#Thread: Ms H.A., a #refugeesGR from Ethiopia, was 6 months pregnant when she arrived on the island of #Samos, #Greece in 2019. Despite her pregnancy Ms H.A. was ignored by the Greek authorities and was forced to live in precarious conditions in a tent for nearly 3 months.
Despite that decision, the living conditions for #refugeesGR in #Samos remain precarious. At the same time Greek media completely ignore any coverage of #refugeesGR related issues, apart from coverage that criminalizes them creating negative attitudes.
Media training on how to reporting #migration is essential for the media. Media training, however, is also essential for CSOs who could use such tools for advocacy.
We are happy that we took part in the media advocacy training of @rlc_berlin who have achieved such a great success at the ECHR. We couldn't be prouder!
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