Before we take flight with loads of bat info, I’d like to introduce myself & share a little about what it’s like getting to work with bats all around the world! Short answer: it’s AWESOME!
Check out a video from @CBSUnstoppable for some of what I do as a bat conservationist!
I get asked A LOT how I got started in #BatConservation. My journey began as a kid, when I relished watching for #bats during night hikes with my @girlscouts troop. Then in 6th grade I built and put up bat houses for my #SilverAward project. It’s never too early to get started!
Speaking of #BatHouses, check out these links for info on what makes a good bat house, tips for installation, and how to buy or build your own. (More bat house info to come later this week!):…
After my first bat experience in 6th grade, I studied Zoology @OhioWesleyan & worked as a field assistant studying pest control services of #bats in Texas pecan orchards. Bats eat pecan pests, protecting the crops & saving farmers money!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] I did my Honors Thesis on species’ preferences for #BatHouse design. I tested two types of bat houses in Texas: standard 4-chamber nursery houses and rocket boxes (both built from plans provided in @BatConIntl's Bat House Builder’s Handbook).
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] I used thermal imaging cameras to monitor the bats' investigatory behavior at the houses & conduct evening emergence counts. In this thermal video, you can see their morning swarming around the houses when they socialize before re-entering for the day.
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] In this thermal video, you can see the bats' "touch and go" behavior as they check out the rocket box #BatHouse. Excitingly for me, they then climb inside the open bottom and spend their days inside sleeping, socializing, and grooming!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] I also set up infrared cameras near the bat houses to watch them come out and count how many were roosting in each house. Each of these houses can hold several hundred bats that eat pest insects like mosquitoes and agricultural pests.
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] Evening bats loved the rocket boxes, perhaps because they resemble their natural roosts (tree cavities). Mexican free-tailed bats liked the standard houses at first, but eventually also moved into the rocket boxes. Look at all of them coming out!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] After college, I spent a year in South Australia on a @FulbrightPrgrm Fellowship studying the critically endangered Southern bent-wing bat in Naracoorte Caves National Park. Below are some photos inside Bat Cave.
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] I used thermal cameras & an automated tracking system to do population counts at a maternity cave. While this may look like a lot of bats, the species has seen drastic declines over several decades. How many bats do you think live in this cave? Post below!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] In 2014, I started my #PhD at the @universityofga’s @UGAICON program. I spent 6 years studying endangered pollinating bats in northeast Mexico that feed on agave nectar (which, by the way, we use to make #TEQUILA!).
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] Endangered Mexican long-nosed bats rely on the nectar of agave plants to fuel their 700+ mile annual migration. Agaves, in turn, rely on these bats for pollination. AND people throughout Mexico harvest agaves for many important cultural and economic uses.
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] The bats are losing their foraging habitat due to threats like land conversion, so my interdisciplinary PhD used natural & social sciences to understand how we can work w/ Mexican communities to protect agaves for both bats & people…
Some solutions? Farmers can plant agaves to control soil erosion in their fields, and these agaves can flower & feed the bats. Ranchers can grow agaves to feed their livestock during drought & let some flower for bats. Win-win! Read more on my website:…
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] Also, check out this short documentary by @danote_ about Mexican long-nosed bats and the conservation work of @MurciRed and other collaborators in northeast Mexico:
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] Now I work as an Endangered Species Interventions Specialist @BatConIntl coordinating our Agave Restoration Initiative across the US Southwest & northern Mexico to protect these endangered pollinating bats and people's livelihoods:
If you're at a nature center, zoo, etc. and are interested in bringing this program to YOUR community, feel free to reach out!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] One of the most important parts of being a bat conservationist (in my opinion) is outreach & education. I do a TON of bat community presentations, events, and kid’s activities because bats need people to be their voices! 🦇
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] A really fun way that I love to promote #bat awareness and spark conversations is through bat fashion! My bat wardrobe is deep, with over 10 years of curation😉 I'm happy to provide recommendations for places to get bat swag!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] Thanks for following what I do as a bat conservationist! I'm signing off for the night, but will be back tomorrow to chat #BATS!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife]
Today I'd like to start by talking about a topic that has received more attention recently: bats & diseases.
[A thread]
[Tweet by @BatsForLife]
Do bats carry more viruses than other animals? A recent study suggests there are many viruses hosted by bats simply b/c there are many species of bats, not because they are more inherently dangerous to humans than other mammals.…
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] #Bats are AMAZINGLY adept at not getting sick from viruses. Unlike us, bats have mechanisms that reduce viral replication & dampen immune response to viruses. The result: their immune systems control viruses but they don't get sick.…
[Tweet by @BatsForLife]
New thread: The Benefits of Bats!
Bats are vital parts of natural ecosystems and provide numerous ecosystem services to us. In this thread, we'll talk about these benefits. Grab your popcorn (or grape...) and enjoy!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife]
Benefit #1: Insect pest control!
Many bats eat insects, including agricultural pests that damage crops. A 2011 study in @ScienceMagazine estimated that bats save the US agricultural industry ~$23 BILLION PER YEAR by eating pests!…
[Tweet by @BatsForLife]
Benefit #1: Insect pest control!
Another study of bats in corn fields of Illinois showed that bats suppress corn earworm larvae and direct damage to corn, saving corn farmers an estimated $1 billion annually across the globe.
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] Time for some Bat Basics! 1) There are over 1400 species of bats. Look at some of the amazing diversity!
Yellow-winged bat (Dan Logen/Bat Conservation International); Spectacled flying fox; Eastern red bat; Mexican long-nosed bat (both J. Scott Altenbach)
@BatsForLife [Tweet by @BatsForLife] 2) Bats are found on every continent except Antarctica in all habitats except polar regions, extreme deserts, and some small islands. There are bats in Alaska, Siberia, Hawaii (the only native mammal in the state!), and all over the world!
[Tweet by @BatsForLife] 3) Bats can fly but are not birds. They are the only true flying mammal ("flying" squirrels just glide🙂). They are also NOT rodents or even very closely related to rodents. So no more calling them "rats with wings"!
The use of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to study the impact of specific interventions, has over the last decade become a dominant methodology in development microeconomics
However, some argue that socioeconomic RCTs do not test hypothesis rooted in theory and ignore mechanisms of causality
For example,
"In 2006, approximately 1,300 men and women were tested for HIV. They were then offered financial incentives of random amounts ranging from zero to values worth approximately four month’s wages if they maintained their HIV status for approximately one year..."
So I decided not to talk about vaccines today. Instead, I will be talking about clinical trials more broadly. I know quite a bit about vaccines but not enough to call myself an expert. And expert opinion is needed right now. So imma stay in my lane.
I worked doing project management for clinical trials during my gap year between undergrad and grad school. It was boring but I learned a lot
A clinical trial is seen as the best was to find a causal link between two variables
My focus is more so on measuring a non-changeable aspect of individuals. Education can be exchanged for another outcome and it would be the same issue. I just used education as an example
This is more so a critique of what we are trying to intervene on when conducting research. Especially in health research where interventions/treatments/policies are frequent
Say we were to look at the impact of gender on depression rates
Are we really studying gender or are we studying sexism?