I told myself I would stop reading pieces about admissions lotteries. But I cracked and read that NYT piece. I expected the worst and it was worse than I expected.
Beyond all the inherent issues with lotteries that I talked about in that thread, here's what really bugged me about this piece: its condescension toward community college professors and presumption about instruction in the Ivy League.
The plan, of course, is hopelessly vague and impractical. The author seems to be proposing that the Ivy League use a lottery to admit students who typically enroll in community colleges.
The entire Ivy League enrolls 14,676 students new students each year. That's 2.5% of the 572,000 students who attend a community college right out of high school. And that's just a tiny portion of the close to 6 million students who enroll in community colleges each fall.
There's no consideration of how such a program would work. Of course. This isn't meant to be a realistic proposal. It's a complaint about wealth and privilege that's still trapped in the assumptions of wealth and privilege, e.g., "elite" colleges provide the best education.
The piece says Ivy Leagues should take on "the hard work of remediation." Beyond the question of redesigning a curriculum in a few months time, there's the assumption that Ivy League professors would do as good a job at working with students who typically go to community college.
I taught at an Ivy for three years. It was the easiest teaching I've ever done. I'm not saying that there aren't fantastic teachers at super selective schools. There are. But there are also fantastic teachers at 2 year schools, regional publics, etc. Let's support them.
The answer to the problem of community colleges not having enough resources to serve their students is not a lottery that would benefit 15,000 students.
There's been some coverage of a boom in the number of students applying Early Decision or Restricted Early Action to college this fall. I'm much more interested in the number of students colleges are *admitting* early this year.
It's early days yet. Full numbers are not available at many places. Lots of colleges that do ED do 2 rounds of it, so it's too soon to compare this year with last year.
I don't care about surging application numbers or declining admit rates (funny how those travel together, right?), because that's an issue for the advantaged--and they'll be fine, despite the concerns of their consultants.
A college degree can transform individuals, families, and communities. One problem is that we give too little recognition to the institutions that have the largest impact on social mobility. THREAD
Another problem is not all institutions lead to good outcomes for low-income students. That's why @EdReformNowUSA produced our Social Mobility Elevators brief, which identifies 4-yr institutions that have positive outcomes for students with Pell Grants. edreformnow.org/wp-content/upl…
The first and maybe most alarming thing we found was that there are only 614 4-yr colleges and universities out of almost 2,000 where students with Pell Grants are more likely to earn a degree than to leave without one and where students repay their loans at acceptable rates.
The Washington Post published this shocking chart today.
It's got everything to do with the future of community colleges in the US. Source: washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/…
Last week, @NSClearinghouse released some preliminary data on enrollments (It represents about 22% of IHEs.) which looked surprisingly not bad for 4-yr institutions, but terrible for community colleges. Source: nscresearchcenter.org/stay-informed/
What's notable is that during the last recession, community college enrollment went up. What's different this time?
source: ccrc.tc.columbia.edu/easyblog/commu….
Some universities are admitting no grad students in the humanities this year. It should probably be all of them. chronicle.com/article/more-d…
There are currently 36 assistant professor listings in the US and Canada for jobs teaching literature in English. 5 are in listed as American lit. 3 are listed as British.
It gets worse. 7 of those 36 jobs are in creative writing, so we're really talking about 29 jobs for *every English Phd earned a PhD in the past couple years*.
I feel so awful for the people who spent so much time and worked hard to earn a degree for which there are no jobs.
The complaints about US News and World Report's rankings go back further than that, however. Here's a story from 1989 about college presidents meeting with the magazine in 1987 to complain.
33 years after that visit, the magazine is gone but the rankings persist.