First of all, night trains only really make sense for routes that most people would not try to accomplish in the daytime by 🚅
Paris-Brive, Paris-Clermont F, Lyon-Toulouse are all under 5 hours by daytime train. These will not work as night train connections
Second, that you *could* theoretically run a train at night does not necessarily mean you should
Paris-Albi for example is 7 hours daytime train, because the infra is lousy. And you can drive it faster
Third, speed is not so important at night, but it doesn't not matter
Paris-Perpignan is 5 hours by TGV, would be 10 hours by night train (if night train uses only non-highspeed lines)
That means running night trains on high speed lines needs to be discussed... especially in France and Spain, to a lesser extent in Germany, Belgium, Italy where partial use (at 200 to possibly 230km/h) is already possible
Fourth, for the comfort of night train passengers you need to operate on the 3 + 6 + 3 hours system (roughly) - essentially 3 hours to pick up passengers, 6 hours in the middle of the night with no stops, and 3 hours in the morning to drop of passengers
Yes, some night trains (esp. in Russia!) stop everywhere at any hour, but if night trains are to be a comfortable alternative to flying, that's no good - 6 hours of calm to allow people to sleep is the minimum
That's why this sort of map - via @Koelschlenny - is so good. It has 6 hour core routes, with regional additions
By all means quibble with whether these are the right routes for the French context, but the way of thinking is right I think
Fifth, pretty much any thinking about night trains in the European Union... inevitably means international routes.
There are a few routes in 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇸🇪🇫🇮🇷🇴 that are purely national, but most are not
That then leads us to the biggest headache of all: who can actually *run* these routes? Sure, the French state can give a bit of a bung to SNCF, but that's not going to sort Marseille-Madrid or Zürich-Barcelona for you
I've been pointed towards this by @hanskundnani by @MaryFitzger - entitled "What does it mean to be “pro-European” today?" While there is something to it, I think it mixes up different terms, and hence it's not quite right... This 🧵 will explain
I am also of course aware the title might not be Hans's choice...
The first issue is a basic one: to be a European, or to be a pro-European, are not - in my view - the same things
I will happily call myself a European, but not a pro-European (although plenty would describe *me* as the latter), because pro-European leads us to looking at the European Union in terms of more or less of it, rather than the individual policy outcomes it can produce
A short 🧵 about Ursula von der Leyen - not least in response to critique of me labelling her a "second rate" politician earlier
"Second rate" is not quite right. Perhaps "politician with an unusual combination of strengths and weaknesses" is better.
The central issue is where and when vdL is a classic insider, and where she is an outsider
vdL is daughter of Ernst Albrecht, previously CDU Ministerpräsident in Lower Saxony - so in and of the party…
Yet other aspects set her apart. She is a women in a male dominated party (Merkel of course being the other major exception), and a protestant in a party dominated by catholics. And she's a medical doctor in a political system dominated by lawyers.
🇪🇺 sees the reality of how checks are going to have to work - for both sides - and sees any slippage of timetables as a problem. If 🇬🇧 cannot meet the 1 July deadline - just like any Brexit deadline - the question is *WHEN* it can, not *IF* it can or will
🇬🇧 sees it differently. Complying is costly and onerous, requires IT systems, sites for checks, and training of staff - so it pays lip service to complying, but keeps it vague as to how and when it will comply - the Government does not actually *DO* the necessary
Note: Gove (and the UK Government) can only get away with this because it is only about Northern Ireland, and v few Tory backbenchers really care about NI.
The EU response should be seen in this context - Gove is losing *no* political capital by announcing this.
Note: this is no comment on what *should* happen, but a comment on the politics of this, UK side.
This also should not be seen as a template for any sort of grace periods for the rest of the UK - because for that to happen Tory backbenchers *will* scream.
This is of course a rather inevitable development - the UK was *not* ready for the implications of Brexit on Northern Ireland, as pretty much every expert pointed out. And it is better to acknowledge this than be in a state of permanent denial.
58 locations of really nerdy EU stuff - places were Treaties were signed, places where EU institutions and agencies are located
And these are not *just* EU institution buildings in Brussels. That'd be too boring...
If any of these locations are wrong, or there are places you think I should add (I have only 3 that relate to historical people in the EU - if you know where someone was born or buried that would be excellent)