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May 30th 2023
$BioFi Everything you wanna node 🧵

Biometric ecosystem leveraging blockchain technology to safeguard personal data. It's a utility token that binds together a secure set of solutions developed by @Finnovant, Inc., and key providers. #BioFi #Blockchain #Biometrics Image
$BioFi addresses concerns about personal data protection and fraud. The $BioFi utility token is available through an online ecosystem that contains secure products, easy to download, activate, and purchase with the $BioFi token. #DataSecurity #Crypto
BioFi has real-life utility functions already launched in the market: Say-Tec API and developer portal, Krptic cryptocurrency wallet, Phēnix X1 Secure Android node mining smartphone, and UniSafeBox password manager. #DeFi #CryptoWallet Image
Read 14 tweets
May 11th 2023
1. ) @AnnieJacobsen vindicates my research in many ways.
We really need to connect with each other and get @twilabrase , @dougvalentine77 and host a space.

With that, let's begin these short but information-dense tweets that will be the basis for much lengthier posts.
2.) Operation Igloo White is the start ( for all intents and purposes) of ALL modern day Spyware / mass-surveillance programs ; only preceded by the PROMIS software and it's many interations.


... To name a few .
3. ) For many years I've spoken about the unseen influence of MAXIMUS upon the population of US and the countries they operate programs in , and have essentially subverted entire countries' governments through privatization .

David Vincent Mastran . Remember that name .
Read 13 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Flickr to copyleft trolls: drop dead;; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/
Flickr to copyleft trolls: drop dead. Pixsy's predators no longer welcome.

Read 26 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
Soeben erschienen: ein 3-Teiler mit @JannesvanRoermu über #Covidpass #Covidzertifikat Wir haben nachgehakt, Zusammenhänge mit #FunctionCreep und E-Id gefunden. @RecheckHealth hat einen Leak gekriegt um was mit unsere Daten passiert #CovidGesetzNein #CovidGesetzJa (1/)
Was #FunctionCreep von Innovation unterscheidet ist die qualitative Veränderung der Funktionsweise. Einer der möglichen Function Creeps für das #Covidzertifikat überschneidet sich mit der Agenda von mächtigen Interessensgruppen #Privacy #Datenschutz #digsec
Unterdessen behauptet @BAG_OFSP_UFSP das #Covidzertifikat #CovidPass sei nur lokal in der App der Smartphone gespeichert. Ein Leak und weitere Recherchen haben gezeigt: es stimmt nicht. #UVCI #transparenz #digsec >>…
Read 11 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
Just out: a 3-parts series with @JannesvanRoermu on #Covidpass #Covidcertificate We’ve been digging deeper in its links to #FunctionCreep and E-id. Bonus material: @RecheckHealth received a leak on what happens with our data when tested/jabbed #CovidGesetzNein #CovidGesetzJa (1/)
What distinguishes #FunctionCreep from innovation: it involves a qualitative change in functionality. One of the possible function creeps for #Covidpass #Covidcertificate coincides with the agenda of powerful interest groups. #privacy #dataprotection…
Meanwhile, in Switzerland @BAG_OFSP_UFSP claims #COVIDcertificate is stored only locally in the App on your smartphone: "Neither personal data nor the certificates are stored in a central system”. A leak and further research showed: it's more complicated than that #UVCI (3/)
Read 11 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
Sept 29 2021: On sidelines of 76th session of the UN Gen. Assembly, the #G7 Partnership for Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion in #Africa. #Gates

Framed as inclusion - in reality, entry point into #debt economy for billions w/ absolute compliance.


#WorldBank, July 22, 2021: "Building on existing international norms, the ID Principles were first developed and published in 2017 by a group of orgs committed to supporting the development of identification systems"

#SDGs #digitalidentity #ID4D

#blockchain will further chain impoverished:

"Our loan officer is that SIM card in the device that can shut it off remotely," ... "We know that it's important for them to keep their lights on at night, so they can be counted on to keep paying."

Read 4 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
Learning thread.

