FEMINIST GIANT returns first week of January. Until then: Top 5 essays
“I am writing to urge you to stop wanting to be liked, and demand instead to be free. Polite and well-behaved girls do not terrify the patriarchy. We must terrify patriarchy.” feministgiant.com/p/letter-dear-…
“White liberal women want to save Muslim women and white conservative women want to feel superior to Muslim women and so refuse to see anything in their beliefs that consigns them to the subservience and submission they think Muslim women must live with.”feministgiant.com/p/if-amy-coney…
“To socialize us into an obedience aimed at maintaining its power over us, patriarchy forces us to swallow our rage and to spit out sympathy for its devils... I do not wish Trump well. Fuck Donald Trump.” feministgiant.com/p/editorial-fe…
“We cannot reverse. We will emerge, our hearts unhealed and scarred but awesome.
The way you fall apart as a feminist is to say FUCK YOU I SURVIVED, and release the hand brake, finally, and move into the fear and chaos.” feministgiant.com/p/essay-fallin…
“There is nothing civil about grabbing pussies. There is nothing polite about putting children in cages. There is nothing respectable about leaving 310,000+ people to die of a pandemic. There is nothing civil about white supremacy, fuckers.” feministgiant.com/p/essay-why-i-…
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FEMINIST GIANT is free - no paywall, ads. I know these are difficult and intense days and I want everyone to be able to read my essays.
What fucking world is this:
- where men still beat and kill us even during a pandemic
- how long must we wait until men stop beating and murdering us, even under #COVID19 lockdown?
FEMINIST GIANT will return 1st week of January. Here are Top 5 essays:
"I am writing to you because I want you to know the importance of telling a man to shut the fuck up. I am writing to you because I want you to know the power of being dangerous." feministgiant.com/p/letter-dear-…
"So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been at convincing white women that they’re lucky to live in U.S. & not Saudi Arabia/Iran, that so many white women did not pay enough attention to theocracy that white supremacy was building right at home." feministgiant.com/p/if-amy-coney…
"My sympathy is with the families Trump and his criminal negligence have destroyed, with Black families disproportionately affected by COVID19, with families caged and separated at the border, with families he destroyed with the Muslim Ban. Fuck Trump." feministgiant.com/p/editorial-fe…
Remember feminist protests in #Poland against near-total abortion ban in October: the largest protests since the fall of Communism in 1989. Their core message was “Fuck off” to priests & far-right govt #StrajkKobiet#AborcjaBezGranic
Feminist revolutions across the world will liberate us all.
FEMINIST VICTORY: #Argentina became the first major country in Latin America to legalize abortion when the Senate approval a bill to legalize the procedure through the 14th week of pregnancy. #AbortoLegalYa
#Argentina’s Senate voted 38-29 to decriminalize abortion in the country, where feminist activists have worked for years to make safe and legal a procedure that claims too many lives when it is clandestine. cnn.com/2020/12/30/ame…#AbortoLegalYa
Abortion is currently only permitted when a pregnancy results from rape or endangers the life or health of the woman or pregnant person.Otherwise, it is illegal & punishable by up to 15yrs in jail. Across LAmerica, only Cuba, Uruguay & parts of Mexico allow for elective abortions
I wrote this soon after #LoujainAlHathloul (sentenced to ~6yrs) and other women’s rights activists were arrested in 2018. The absolute monarchy in #Saudi Arabia is punishing them because the regime does not want people to think feminist activism works google.com/amp/s/www.nyti…
Feminism terrifies authoritarians. The absolute monarchy in #Saudi Arabia is punishing #LoujainAlHathloul because her activism works. She and other women’s rights activists are the reason the driving ban was lifted. The regime wants us to believe that freedom is given not taken.
The #Saudi regime wants to make it clear that it was not the courageous advocacy of those feminists that led to lifting the ban on women’s driving, but rather the grace of a crown prince engaged in ferocious revisionism. #LoujainAlHathloul#FreeLoujain