It infuriates me that today in 2020, we have Indian Agents working and being paid for by the crown to 'cast doubts and suspicions' on who an Indigenous women is, when historically this started by the damn Indian Act after 1876. Today they are still having their voices silenced by
Today this women are trying to move forward, trying to reclaim their identities stolen from them by Canada, and they can expect mobs of angry twitter Academics trying to humiliate and shame them for the work they have put in, because their communities do not want to claim them.
SUPREME COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA- Citation Toney v. Toney Estate, 2018 NSSC 179- After 1876 women could not control their own cultural identity. - The Indian Act created a legal fiction as to cultural identity. RCAP Report Vol4. c.2.png
Don't fucking tell me you care about #MMIW on one hand, and tell me 'they are not Indian' enough to be claimed on another.. Just fucking don't. These are women who have already been marginalized and cast aside. Note to Indigenous women who already have enough damn stress in their
lives, damned if you do and damned if you don't. That is how Canada wants to play this.
So dickeroux, do not fucking tell me, these women are race-shifting trying to take back their identities, re-connecting to their cultures, that Canada fucking stole from them and their communities don't want them. #raceshifting.… -- ah this is who they send after little ole me. "uses social medial to measure public perception" .. What ya finding out there Tyler, that not everyone is a brainwashed sheep.
" His graduate research was focused on identity-construction, cultural and authenticity, and decolonization." Oh you can't even make this shit up, a real expert but has never heard of Metis in the East. lmao
"He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology from Saint Mary’s University and A Master of Arts in Sociology from the University of Guelph"
Micmac News 1981-05b- Native Council Elections on - Mrs Viola Robinson- said the recent decision by the Dept of Justice rejecting the Metis and NonStatus Indian Aboriginal claim .
unsi president supports claims-MicmacNews 1980 06./ Maritime Aboriginal Rights and Land Claims Commission . The report suggested that the 10,000 Metis and NonStatus Indians in the Maritime region should be included with status Indians in land claims negot. #Metis
"Métis Nation and First Nations in Atlantic Canada strongly oppose federal research funding agency’s support of bogus Métis rights claimants in joint letter | Métis National Council":…
Oh aren't they hilarious ... "MicmacNews-1973-03.- Constitution and By-Laws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - sec 3.12 Metis." "bylaws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - Micmac News 1973 -03 - Membership in UNSI."
Aboriginal self-government - legal and constitutional issues 1995 Ottawa, Canada- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples #Metis
Aboriginal self-government - legal and constitutional issues 1995 Ottawa, Canada- Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples- pg141. - papers argues that it is logical and sensible to consider persons of mixed ancestry of all kinds to be within sec. 91(24) jurisdiction and that the
Metis are included within the fiduciary relationship owed by the crown to the Aboriginal peoples. (pg142) The recognition of Metis as one of the "aboriginal peoples of Canada" in section 35 of the Constitution Act 1982, reinforces this federal practice. "It is concluded that