It’s so heartbreaking thinking about all the lives that could have been saved during this pandemic if Congress took the threat of authoritarianism seriously & removed Trump from office last year.
Though his time in office is up, he will remain a huge threat to the country & the world that Congress can not afford to ignore again. Impeach & convict before it’s too late #RemoveTrumpNow
#Coronavirus lessons from the past: In the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak, St. Louis cancelled its public events while Philadelphia proceeded with a 200,000 person parade.
This was the result:
Within 72 hours every bed in the city’s 31 hospitals was filled. This & other public health fumbles by city authorities lead to a much higher death rate than those cities which implemented multiple interventions were implemented at an early phase
Been seeing this headline of "500 million animals killed by the #AustraliaFires" go viral.
Important caveats: 1. This is a rough estimate, not a detailed study 2. It estimates # of animals *affected* by the fires, not necessarily those killed
The calculation was based on earlier work estimating the effects of land clearing in New South Wales. Scientists estimated that the government approved clearing of 640,000 hectares would result in the deaths of 104 million native vertebrates.…