Here are the 11 most asked interview questions for a marketing job and how to answer them...
1. Tell me about yourself
If you appear at ease with yourself – calm, confident & collected – you’ll seem like someone they’ll actually want to work with. Give a brief overview of your background, working history, then highlight how you’ve developed & your career ambitions.
2. What are your strengths?
Discuss the key skills they’re actually looking for. Go over the skill set description in the job advert and pick 3 that apply to you.
When you’re talking about these skills, make sure to give an example of how that skill helped you in other roles.
3. What are your weaknesses?
Don’t be afraid to state a real weakness you have & always finish by explaining what you’re doing to remedy it. Show that you’re not only self-aware and humble, but strategic too.
4. Tell me about a testing situation and how you settled it?
Think about an issue you faced at work that became a problem, then walk the interviewer through how you overcame it. Touch on the final outcome. Make sure you end on what you learned from it.
5. Why should we hire you for this job?
Think about what makes you valuable; maybe you’re trained in a particular tool the company uses, maybe you have a “very specific set of skills…” What are your USPs? See this as a two-minute pitch, and pitch yourself in a few key points!
6. Why do you want to work here?
You need to show that you’ve done proper research about the company & are genuinely interested in working for them specifically. Keep your focus on what excites you and what you can bring them, rather than what they can do for you.
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If you give the impression that this job is just a stepping stone on the path to the job you really want, what’s the incentive for the company? You need to show that you have plans & ambitions that align with the role.
8. Why are you leaving your current position?
Rather than focusing on the things you don’t like about your current job or company, stick to talking about why the job you’re interviewing for is even better. Talk about career advancement and personal goals.
9. What’s your desired salary?
Be honest with yourself about your level of expertise & research the going market rate. See what other companies are paying their employees for the same role. If you have the same skill level then you know your range. Avoid naming specific numbers.
10. How do you deal with pressure at work?
Talk about any measures you’ve taken to stop situations snowballing into a high-pressured crisis (ex. sticking to a schedule or juggling tasks efficiently).
This is the time to talk about how you kept calm & what you learned.
11. Do you prefer working by yourself or in a team?
It’s cool to have a preference, but you need to make it clear that you’re comfortable doing either.
I've put together some tips on what to include in your portfolio (if you're not at the interview stage & have just started your job hunt). 👇
This week I've hit 1,000 Twitter followers and wanted to share how I did it & what I learned...
Recently I made it a goal to start speaking at conferences & signed up for @shinebootcamp in fall 2020. For the first time in my struggling relationship with @Twitter, I had people I wanted to talk to using this app.
I was overjoyed with the 40ish connections I could learn from.
I was able to plug into a community. After getting over how awkward it made me feel to talk to strangers on the internet, I found myself having real conversations. I thought it was insane when I hit 500 followers.
Here are 9 things you should include in your marketing portfolio... 🧵
1) An Effective Tagline
Make your tagline clear and catchy. Keep in mind that this is something that people will only glance at.
2) One Title
You probably aren’t an expert/ninja/guru in every area of your field. Just like a movie, you should only have one title and your title will be the theme of your portfolio. It sets an expectation for the viewer so they have an idea of what they’re about to read.
To make effective marketing material you need to understand your customer’s pain points. A lot of marketing articles talk about this, but very few actually give contextual examples of how to figure this out.
Where do you start?
Here's one of my favorite examples of how @McDonalds used customer interviews to help them sell more milkshakes 🧋
As a small business, you’re not going to have a budget that looks anything like that of a tech company from the Valley or McDonald’s; however, there are still many lessons we can apply: