Đ Efficiency of Sanskrit : Less words more meaning - ii
Let’s now try to understand, why the seemingly indispensable words in the English versions of the sentences are redundant in the Sanskrit counterparts.
Three things must be done before dying. => त्रीणि कर्तव्यानि प्राङ्मरणात्।
Consider the above sentence. Why don’t we have a word for 'things' in the Sanskrit version ?
Specifically, why is the Sanskrit translation not त्रीणि वस्तूनि कर्तव्यानि प्राङ्मरणात्।
Is the translation containing the word वस्तूनि (which means things) wrong ? Actually not.
Well, both the translations are correct. But the word वस्तूनि is redundant and does not add any new
meaning to the sentence. This is because त्रीणि itself means Three objects or Three things. Unlike in English (or Hindi), where three represents merely a number, in Sanskrit, त्रि represents a number while त्रीणि, which is the first vibhakti of त्रि, represents not the number
three, but three objects. There is nothing alien about this. Afterall, the very purpose of a vibhakti is to convert a word representing a property (here, that property is the property of being three in number) to a word representing an object(s) (three objects in this case).
In fact, this observation can be extended to many cases where a noun follows a number. In such cases, the noun usually becomes redundant!
As another example, त्रीणि पर्यटनीयानि प्राङ्मरणात्। would mean…
Three places should be visited before dying.
Again, the Sanskrit version
does not contain the word for places!
Unnecessary words for depicting a collection of objects :
A group of boys is playing. => एके बालाः खेलन्ति।
eke bAlAH – Many boys but one unit.
Consider the above sentence. Why don’t we have a word for group in the Sanskrit version ?
Specifically, why is the Sanskrit translation not एकः बालानाम् समूहः खेलति।
Is the translation containing the word समूहः (which means group) wrong ? Actually not. Well, both the translations are correct. But the word समूहः is redundant and does not add any new meaning to the
sentence. Why so ? Let’s see.
एकः बालः means one boy.
Here, both एक (one) and बाल (boy) are in their singular first vibhakti forms. Hence, एकः बालः represents a single boy.
बहवः बालाः means many boys.
Here, both बहु (many) and बाल (boy) are in their plural first vibhakti forms.
Hence, बहवः बालाः represents many boys.
Now consider..
एके बालाः which means a group of boys.
Here, बाल (boy) is in its plural first vibhakti form and एक (one) is also in its plural first vibhakti form.
How can एक, which means one, exist in a plural form ? Again 'vibhakti' comes
to the rescue. Recall that, एक represents the property of being one. But एके, which is the plural first vibhakti form of एक, represents objects which are many (plural) and still have the property of being one. D objects are many, still they are considered one i.e. एके represents
one group of many objects! Since, बालाः (boys) and एके (one group of many objects) have the same vibhakti viz. first vibhakti, they represent d same objects viz. a group of boys!
Hence, एके बालाः खेलन्ति। means A group of boys is playing.
This kind of application of 'vibhaktis'
can be extended to many cases where words representing a collection of objects become redundant!
One such application occurs in BhagawadGita (18|3).
त्याज्यं दोषवद् इति एके कर्म प्राहुः मनीषिणः। which means…
One class of thinkers says “Actions must be abandoned just as defects
are abondoned”. Here again the Sanskrit version has no word for class!
I remember, my school textbook of Sanskrit said that only d singular vibhaktis of the word एक exist since it means one. But the sloka 18|3 of BhagawadGita refutes this claim by using the plural vibhakti form.
This also sheds some light on the quality of school books that the students have available to study the language. The school course of Sanskrit seems to intentionally hide the charms of the language and let the Indians remain unaware of the intellectual capacities of their
ancestors. Even those who are genuinely interested in learning the language seem to lose interest after they are forced to memorize the 'vibhakti' tables.
It's sad that the British+LeftMarxistNehruvian thugs with their policies achieved their sinister aim by degrading not just
our education system/standard but also made us aloof from our own language which is called as The Mother of All Languages !
