30 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Comments on @OptimisticCon's Article - Part 2

We'll pick up with Slide 6 shortly, but we have a couple of stops on the way to make first. Here we go!
2) As I see information coming in, it appears to me that J.E.'s article has had quite an impact around the power circles in DC, and obviously here at Twitter and across the Internet. One bit of evidence of that is a piece attributed to Candace Owen. Here it is in 3 screenshots.
3) Frankly, the writing style, and other editorial markers make think it probably isn't from Candice. I did, by the way, paste it into a word doc, added the numbering, and took the liberty to correct some typos and spelling errors. It's "Madeleine Albright," one l, not two.
4) It always amazes me how much better a speller I become when editing someone else's work. Go figure. Cosmetics aside, if I didn't consider the list of some value, I'd not have gone to the effort. I don't agree with every point on it, but I do purport the tie to J.E.'s work.
5) Last point on that, you all know how great a fan I am of numbered lists, and I think this version is improved thereby. Do these facts mount up to the certain tidal wave of inevitability put forward? I don't know. I obviously hope so, but urge you use your own judgment.
6) Our next stopping point actually comes from December 26, although I first saw it just yesterday, shortly after posting yesterday's thread. I appended it as a P.S., but immediately knew I'd have to include it in today's work. This is Trump's most amazing thread on point so far.
7) First, I'll just post each of the four tweets that comprise the thread, and then, boldness knowing no limit, I'll go ahead and number Trump's points as well. Here's first tweet:

11) I thought to do the same, copy these into a word doc and then screenshot it in numbered format, but decided not to and here's why. Copying it into my own tweets here in numbered format will empower you to comment right here if you wish, and use the numbers also. Here goes...

1) Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency,

2) like the Democrats would do if they had actually won.

3) The proof is irrefutable!

4) Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states,

5) stuffing the ballot boxes (on video),

6) double voters,

7) dead voters,

8) fake signatures,

9) illegal immigrant voters,

10) banned Republican vote watchers,

11) MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more.

12) The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested.

13) Courts are bad,

14) the FBI and “Justice” didn’t do their job,

15) the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country.

16) Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and

17) now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with.

18) But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history,

19) WE WILL WIN!!!
16) By all means, if you like that numbered list, feel free to copy and use it in any way you wish. If I was going to do that, I might call it something like:

Trump's 19 Steps To Victory
17) I don't know about you, but I have to let that list sink in a bit. I'm going to go take a break now, and ponder. Please feel free to sound off. When I return, we'll commence our slow methodical work with J.E.'s article, picking up at Slide 6.
18) Meditating on Trump's 19 Steps To Victory demanded espresso. I took the first shot so you could enjoy it with me, but then realized you wouldn't know it's just one sip's worth, so the second is to give you a sense of scale. I do love Diner Coffee Cups, don't you?
19) With no further stopping points, here we return to J.E.'s work with...

Slide 6
20) J.E. assumes the entire U.S. government sabotaged the Trump administration in significant part due to DOD being untrustworthy on an "alarming scale." This statement was hard for me. How many years ago did we hear of $1,000 toilet seats? Untrustworthy? Ahem...
21) This plunges us down to a terrible but inescapable point. There is no such thing as a corruption free government, no such thing as a corruption free department or budget in government, in any government, anywhere, anytime. Does not exist. Can't exist.
22) Now, consider who the DOD does business with. Arms dealers. Forgive the terminology, but they're War Pimps. Don't get me wrong. I'm as hawkish as almost anyone you'll meet. And I love the DOD, especially their building! And I'm fully apprised of the rampant corruption.
23) Still, conspiracy theory with me for a moment. Who hasn't heard that JFK wanted to end the Vietnam fiasco and his predecessor Ike's Military/Industrial Complex had him assassinated to emplace their puppet LBJ? Just imagine that true and there's no way to clear DOD, is there?
24) No card-carrying liberal/socialist/almost-communist from the early 80s like me could possibly doubt the sigint provided to Stanley Kubrick as revealed in his true documentary Dr. Strangelove, shown here secretly for you alone.
25) I don't mean to make fun of J.E. and apologize if it seems I might be. So let me beef up her point. The DOD is NEVER trustworthy with money, okay? That's just not in the cards. But the purposes for which it uses its vast wealth matter, corruption being a given.
26) Here, she is informing us of a strategic situation. The DOD, and its Cyberwarfare capabilities, when corrupted not so much by money as by power, and in concert with the Democrats in the theft of an election, now that's a horse, or atom bomb of a different color.
27) In P12 she tells us that Trump had to clear the decks at DOD due to his key supporting effort, which "...involves intelligence collection, principally through IT/cyber means, on the entities behind the electronic vote-tampering via voting systems in the 2020 election."
28) We have to go slow here. We need to know this key supporting effort cold. It...

