Alberto Taracido para o @consellocultura. A ilustración, que amosa un momento da redacción das capitulacións, é a suma de moitas decisións e ideas. Imos aló. 👇
A primeira é a idea xeral da escena: está inspirada na pintura historicista do século XIX. A "pintura de historia" ten un longo percorrido na arte europea, pero no Barroco multiplícase: desde historia clásica ata propaganda das monarquías.
No século XIX engádense novas capas de interese: os novos Estados Nación buscan construír mitos fundacionais e as academias e institución patrocinan estas imaxes. Por iso moitas veces acúdese á Idade Media, buscando unha certa distancia mítica.
Here is the great hillfort of Nemeño (Ponteceso, #Galicia), ruling a fertile valley. There has been a village inside the ramparts since at least the 9th century. In this new thread of #hillfortswednesday you will discover about old seaways, Vikings, place names and great poets.
Nemeño Hillfort controls not only the land, but is also very close to the sea and open to seaways. In the 19th century it was discovered here a Bronze Age spearhead with a rapier-shaped blade, clearly connected with British or Irish concepts at this time. #hillfortswednesday
The church of Cores, very close to the hillfort, keeps an ara dedicated to Jupiter by the inhabitants of the hillfort of Aviliobris, which means in ancient Celtic, "the windy hill(fort)". Could this be the original name of the hillfort of Nemeño? #hillfortswednesday