Now public: On 22 December Russia send a verbal note to #Openskiestreaty members stating that w/o written guarantees until 1 January 2021 on data non-proliferation & territorial access, it might be forced to initiate withdrawing procedure. 1/5…
2/5 Negative answer by 16 foreign ministers, including Heiko Maas and Jean-Yves Le Drian, followed on 30 December. They are ready to organize an extraordinary OSCC meeting but otherwise want to discuss the Russian initiative at the next ordinary session on 25 January.
3/5 Translated quote from SZ (not original): "We believe that the new condition expressed in your verbal note reflects a preference on your part as a necessity". Indeed, it is unclear, why Russia is forcing the review process of decision No. 9/02 that itself initiated in November
4/5 The Russian proposal for the decision amendment is still pending. Although most member states seem to be rather sceptical of it, the issue will be discussed. My view: No need to add verbal notes with deadlines that will hardly convince anybody. Counterproductive.
5/5 Yet, I also believe that Russia is serious. Moscow will leave the Treaty if there is no sign of good will and accommodation concerning its concerns whatsoever. All sides need to play this wisely in order to save the #Openskiestreaty. We are indeed at a crossroads.
The #Openskiestreaty docs published by #Russia yesterday also include the manuscript by S. Ryabkov from the state conference on July 6. His speech (in Russian) includes one surprisingly blunt remark and three practical issues that will come up soon 1/10…
2/10 Ryabkov takes issue with Georgia's position. Remember that Tbilisi ended its treaty obligations towards Moscow in April 2012 in response to Russia implementing the treaty's 10 km border rule to non-member states with respect to Abkhazia/South Ossetia (since 2010).
3/10 This status conflict (unrelated to the treaty as such) in consequence stopped the treaty's implementation in 2018, because Russia succeeded in making a bid for a flight over Georgia. In turn, Georgia refused to give its consent to the entire quota distribution that year.
On 21 May the #Trump administration announced the U.S. #withdrawal from the #OpenSkiesTreaty. It will take effect in November. Tomorrow the 34 member states hold a virtual state conference to decide the future of the treaty. Can they save it? Bottom line: Yes, they can! 1/15
2/15 The US could theoretically still reverse its position and remain in the treaty. In May #Pompeo stated that “if #Russia returns to full compliance” the US may reconsider. BUT: This won’t happen! The US has already stopped implementing the treaty. No more US flights this year.
3/15 There are three major issues: First, what about the other member states? Will they remain or follow the U.S. by withdrawing? Second, how will Russia/Belarus react? Third, how does the U.S. withdrawal affect the treaty on a technical level? Let’s look at them one at a time.
Amb. Kelin makes six claims about alleged U.S. 'breaches', most of which are difficult to access without more detailed information. Yet, if "US grievances over Russian ‘non-compliance’ relate to trivial matters", the same is true vice versa. 1/12…
Half of these claims are new to the public. Several of them are deliberate, official retaliatory measures introduced in September 2017 to “encourage” Russia to return to full compliance with the Treaty. 2/12
1. Failure to ensure safe arrival at the point of entry/exit, by refusing to provide the required number of intermediate airfields /// Term "intermediate airfields" is unclear. Decision No 2/05 is about transit flights and flights from the border to the point of entry. 3/12 ///
Our #OpenSkies visualization at clearly shows why the Treaty is essential for all 34 participating states, but especially for Europe. It needs to be preserved. A thread. /8
1/8 Open Skies is all about confidence-building. Its unique feature consists in the fact that during overflights, representatives of both the observing state and the observed state sit together in one aircraft.
2/8 Open Skies provides important intelligence about military changes too. It has also been used for verification of other arms control treaties. Most states lack other 'national technical means' (reconnaissance satellites) to do so.