1) Involves intelligence collection
2) Principally through IT/cyber means
3) On the entities behind the electronic vote-tampering
4) Via voting systems in the 2020 election
29) The election was stolen. The Main Effort Trump must complete is to "cure the 2020 vote and restore law and order to America." That's from yesterday's thread. Again:

Main Effort = Cure Vote + Restore Law and Order
30) This secondary effort, mostly invisible, must procure rock solid, bedrock solid data demonstrating precisely HOW the vote was purloined. And, since this is, as I have called it:

The Pearl Harbor of Cyberwar

Data is going to be the main defence required.
31) I won't get sidetracked here, but do remember (assuming you've read me write about it before) that Strategic Defense blends seamlessly into Victorious Offense. That's what I see Slide 6 pointing toward.
31) Slide 7
32) In P14, J.E. lists out "literal tools" that the NSA employs, but which are administered by DOD, hardware and network stuff. The question she poses is accessing all those trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of assets "without hindrance."
33) Alas, there is no end to seemingly distracting side trips on the path, here. What was SolarWinds, again? J.E. gives us the obligatory link in P16. I have to spend a few minutes reviewing it now, as this is an easy place for me to get lost.

34) Here I find a bit of a boundary zone. If I gave this side trip the next 2 hours or so, I might be able to clean up my many confusions, at least enough to give you a sort of bottomline assessment not utterly compromised by non-understanding. I don't have those 2 hours.
35) But we have each other! Some of you may be able to read and summarize the article and the topic in a matter of moments. If so, please do! Others of you do have the time, and will find this a rich vein of information for research. Please, cut loose! And report back!!
36) My take with mere glancing is this. Our Cyberwar is being waged in cyberland. Okay, cyberspace. There are systems upon systems with infinite inter-workings among them. Thus the term "internet." I'm going to imagine a simplification now.
37) Let's break software systems down into just two broad types: database management and security systems to protect the data. Of course there are scores of other functions managed by software, but for our Cyberwarfare purposes let's pretend just those two.
38) Cyberwar is NOT something that stays inside the world of zeros and ones, alone. It goes kinetic, readily. There's software running a hydroelectric plant, or a nuclear energy facility, or air traffic control, or the airplanes themselves, etc. A Cyberwar hack can destroy fast.
39) Our election is essentially, a database of votes. This database must be protected, secured. It wasn't. These stories about Dominion Voting Systems and the SolarWinds hack, etc., are the tactical battlefield where our current Pearl Harbor Event took place.
40) Slide 8
41) Sop check this. BOTH our U.S. Cyber Command AND NSA re DOD entities. I hate anticipating coming slides, but where J.E. is leading us is this. NSA has extraordinary tools and the largest data store in the known universe. Cyber Command, if compromised...
42) If Cyber Command is in any way compromised, then all of NSA's cosmic surveillance capability can be employed by evil actors. We'll certainly come back to that, and perhaps J.E. will clear up anything I might have gotten wrong there...
43) Slide 9
44) No point whining. Might as well just head over to her Sundance Link, now...

