1/ #Bitcoin 's price history is full of time based power laws. Inspired by Sornette et al. I looked for bubbles and anti-bubbles that can be described by power laws.
Plenty of them!
Bubbles and anti-bubbles are short-lived. The long-term power-law governs all of bitcoin's history
2/ Same plots in log-log scale. #Bitcoin appears to currently be in a bubble. Bubbles ultimately deflate in an anti-bubble.
3/ Sornette models bubbles in financial markets with time based power laws that have a critical time point in the future. Price accelerates rapidly when approaching this critical time point, reaching a singularity at the critical point. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didier_So…
4/ Sornette models bubble deflation ("anti-bubbles") with time based power laws that have a critical time point in the past. The price rapidly drops shortly after this critical time point, and then decreases more slowly. scholar.google.com/citations?user…
5/ Bubbles have a critical time point in the future and a positive slope. Anti-bubbles have a critical time point in the past and a negative slope. Both are unstable and short-lived. #Bitcoin is the ONLY asset I know of which has a stable and long term time-based power law.
6/ #Bitcoin 's time-based power law: critical time point in the past, slope positive, growth rates decreasing. Stable.
Bubbles: critical time point in the future. Growth rates accelerating. Inherently unstable and short-lived.
Anti-bubbles: critical point in past, negative slope.
End/ Sornette uses similar methods to the ones above to make predictions about the future. This is an exercise I left out here. er.ethz.ch/financial-cris…
1/ I realized that my last article about #bitcoin's diminishing returns and volatility was a bit too long. I'll try to make it a bit shorter, in tweet form, here. medium.com/coinmonks/bitc…
2/ Conclusions of the article:
- #btc grows slower and slower, long-term
- short-term volatility decreases over time
- these trends should continue in the future due to ever higher capital requirements
3/ Diminishing returns implies much lower future #btc prices compared to NON-diminishing returns.
Bitcoin's power-law corridor of growth used diminishing returns. We'll see more evidence for diminishing returns here. medium.com/coinmonks/bitc…