The globalist's Master-Plan introduces NEW restrictions on our daily lives, we are now being offered only 2 choices.
A. Forced to stay in Economy busting Rolling Lockdowns or B. Prove immunity via Tests & Vaccine Certificates.
The core of this #COVID19 conspiracy is DATA, our Health data, that's what they ultimatly want & according to that data using #AI and #Analytics to form the new social control structures and privileges.
This also opens the way for touchless, #Biometrics & smarter societies.
Tony Blair Today:
"We have the best data systems in the world. Collecting data in one place, with one patient record is going to be absolutely vital, testing, vaccinations, every single thing to do with the development of this disease, is needed."
"We need to record every single piece of data we can lay your hands on because we will be adjusting our vaccination programme as we go - we may even have to adjust the vaccine itself."
Mr Blair also said "While its important to prioritise the vulnerable & health care staff, this should not delay vaccinating those who were more likely to spread the disease, such as students.
Students are key because of the high take up of technology & smart devices usage.
Here's the kicker:
"Within six months no country in the world will allow travellers in without proof of their disease status a Health Passport and wants @govuk to build a vast database of patient records, tests and vaccinations to data mine".
It would seem inevitable that any Health Passport would end up being used not just for foreign travel but at home, with restaurants, shops and even employers demanding to know about an individual's virus status.
This is what will be happening in every country.
The manufacturing of a new strain was predicted months ago, dubbed #COVID21. This has led coutries to close its borders on the UK. Now as many as 10,000 lorry drivers are thought to be waiting to cross the Channel.
The Military and NHS are currently carrying out a mass testing programme after France confirmed it would allow hauliers with a negative Covid test to travel across the French border. Next Health Passports will be suggested as the only way in or out.
This is a world wide implementation plan or Health dictatorship and now French citizens who refuse the #COVID19 vaccine will be BANNED from all public transport under their new ‘Green Passport’ scheme.
The new bill proposes to deny “Access to transport to locations, as well as certain activities” to those unable to prove that they received a “preventative treatment” for #COVID19, including a vaccine, or produce a negative virus screening.
We now have Health Passport hit peices promoting new 1984 control grid as a necessary way to escape the pandemic.
"Passports would give us freedom to go to pubs, restaurants, schools and workplaces thereby providing a huge boost to the economy."
He is urging the @govuk to 'Commit to rolling out a national health passport by Q2 2021, that keeps the economy and society open, reopens travel and avoids future lockdowns.'
And the @DHSCgovuk with its plan to deploy a negative #COVID19 test certifications to enable workplaces, educational centres, health & social care services & places of business to open to members of the public"
"Proof of vaccination should be available from the moment vaccination starts. Certificates could for example be useful in the context of travel, work, showing that a person has been vaccinated".
And now the @WHO are onbording into Vaccine Certificates. This is no longer a conspiracy theory but the real agenda behind #COVID19. This is now our reality.
Some whose freedoms to leave their house or to welcome family at Christmas have been curtailed, may think that giving away their private data is a price worth paying for a return to normality. Except its not to be normal.
To add insult to injury, the Fact Checkers are at it again; now claiming that Britain has not awarded contracts to develop Vaccine Passports.
No its not a Vaccine Passport, its a Digital Biometric Vaccine Certificate, which will expire at 6 months.
The Known Traveller Digital Identity, or KTDI, is a World Economic Forum initiative that brings together a global consortium of individuals, governments, authorities and the travel industry to enhance security in world travel.
The KTDI concept shows great potential for use beyond the travel industry, including applications in healthcare, education, banking, humanitarian aid and other sectors.
The UK to use full touchless Biometric Data as sole authentication for international travel.
"This strategy will support ambition of having the world's most effective border that creates prosperity and enhances security for a global United Kingdom."
"The #COVID19 pandemic has shown the importance of ensuring that passenger travel is as resilient as possible. Developing processes that are less reliant on personal contact and interaction may be key to this".
Tom Bollyky of the Council on Foreign Relations @CFR_org. Spoke to NPR. 👇
"Thomas J. Bollyky is director of the global health program and senior fellow for global health, economics, and development at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)".
"The British minister for vaccine deployment suggested that, quote, "Proof of Vaccination would be required at restaurants, bars, sporting events." But then there was a huge outcry, and he had to walk back the statement."
"So internationally there is really just a handful of countries are going to have access to vaccines, that may be true all the way into 2022 or later. But there's also the issue of privileging people's immune status as an ability to be able to participate in economic life."
"@DHSCgovuk is planning to deploy a negative #COVID19 test certification to enable workplaces, educational centres, health & social care services & places of business to open to members of the public"
Gradual implementation of traffic and travel restrictions on an ongoing basis, starting with large metropolitan areas first (Manchester London, Birmingham) and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.
The introduction of Health Passports would come with a myriad of operational, medical, legal, ethical and human rights issues.
Access to Vaccines, as well as the technology required for a Health Certificates, will depend on age, economic status, nationality, health and disability, pregnancy, and more.