45) Wait, wait, wait! I do get to whine after all. Look at this title:

President Trump Highlights Potential for Chinese Involvement in SolarWinds Orion Cyber Intrusion

And I'd already closed out the previous link. I now promise, I'll read both links before tomorrow's thread.
46) Here's a teaser. Check out this screenshot from Sundance's article. Eyes glaze over? Refocus. You can actually read this in plain English if you just force yourself to. Seriously, check this out!
47) As to the rest of Slide 9, I'll let you guys wander down J.E.'s path of Arcana on your own. Me? I'm getting back on track!

Slide 10
48) And here, we skip all the way down to P25, but won't linger long. Remembering that Kast Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick are White Hat good guys, we see that they favor splitting Cyber Command and NSA. I'll just offer one familiar example to follow this with.
49) We've discussed many times that Castles work. All their fortifications and tiered, layered kill zones succeed and make them very difficult to conquer. But, they all have to have points of entry for food and such. Famously, there is a "pastern gate." Just the back gate.
50) Back? Usually its up against the rise of the hill or mountain, rock fastness or whatever, and you can't squeeze in a full regiment there to attack. No room to bring attack engines, etc. But, there are often, literally, Milk Maids there, and they often like to flirt. Yep.
51) It's my understanding that more castles were lost to flirty milk maid falling prey to handsome enemy soldier's flirations than by successful frontal attack, through the entire history of castles and their besiegement. You're always looking for the weak spot in the defense.
52) I'm not quite sure we can stretch the analogy to call Cyber Command the milk maid and NSA the fortress, but I'm also not sure it doesn't work that fully, either. I do know that in this Cyberwar, we have Patriot Cyber Warriors, and Cyber Traitors. Of that I'm certain.
53) Slide 11
54) Hold the Horses, we have a NEW Snidely Whiplash to consider in P26. It appears that the "deep state" permanent bureaucracy may be quite adept at accessing all the surveillance capability of the NSA, by way of cyber tools, to spy on Trump. To spy on Trump. To spy on Trump.
55) In P27 we have a hint at some important history, but to follow that we need to cue...

Slide 12
56) Drats, in P28 - 30, we're teased about what puts J.E. to sleep. Not there yet. So, cue...

Slide 13
57) Here comes a rare criticism. I think there may be a strategic dynamic J.E. fails to mention (at least so far, but I don't think she gets here in the rest of the article, either). Who remembers how Obama EXPLODED the number of readers of the Daily Intelligence Brief?
58) This is NOT a good article, and I utterly reject its assumptive base with prejudice. But it does serve to simply document, and remind us, that Obama DID expand the number of readers of his daily brief just before he left office.

59) Step back in time again. I can't remember where, but we discussed the precise WHEN that U.S. Cyber Command was created as a sub-department of the NSA. It was the fateful Year Of Apology, 2009.

60) Wheels within wheels. Obama was a genius of dissimulation. By all appearances, the creation of Cyber Command sounds like it's a tough, outward facing maneuver designed to make America and its secrets and cyber capabilities safer. Trick.
61) Here in 2020 we now know, we're not guessing, that in concert with Foreign Powers, our cyber capabilities have been used to steal our election, a landslide victory for Trump. Go back to 2015. The NSA's surveillance was used against the Trump campaign and @GenFlynn especially.
62) Along with General McInerney, I favor the terms traitors and treason for the main enemies in this Cyberwar. I have long consider Obama a traitor in the role of Commander In Chief. The strategic vector here, relative to Cyber Command couldn't be more blatant, to my eye.
63) I don't know how many more slides we can tackle today. I doubt we'll finish. But, I'm going to go grab me another tiny shot of espresso, and dive back in again. I hope to set up a final run for tomorrow, so events don't completely outpace our reading! Back shortly...
64) Back and cue...

Slide 14
65) We have covered this thoroughly by now, but it sure is nice to hear it stated so directly.