"By 2030, our goal is to enable access to #digitalidentity for every person on the planet." — 2017 ID2020 Summit

2014: ID2020 public-private p'ship

2016: ID2020 Alliance: Accenture, #Microsoft, #Gavi, #Rockefeller, IDEO

2021: #ID2020 launches #GoodHealthPass Image
#ID2020 is very quiet having published a single video in 10 months - the #GoodHealthPass launch event (Feb 11 2021 w/ 2,452 views). Equally restrained is the Twitter account created Jan 2021, w/ a mere 384 followers - & 12 tweets. ID2020 Twitter is also on hiatus. #Strategy ImageImageImageImage
"Urgency - While standards-development processes typically move slowly, a cross-sector effort is urgently required to bring #goodhealthpass solutions to market in 2021 & to scale globally – with the same urgency applied to #vaccine development." Image
Read 32 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
Do you see it yet? This is a permanent program ushering in digital passports, #surveillance, & a new #data economy, global in scale. #Vaccines are about emerging markets - not health. The bedrock of #4IR #biotechnology going forward.

"#Mask of the Future - World Economic Forum"
"BreathTech-S³ #smart-material sensor & #Bluetooth-connected app. allows users to monitor breathing #data in real-time... #IoT

#CO2 build-up - if air quality [] is reduced, the user will be alerted to find a safe place to take a breath of fresh air,..."
Chatham House Futurescape, 3-D digital model of London, 2021-2035. A jumbotron on left reminds (faceless) citizens to #test. 'VR holidays' which appear in 2060, "are already being rolled out today as a reaction to the restrictions on travel." [April 14, 2021] #4IR #GreatReset
Read 7 tweets
Mar 26th 2021
#Universal Sign-on #VS #Single Sign-on: Imagine logging into an app.

1) First you load the site

1.5) Load the login page or locate the sign in forum

2) Then you click single sign-on with examples: @apple @google or @microsoft @facebook @twitter

3) A pop up window loads
4) In that pop up you have to either login again but to a different service or if you’re lucky already signed in

5) Grant access to the site to one of your above accounts FYI @apple has great privacy email options now
6) Pop up closes

7) you are sent to a new page which triggers the login and now the logged in version of the site loads (Multiple page loads here)
Read 10 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
International Air Transport Association.



The International Air Transport Association (@IATA is a trade association of the world's airlines founded in 1945. IATA has been described as a cartel since in setting technical standards for airlines.


The Travel Pass app, developed by the International Air Transport Association (@IATA), will allow passengers to present pre-departure tests or vaccine certificates on arrival at their destination, enabling them to sidestep quarantine or other restrictions.

@IATA is currently in talks with the UK DfT over the apps use and to which the new 'Covid Status Certificates' for those who have been vaccinated could be added and tied to.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 23rd 2020

Super Thread:

The Digital #NewNormal Part 11:

The globalist's Master-Plan introduces NEW restrictions on our daily lives, we are now being offered only 2 choices.

A. Forced to stay in Economy busting Rolling Lockdowns or B. Prove immunity via Tests & Vaccine Certificates.

The core of this #COVID19 conspiracy is DATA, our Health data, that's what they ultimatly want & according to that data using #AI and #Analytics to form the new social control structures and privileges.

This also opens the way for touchless, #Biometrics & smarter societies.

Tony Blair Today:

"We have the best data systems in the world. Collecting data in one place, with one patient record is going to be absolutely vital, testing, vaccinations, every single thing to do with the development of this disease, is needed."…
Read 22 tweets
Nov 22nd 2020

The first UK lockdown began on 16th March 2020.

3 days later this article appeared.

Bill Gates pointed to major changes for ordinary people that could have privacy and civil rights implications.

What did he say?…

“Eventually we will have some 'Digital Certificates' to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” said Gates.

Gates also called for a “National Tracking System”.

