👉Restrict tangible & intangible barriers to evidence based policy
👉Restrict dismantling of public health structures & policies w. evidence based support
👉Leverage scientific, clinical & public health expertise for rapid response to public emergencies
👉Equitable $$ for Primary Care (inc. peds, adult, geri, OB/GYN, family med) vs. procedural specialties
👉⬇️paperwork for clinicians in caring for patients (DME forms, Prior authorizations..)
1/ Let’s talk America's Health Care Plan
This week, we focus on:
-Cost of Care
-Medicaid & who it covers
Next week, we focus on:
-Women’s health care
-LGBTQA health care
-Behavioral health care
-Firearm injury
-Climate Change #PolicyCapsule#VoteHealth #MedTwitter
2/ Cost of care:
-Monetary pre-COVID: $3.6 trillion in 2018
-Lives lost from COVID: >220,000 (greatest in comparison to other nations per capita)
2/ #MedicarePartD is an extension of #Medicare to allow coverage for medication for Medicare enrollees. But it is an optional or opt-in program, with a premium (monthly)
3/ Formulary - used in Part D plans; must cover at least 2 medications per category; formulary change time to time causing concern for clinicians + patients
Tiers are also used within formulary to delineate coverage
2/ #MedicareAdvantage is an alternative to the mother program #Medicare.
This allows Medicare to pay private health plans for providing services/managing Medicare beneficiaries
#Medicare ... such a tiny name for such a BIG program.
The mammoth size program definitely deserves a 101, 102, 103 and many more.
Today, let’s start with #Medicare101
2/ #Medicare is federally sponsored insurance - has 4 parts : A, B, C, D
Inpatient + Prescription Drug payments account for the largest benefit payments for Medicare!