Academics, politicians & journalists are playing a dangerous power-political game when they demonise & seek to suppress #WhiteIdentity as #WhiteSupremacy.
America was originally founded on White identity, the founding fathers being the Original White Nationalists.
They knew that forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race would be difficult enough, & that trying to include other races (i.e. Native & Black Americans) quite impossible, which is why, in the 1790 Nationalisation Act, they restricted citizenship to Whites.
And so it has proven. America never did become a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain, from which it had won its independence.
Britain was back then & remains an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
America, like Britain & every so-called #NationState, is a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
Why is this not recognised by the academics we look to as authorities in understanding society & the state?
Academics are privileged clients and employees of the state. That's why.
As in medieval times, they are paid to legitimise the state, its self-image & moral authority.
#BigBrother & #TheMatrix of state & capital are working well for academics, or so most of them believe, along with everyone who is anyone in society, which blinds them to their & others' enslavement.
It's a tragic situation that will soon end in tragedy.
Britain is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation, which facilitates society's self-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its elites & favoured clients, at the expense of British society at large.
An expression of this is the way in which Native Britons are being betrayed (& are betraying themselves) to the madness of mass immigration & DIVERSITY, having embraced a self-destructive ideology of racial self-denial, self-contempt & self-hatred.
This can only be understood in the context of how the state, in facilitating the abuse of power, corrupts evolved human nature, so that instead of serving society's long-term survival, it facilitates its self-exploitation & thus ultimately its self-destruction.
Although decentralised, the Church of Anti-Racism derives much of its spurious moral authority from #SocialScienceAcademia, which, in the aftermath of Nazism, embraced a racial ideology which went to opposite but equally insane extremes.
In place of the Nazi extremes of racial purity & supremacy, Anti-Racist ideology goes to the opposite extremes of promoting #RacialMixing (DIVERSITY) & White racial self-denial, self-contempt & self-hatred. Anyone opposing this self-destructive ideology is demonised as a RACIST.
"This can lead to reconciliation between Lithuanians and Jews as we remember what happened and learn from it to ensure it never happens again."…
Part of the collective Ashkenazi subconscious, traumatised by centuries of antisemitism, followed by Nazi persecution & the Holocaust, does not want reconciliation, but revenge, in the form of destruction of the entire European race, to which they themselves belong.
This is self-destructive for Ashkenazi Jews themselves, but is what such trauma is capable of. Because it resides in the Jewish subconscious, is passed from one generation to the next & has accumulated over centuries, there is very little, if any, conscious awareness of it.
Instead of promoting racial purity, as the Nazis did, it promotes #RacialMixing (to which end it promotes mass, non-White, immigration into the West) &, in place of racial supremacy, an ideology of White racial self-denial, guilt, self-contempt & even self-hatred.
#JodiShaw is doing a great job of helping to expose the madness of White racial self-denial & self-contempt, which now dominates, not just #SmithCollege, where she works, but wider, Western society at large. @Smith_Surge via @YouTube
The madness which has befallen Western civilisation in the form of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism is rooted in #CriticalRaceTheory & is related to the madness responsible for WW1, in which "victory" paved the way for the rise of Nazism & WW2.
The British state, establishment & Parliament base their claims to legitimacy & moral authority on two Orwellian ideologies, one of which deceitfully equates state & nation, while the other, rooted in #CriticalRaceTheory, teaches Native Britons to deny & despise their own race.
Why is this not recognised by the academics we look to as authorities in understanding society & the state?
Academics are privileged clients and employees of the state. That's why.
Britain is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Britain is not a nation, but a mercenary #PatronState" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
We urgently need academics to recognise these truths, so that we can do something about it.