But now after almost 100 years of this exploitation, there is slowly a revival of Interest taking place in Sanskrit !
ācārya Bhagavatpāda lived happily in Kāśī along with his disciple Sanandana, the aged sanyasi Sivajnenedra, Sadananda & some other disciples of Govindapāda. Their days were
engaged in spiritual discussions, meditation, bathing in Gāṅga & visits to sacred temples.
One day after his bath, ācārya was walking from Manikarnika towards Annapūrṇa temple, with his disciples.
At that time, he observed a Chaṇḍāla with four dogs coming in the opposite
direction. It was very unusual for a Chaṇḍāla to take the street generally used only by the learned ones. Like a ‘Vaidya’ (Ayurvedic physician) who came upon a very rare herb by the wayside, ācāryaobserved the huge form, which was more than six feet tall.
There was awe,
The Curriculum of Vedic Education :
According to the Ancient Indian theory of education, the training of the mind & the process of thinking, are essential for the acquisition of knowledge.
Vedic Education System delivered outstanding results. These were an outcome of the context in which it functioned. Understanding them is critical in the revival of such a system in modern times.
The Shanthi Mantra spells out the context of the Vedic Education System.
jalAni – ponds of water
Consider the above sentence. Why don’t we have a word for ponds in the Sanskrit version ? Specifically, why is the Sanskrit translation not जलस्य सरांसि शुष्यन्ति। Is the translation containing the word सरांसि (which means ponds) wrong ? Actually not.Well,
both the translations are correct. But the word सरांसि is redundant and does not add any new meaning to the sentence. Let’s see why ?
जलस्य सरांसि means ponds of water.
जलानि, which is the plural first vibhakti form of जल, means samples/collections/ponds of water.
Đ Efficiency of Sanskrit : Less words more meaning - i
Let’s see how Sanskrit increases its efficiency by removing unnecessary, good-for-nothing words from a sentence which the other languages are forced to carry just as a host
carries parasites with itself.
Our sample sentences with their translations are given below : 1) Three things must be done before dying. => त्रीणि कर्तव्यानि प्राङ्मरणात्। 2) A group of boys is playing. => एके बालाः खेलन्ति। 3) Ponds of water are drying. => जलानि शुष्यन्ति।
All the above translations have a striking feature in common. The Sanskrit version of each sentence is missing some key word(s) of its English counterpart.
II Sri Adi Śaṅkarācārya - श्री आदि शङ्कराचार्य II
Sōpānaṁ : 14 Gāṅga Bhaktī
Kāśī is the list ancient city in the world, well-known since the Vedic times. While in ‘Devaprayaga’ in the Himalayas, Gāṅga is like a bubbling hilarious girl, in Kāśī she appears as a
dignified old woman. Like a child, seeing its mother, ācāryapāda was delighted to see Gāṅga. The intellect which had burnt all the dross of ignorance by the fire of jñāna, had an inner need of a healing stream of motherly love. The presence of the Gāṅga mysteriously released a
cool soothing stream of a child’s love towards its mother in ācārya. The enlightened sage felt the presence of divine motherliness in the flowing form of that ancient river.
Śaṅkarā prostrated to Gāṅga, spontaneously singing these lines :
चिज्ञल्त;स्य शुद्धये कर्म न तु वस्तूपलब्धये |
वस्तुसिद्धिर्विचारेण न किंचित्कर्मेकोटिभि: ||
Action is for the cleansing of the mind, not the attainment of knowledge (आत्म-वस्तु विचार - ātma-vastu vicāra - knowledge about d self). 'ātma-jñāna' is attained #Thread
through self-inquiry, not by performing countless deeds.
Actions are essential for the cleansing of one's mind. However, performing innumerous actions will not lead towards true knowledge about oneself. This knowledge is attained only through constant self-inquiry &
reflection about oneself on a constant basis. It is not a dish that someone else can prepare and present for one's consumption. This inquiry has to come from within and it stays with the inquirer. Scriptures, teachers and books can only lead one in that direction. But what each