This was the first official hint as to what was planned. Image
Read 23 tweets
Oct 25th 2020

"We must move on from Neoliberalism in the post-COVID era. The 'Great Reset' offers an opportunity to re-evaluate sacred cows, defining the pre-pandemic era: the coming #Industry40 and the digitization of countless economic activities."…

"The #COVID19 crisis is going to accelerate a number of changes and transformations in human society. Notably, the pandemic is expected to significantly accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution."…
Read 26 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
The Digital #NewNormal Part 7:


#COVID19 #DigitalIdentity #ID2020 #GreatReset #NHSCOVID19app #HealthPassport #ImmunityPassport
#CommonPass #COVAX

In Jan 2020 The @wef published a document "Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative"…

"For healthcare players, a patient-led connected health experience offers more targeted and sustainable treatments even at home, reducing the cost of processing health records and of hospitalization, and opening the door to truly personalized, targeted healthcare"

This is the digital future we need.

"We stand at a pivotal moment in the creation of our digital world. We urge leaders, practitioners and experts from all sectors and countries to contribute to and support these processes"…
Read 41 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020

Following the launch of #NHSCOVID19app AKA the new Digital Health ID and #HealthPassport.


Its been downloaded by over 14 million people in England and Wales, around 25% of the population now have it. Image
Read 37 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
@fascinatorfun @mikarv It looks like the SI for the 2nd six-month extension of the retention of #DNA & #biometrics powers for National Security Determinations, under s24 of the #CoronavirusAct2020.

The statutory guidance for NSDs is here:…

If they are using NSDs (which must...
@fascinatorfun @mikarv in writing, and signed by a senior police officer in each individual case) for any purpose OTHER than those laid out in the relevant counter-terrorism laws, then they're truly fucked.

Maybe ask the Biometrics Commissioner how many NSDs have been made under COVID?
@fascinatorfun @mikarv Extending 'em a further six months is worrying for reasons other than just the extraordinary powers themselves, though: it's an admission from Government that police forces' capacities are as limited as they were at the peak of the first wave, for matters of #NationalSecurity...
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Context for this [Thread]:…

And overview of @WFP #SCOPE: ……

Noting it is also a #biometric #IDcard:…

53 out of 80 million 'potential beneficiaries' is dwarfed by the 1.253 *billion* on #Aadhaar; ~140 million...
...adults on #CNIC in Pakistan; the 110 million whose #biometrics have already been taken for the as-yet-undelivered Brazilian #IDscheme; & is (roughly) equivalent to the numbers now registered on Nigeria's #centralisedID system.

@WorldBank's dataset:… ... a bit dated, and focused on who's NOT registered - it's everyone's "right to be officially #identified', don'tcha know - but I do the maths periodically to keep an eye on the global picture as it #metastasises.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 14th 2020
Oh, @ukhomeoffice has been working on it for quite some time!

Alan will no doubt remember the #UKBordersAct2007:… which at the time we (@NO2ID) said was the thin end of the wedge...
For years, @ukhomeoffice has resisted a proper #statutory framework, independent #oversight & #safeguards for its use of #biometrics. And its risible 2018 'Biometrics Strategy':… paved the way for it to spend hundreds of millions on its "#HOB"...
...(#HomeOfficeBiometrics programme) which is clearly not intending to stop at just #faces and #fingerprints 👇 Image
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15th 2019
ICO opens investigation into use of facial recognition in King's Cross…
“Scanning people’s faces as they lawfully go about their daily lives in order to identify them is a potential threat to privacy that should concern us all,” Denham (@iconews) said. “That is especially the case if it is done without people’s knowledge or understanding.”
@ICOnews "Last month the House of Commons science and technology committee suggested authorities cease trials of such technology until a legal framework was established."
Read 26 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
(1/7) What roadmap should #fintech take in the future? Huang Qifan, academic advisor of CF40 and Vice-Chairman of CCIEE shared his insights on P2P and Internet finance on CF40 Yichun Forum.…
(2/7) Huang said “In recent years, under the cover of internet finance, #P2P has successfully attracted savings from netizens with de facto high-interest loans. Repay the debt with new lending through cash pooling has resulted in a host of Ponzi schemes under the internet system.
(3/7) Either #TechFin or #FinTech doesn't and won’t overthrow fundamental principles of traditional finance and financial security. In this regard, we should not only exert the #digital platform to the utmost, but also stick to principles and ideology of modern finance.
Read 7 tweets

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