1/Why would you hobble the ability of post-secondaries to nurture talent, encourage innovative thinking and produce a skilled workforce? I have no idea. But that’s exactly what the provincial government is doing. By draining funds away from advanced education, our future suffers.
2/Now is the time to properly fund post-secondaries in our province, to encourage the draw of local schools during a pandemic when many families rely on access to affordable education for their young adult children. Now is not the time to limit enrollment through massive cuts.
3/Moreover, think of what’s happening with the move to measure university success through job placement & income levels. There is a preconceived notion that certain jobs are valued, both from an income perspective & as a university funding tool. That’s inertia, not progress.
4/I guess entrepreneurs who start up companies with great ideas aren’t valued. Nor are the social scientists who are often underpaid in the workforce, doing the heavy work like keeping families together, tackling addiction, addressing homelessness & promoting mental health.
5/Instead, our provincial government thinks jobs of old will save the day. They’re banking on traditional 9-5 office gigs that are quickly vanishing, instead of flexible & productive careers that foster critical thinking to drive new ideas. The pull of nostalgia never wanes.
6/Rather than encouraging post-secondaries to promote cross-disciplinary training, to generate well-rounded graduates who can tackle complex socioeconomic issues, we’re going back to basics. Basics that will continue to drag us back in time as the world races past us.
7/Students & faculty need to stand together, with business & community leaders solidly behind them, demanding more investment in advanced education. We need to support the type of learning & research that we’ve become known for across the world.
8/With every proposed cut – to health care, schools, emergency services, public transit, advanced education – we become less competitive & less compelling to the people & businesses who desperately want to call Alberta home. We cannot sit quietly. Own your voice & speak up.
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1/Let’s think for a minute about what’s going to happen between #yyccc & #AbLeg in the coming days. The province - responsible for health policy & related decisions - is wavering on how to deal with the steady increase in pandemic numbers.
2/They’re not keen on making mandatory restriction decisions & they haven’t allowed the fed contact tracing app to be deployed in AB. The number of cases continues to rise everywhere, most evident in places with larger populations like #yyc.
3/While the province treats @CMOH_Alberta like another bit player in the drama they have created around the pandemic, #yyccc treats @iceTyyc with respect for his expertise & evidence based recommendations.
1/This week, our provincial government managed to dismantle a globally recognized emergency dispatch service, destroy parents' confidence in the public education system & obtain their #yyccc fiscal policy updates from a faithful scribe at the Sun. Can't accuse them of being lazy.
2/Terminating the contract for EMS 911 dispatch with the City of Calgary is a headscratcher. The existing service provides call response in 6 seconds, less than half of the 15 second standard. Dispatch time is 45 seconds, also well below standards. Why "fix" something not broken?
3/On the education front, I agree that the old curriculum needed some work - getting back to basics with times tables & phonics for example. But by focusing on literacy & numeracy with no critical thinking or exploration, what's the end game? And that press conference... oof.
2/I’ll start with some facts, then get to opinion. Fact: the supposed “tax freeze” and even the proposal to cut taxes 7.5% are not actually freezes or cuts. Why? Because the system is set up to start with an operating budget, which then guides distribution of taxes.
3/To clarify, it means that Council is not advised of the actual revenue we stand to make off property taxes if you calculate mill rate multiplied by assessed values. Instead, we use the term “revenue neutral” to say we will collect only enough tax to cover operating budget.
1/Fear & Loathing, Hope & Belonging - Why is it important to support a ban on the practise of conversion therapy? Because it is a recognized harmful practice that serves to make a segment of our citizens feel like they are not “right”, like their identity is not “right”.
2/Conversion therapy practices are designed to make individuals feel that society & God do not love them for who they are. We must be better than that. On Monday, Council will debate the proposed bylaw banning conversion therapy in Calgary (reviewed by committee May 13 & 14).
3/At that committee meeting, we heard from 121 members of the public over about an 18 hour period. We also received over 1,800 written submissions. Some were in favour and some were opposed. Many had clearly not read the proposed bylaw, particularly Schedule A.
1/IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON GREEN LINE FOR RESIDENTS IN NORTH CENTRAL CALGARY! This information will be of interest to residents in Wards 2, 3 & 4 and northern Ward 7 where we have no rapid transit options in existence or in any immediate plans. #greenlineyyc
2/There are Green Line pop up sessions and some open houses taking place over the next few weeks. Presently, north central Calgary has been provided a glimmer of hope through an investment in “BRT enhancements” as part of Stage 1 in the Green Line plan.
3/These "enhancements" materialized because I have been fighting for the north for my first two years on Council. But this is not enough - you can’t “enhance” something that doesn't exist. We have express bus service through the 301, but it is not a proper BRT route.