1. It should not be that people end up traumatised by visiting Drs; that they put off going because of how they’ve been disbelieved, dismissed,treated as hysterical, or even yelled at. I know many of you with #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis can relate to what I’m saying.
2. I’ve grown to dread every visit to Drs & specialists. Not one of them has ever been truly interested in acknowledging that I have #ME, or taken it into account when ‘treating’ me. I use that word loosely, cos unless they acknowledge it,how can they fully treat me?
3. I’ve had #MyalgicE for 25 yrs, so that’s a sad indictment on the medical profession & governments who’ve ignored & maligned us for decades. Research funding has been abysmal, worldwide. Because it’s a common thread amongst people with #ME, I know it’s widespread.
4. Now we’ve seen what #Covid19 can do, & #LongCovid, I hope this will change. Over 3 decades of neglect, the stigma, the unbelief, the psychologising of patients’ symptoms - it MUST change!
Doctors, please read the current research. Really LISTEN to your patients.
5. Doctors, please look at the ICC (below), at the new draft NICE Guidelines 👇 removing #GradedExerciseTherapy (#GET) & #CBT. Please realise #ME is NOT psychological. Many (most) body systems are affected.
6. Drs, please read the link below to see some of the ways #ME & #CFS patients have been maligned & gaslighted for decades. It’s real,it’s happened to us over & over, & on a global scale.
Please stand with us & recognise the need for change!