"CyberCom's use of NSA's tools and infrastructure increases the risk those tools being leaked or exposed."
66) I don't know about you, but me?, I have to take this in again and again and again. We are at war, a Cyberwar. And there was war in America, and it was traitors who heisted an entire landslide election using America's own most advanced Cyber weapons against America Herself.
67) And I also say again, we here at Twitter are FAR MORE able to work this through together than any Legacy Media ever could. Can you imagine the heads exploding at CNN or ABC to so much as contemplate a Treasonous Cyberwar? Grey matter all over the lovely wallpaper everywhere.
68) Slide 15
69) Oh so tempting, we can't take (I can't anyway) the side trip over to the history of NSA cyber tools actually leaked in the 2010s, and yeah, you read that right, probably before 2013. From the very moment Obama created this monster, tools leaking. Tools leaking. Tools leaking.
70) At last, we conclude today's bouncing ball affair with a teaser at P36. Let's hurry and shut that bar door now, hands, before something really bad happens like an election being stolen. Oh wait...
71) I hope you'll have the fortitude to get through our final 9 slides with me tomorrow. Maybe I won't have so much material to include in the preamble prior to picking up at slide 16. We'll of course see.
72) I just skimmed - again - over the rest of the article and we definitely have some twists and turns still in store. But in closing out for today we should pause and ponder. It is not J.E.'s brief in this article to place it all in the historical context I'll rapidly assert.
73) The Progressive Left grabbed hold of BOTH parties at the turn of the 19th into the 20th century. Republicans led the charge. Then, in 1913 under the uber-progressive, Wilson, the worst amendments to our Constitution were put through. This fundamentally changed America.
74) China's Revolution of 1911-1912 installed the VERY FIRST Communist Government in human history. Russia's 1917 installed the SECOND. These dates are the OPPOSITE of coincidence. China never forgave Russia for taking the lead. Still hasn't and never will.
75) From 1917 till the collapse of USSR in 1991, the Progressive Left bowed the knee to Moscow. In the near 30 years since we've only begun to view the tip of the iceberg on USSR's penetration into every branch of our government and society. Compared to China, they were amateurs.
76) Throughout the Cold War, patriotic Democrats fought Communism fiercely. That they were at war with their own Progressive Left Wing of the Party was NOT common knowledge. We just weren't watching that closely. And that entities such as CIA were compromised? We didn't know.
77) Beginning with Clinton 1, the turn to Beijing as the center of gravity for the Progressive Left could NOT have been more marked or obvious. I was a Bill Clinton fan, but even I was stunned and shocked by the sellout to China of US Intelligence. I came to hate Gore.
78) And I repeat, this was DURING the 90s. And we knew about this. It was up in our faces. Had no idea what it meant, but when even a Clinton supporter like me comes to hate Gore, that tells you something. And that was before he invented the Internet, even.
79) After Monicagate, I converted. But I had NO idea how Bush 41 and Bush 43 were in bed with...ChyNa. I had no idea how they were selling our factories and mill towns, and jobs, jobs, jobs to slave labor factories and reaping the rewards. Yes, I've come to dislike the Bush clan.
80) I have nothing further to say about Obama for now. Perfidy multiplies to the point of speechlessness even for me, sometimes. Which brings me to today's final thoughts. I see the hand of China in this stolen election far more significantly than our wonderful author appears to.
81) We will definitely discuss that more, tomorrow. But stay with me this last step for today. There is NOT ONE PLACE in our entire culture or government today where, when we look, we fail to find China's evil hand in the cookie jar. Be clear. I am a Chinaphile. I love China.
82) But when compared to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, China's Communist Party is a global menace virtually beyond our imagining. We are infected with that very Communism itself. American Progressivism is the serf/slave of that evil entity, today.
83) Forgive this callous statement. Pearl Harbor was only in Hawaii, and was NOT the act of USSR, which did have spies and allies spread throughout our government at the time. And it was ONLY kinetic war. There was no risk of America becoming a suburb of Tokyo, culturally.
84) Sure, had the won WWII, they might have invaded us. Oh how they would have rued the day. China's Pearl Harbor Cyberwar Event in stealing Election 2020, again, makes the original Pearl Harbor look insipid and weak in comparison, and again, no disrespect intended.
85) Never before has America, not since 1776, needed its leader to stand up and lead us to rise up in defence of our nation, our culture, our history, our destiny, our institutions, our freedoms and every single thing we stand for, as now.

