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Jan 20th 2023
#Globalist Jews Created And Run Communist #China
- Israel #Epstein was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party.
- Sidney #Shapiro, an American Jew, was a high ranking member of CCP’s govt
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, '19
"Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and occupation of the US body politic by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania & Russia, ALL becomes clear."
Read 20 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
#Protest against #Covid19 #lockdown after fire kills 10 in Xinjiang | Nov 26
- Late Friday, videos circulated widely on the Chinese internet showing throngs of residents in #Urumqi marching to a government building and chanting “end lockdowns,”…
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, 2019
- The #genocide experienced by the #russians in Ukraine, funded by the #oligarchs and carried out by the #Azov-#Nazi - battalions is a copy the #China’s genocide against the #Uyghurs
#Rothschildism #MSM: 154 articles in less than two days.
Title: "#China's Communist Party to celebrate 100th #birthday in show of pomp and power."
Read 28 tweets
Jan 28th 2021

Tony's STILL banging on about #IDcards, nearly 20yrs later - 'cos make no mistake, that's what #VaccinePassports will become.

Just as WWII's [left 👇] became @10DowningStreet/@ukhomeoffice's [right 👇] with a centralised #biometric #NationalIdentityRegister behind it... ImageImage will #YellowCards [left 👇] morph into 'just an #app on your #phone' [right 👇] - claimed to be 'not #mandatory', of course (unless you want to live your life, work or travel...) and with the centralised #biometric #registration Government has wanted all along. ImageImage
So here's a few questions the #HealthPassport headbangers must answer:

1a) When Heathrow re-opens, given (current) #vaccines don't prevent #transmission, aren't people still going to have to be #tested?

1b) If people have to be tested anyway, what's the point of the 'passport'?
Read 6 tweets
Dec 20th 2020

Thread Exclusive:

UK #COVID19 Negative Certification and a Biometric #HealthPassport at the very least are being considered & developed by @DHSCgovuk.


Credit goes to @LutherBurgsvik for the contracts find.

On 18th December @GOVUK published a new contract titled "Covid-19 Certification / Passport MVP".

"A minimum viable product is a concept from Lean Startups that stresses the impact of learning in new product development."…

Titled "Covid-19 Certification / Passports"

Company is @netcompany_uk 👇

"@DHSCgovuk is planning to deploy a negative #COVID19 test certification to enable workplaces, educational centres, health & social care services & places of business to open to members of the public"
Read 23 tweets
Oct 25th 2020

"We must move on from Neoliberalism in the post-COVID era. The 'Great Reset' offers an opportunity to re-evaluate sacred cows, defining the pre-pandemic era: the coming #Industry40 and the digitization of countless economic activities."…

"The #COVID19 crisis is going to accelerate a number of changes and transformations in human society. Notably, the pandemic is expected to significantly accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution."…
Read 26 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
The Digital #NewNormal Part 7:


#COVID19 #DigitalIdentity #ID2020 #GreatReset #NHSCOVID19app #HealthPassport #ImmunityPassport
#CommonPass #COVAX

In Jan 2020 The @wef published a document "Reimagining Digital Identity: A Strategic Imperative"…

"For healthcare players, a patient-led connected health experience offers more targeted and sustainable treatments even at home, reducing the cost of processing health records and of hospitalization, and opening the door to truly personalized, targeted healthcare"

This is the digital future we need.

"We stand at a pivotal moment in the creation of our digital world. We urge leaders, practitioners and experts from all sectors and countries to contribute to and support these processes"…
Read 41 tweets
Oct 3rd 2020

Following the launch of #NHSCOVID19app AKA the new Digital Health ID and #HealthPassport.


Its been downloaded by over 14 million people in England and Wales, around 25% of the population now have it. Image
Read 37 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
Here's an extensive #thread on how #BCCI put the bio-secure bubble in place when franchises first landed in #UAE for #IPL2020.

The Board issued a circular underlining dos & don'ts for the tournament & strict protocols to go with it. Below is the circular in detail...

As advised in the Overview of Health and Safety Protocols for #IPL, each team was required to form a Bio Secure Environment and to follow all the #BCCI protocols which will include: A) Testing; B) Health Passport; C) Contact Tracing.
#Testing: Delhi-based VPS Healthcare Group undertook all #Covid testing in UAE. Exclusive Testing room was set up in each Bio-Secure bubble and qualified nurses, wearing full PPE kits collected nasopharyngeal samples from team members.
Read 21 tweets
Aug 24th 2020



New Travel Pass Information Digital Framework from @wef is coming

#CommonPass: Helping people travel the world in the Covid era.


This simple digital solution could help streamline global travel and boost trade during COVID.

#CommonPass could jumpstart economic recoveries by helping people safely travel between countries, all while protecting their private data and containing the virus.

The framework lets travelers access lab test results & vaccination records held through existing data systems or personal digital health records apps (such as Apple Health or @Android Common Health).

So both #COVID19 Testing and Vaccine Data is shared.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Super Thread: #NewNormal Part 1:


Using behavioural science, society will be nudged towards routine DNA testing.

To Get Back to the Things we Love. Let’s Get Tested. Image
The Behavioural Insights Team - also known as the Nudge Unit - is now a social purpose company.

It is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta.…
The BI Team applies behavioural insights to inform policy, improve public services and deliver positive results for people and communities.…
Read 81 tweets

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