Correct. The filiform needles used for acupuncture now were actually invented around 90 years ago by a Chinese pediatrician named Cheng Dan’an, who also ended the use of astrology to guide needle placement. 1/…
Then, starting in the late 1940s, Chairman Mao retconned the history of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in order to sell it first to his people, and then to the world. 2/…
It's a process that is still going on today, with the Chinese government promoting traditional Chinese medicine to the world. 3/…
In fact, through its influence with @WHO, the Chinese government has managed to codify traditional Chinese medicine diagnoses in the ICD-11, the coding system used all over the world to standardize medical diagnoses. 4/…
Indeed, in China, traditional Chinese medicine IS big pharma, and it's protected by the government, which has been known to persecute critics of TCM quackery being sold. 5/…
#COVID19 testing by nasal swab does NOT involve harvesting or sequencing your DNA. Seriously, it doesn't. It's an RT-PCR test that looks for #SARSCoV2 RNA sequences in the cells and mucus collected by nasal swab. This sort of misinformation is harmful.
Similarly, antibody testing for #COVID19 also does NOT involve harvesting or sequencing your DNA. It involves testing your blood for the presence of antibodies against #SARSCoV2. Again, @naomirwolf should stop spreading misinformation.
I probably can't, because it isn't, at least most of the time. 😂😂😂
You'll hear me use the phrase a lot. There ARE antivaxxers. They are the leaders of the antivaccine movement, the bloggers, the conspiracy theorists. These are not the "vaccine-averse," "vaccine curious," or "vaccine concerned." They are antivaxxers. 1/
These days, antivaxxers are the source of much of the misinformation, pseudoscience, quackery, and disinformation that creates the "vaccine-averse" and "vaccine concerned." They are the propagandists. They are the grifters. Many are even true believers. 2/
Trying to persuade an antivaxxer to vaccinate (or even to stop spreading antivax misinformation) is almost impossible. Being antivaccine is part of their identity as much as religion, political beliefs, and other ideologies. Motivated reasoning and confirmation bias rule them. 3/
Perhaps some pro-vaccine letters and emails are in order to these same people refuting Thomas's bad science with respect to vaccines, in particular his most recent awful study with @lifebiomedguru that doesn't show what they claim it shows. 2/…
One common characteristic of science denialists/cranks/conspiracy theorists like antivaxxers and #COVID19 deniers is black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking when it comes to medical tests or interventions. I'll tell you what I mean, using antivaxxers as a first example. 1/
I've seen it time and time again. Antivaxxers have an attitude that if a vaccine is not 100% safe and 100% effective, it's worthless, rather like that Mike Myers sketch. 2/
So, basically, to antivaxxers, if a vaccine isn't perfectly effective and safe, it's crap, not worth using and to be despised. The concept of balancing large benefits vs. tiny risks never even occurs to them. 3/
Yep. This is exactly what I’ve been saying since the pandemic began. Anyone who’s followed the antivaccine movement can immediately spot the similarities between #COVID19 denial and antivax disinformation.
The only change I’d make is one of emphasis. The antivaccine movement is based at its heart on a conspiracy theory that vaccines are harmful/don’t work but “they” (CDC, medical profession, big pharma, etc.) are “suppressing” that forbidden knowledge.
#COVID19 denial is based on a similar conspiracy theory that COVID is engineered/not that deadly/plot to impose vaccination, but that “they” (CDC, deep state, public health infrastructure, etc.) are “suppressing” that knowledge.