Not since 1776.
Thread ends at #85.

• • •

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1 Jan
1 January 2021 #MAGAanalysis #HappyNewYear2021

The Forward View + A Table of Contents For Our J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon's 10 Threads

To be sure, happiness in this New Year's moment has an even more ephemeral feeling than usual, and perhaps by a good deal. Yet it is here.
2) We are taught in the martial arts to do something called "punching through." When learning to break wood slats and such - I never made it past styrofoam - the idea is NOT to punch the slat but rather THROUGH it, to a point about 6 inches on the other side.
3) These first 3 weeks of 2021 are indeed the slat in front of us. And our victory joy, should we taste it, will be on the other side. Can you picture Trump's 2021 State Of The Union speech? Can picture the media uproar when they discover that we will NOT surrender to the steal?
Read 35 tweets
31 Dec 20
31 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Comments on @OptimisticCon's Article - Part 3

As I forgot to give the link to the article, yesterday, let's get that covered right now!

2) And here's yesterday's 85-tweet thread. Do mind that Twitter breaks it at #31. You have to hit "show replies" and then my bandaid shows up, where I reattached #34. Click on it and you should be able to go the distance.

3) I'm not sure how the spirit will move me tomorrow morning, but assuming I can finish up our last 9 slides today, I may see if I can't organize the entire suite of threads I've completed on J.E.'s 2 articles to date. We'll see, but that's what I'm thinking right now.
Read 95 tweets
31 Dec 20
Prepping for today's thread, the story of the CURRENT CYBERWAR is clearly overwhelming. J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon links us to this story. Just one quote to follow:

"This is a much bigger story than one single agency," said one of Reuters' sources. "This is a huge cyber espionage campaign targeting the U.S. government and its interests."
The upshot is that there is also much misdirection and confusion being sown. But the fact that SolarWinds Orion platform was hacked is gigantic. We'll learn more in J.E.'s next link, here:

Read 11 tweets
29 Dec 20
29 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Overturn

Comments On @OptimisticCon Article:

The key supporting effort appears to be underway on Trump’s operational timeline

As we emphasized yesterday, J.E. Dyer commands us: "But do hold the line."

2) Studying J.E.'s first article, we learned that there are:

* Main Efforts &
* Supporting Efforts

While a Main Effort cannot be invisible, Supporting Efforts come in both flavors:

* Visible &
* Invisible

Supporting Efforts also may be:

* Key, or
* Not-Key
3) It took a lot of work, but we learned that Trump's current campaign to #StopTheSteal has Not-Key Supporting Efforts in such things as lawsuits whose main purpose is to establish, visibly, how terrible the election fraud really was, regardless of legal outcome.
Read 53 tweets
28 Dec 20
Screenshots from J.E. Dyer @OptimisticCon's

The key supporting effort appears to be underway on Trump’s operational timeline

57 paragraphs in 24 shots will show up below. Paragraph numbers added in red, each shot will be numbered like so: 1/24. Random thoughts follow.
Read 48 tweets
28 Dec 20
"Meanwhile, Trump’s assertion that “everything is well under control” should make people laugh, if for different reasons. Those whose cognitive facilities are deranged by him will find the statement mind-blowing.
"Others, who may be on a spectrum of indifference to hero worship as regards Trump personally, recognize that Trump never tweets in vain. When he says something like this, he means it. My ears don’t hear that Trump doesn’t comprehend the gravity of the situation.
"They hear that the situation, while grave, is not chaotically out of control in the way depicted by the media. Trump is countering the media depiction, not trying to talk down reality.
Read 4 tweets

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