Sweden Smeared by Secretive Elite FB Group | Feb 11
- Two Swedish investigating media groups have exposed an online cabal that deliberately smeared their own country in international media in an effort to discredit the Swedish light-touch Covid strategy. europereloaded.com/sweden-smeared…
Dold Facebookgrupp försöker påverka svenska intressen utomlands | Feb 9
- I den slutna FB gruppen med drygt 200 medlemmar finns akademiker, opinionsbildare, forskare vid svenska univ. och andra som är upprörda över Sveriges hantering av #coronaviruset sverigesradio.se/artikel/dold-f…
Europarådet slår fast i resolution: Vaccinationer får inte vara tvingande och ingen ovaccinerad får diskrimineras
- Den 27 januari undertecknade Europarådet resolution 2361, som slår fast att vaccinationer i medlemsländerna inte få vara obligatoriska. nyatider.nu/europaradet-sl…
Brain aneurysm - Sara “has no brain activity”
- The young healthcare worker’s life was essentially extinguished.
- The family set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for the funeral expenses. archive.vn/q5ofB
YLE-pomo Ari Järvinen ja YLE-toimittaja Päivi Happonen tuhosivat häikäilemättömillä valheillaan venäläisen Lisitsynin perheen toimeentulon. #yleastudio
- Oikeuden asiakirjojen mukaan YLE pyrki tahallaan tuhoamaan Lisitsynien perhe-elämän. graviolateam.blogspot.com/p/yleisradion-…
YLE:n pakolaisillan osallistujien joukosta paljastui päitä katkonut terroristi #Yle
- Ylen A2 Pakolais-illassa paljastettiin vihapostien sisältöjä – ”Rajua tekstiä” - MUTTA MV paljastaa nyt jotain vielä pahempaa. graviolateam.blogspot.com/p/ylen-pakolai…
Finnish Yle aired a live show to promote refugee immigration – with a terrorist in it!
- A heavily pre-advertised #Yle show to promote Finland’s open borders refugee policy – much alike the Swedes’ and the Germans’ – became a major disaster. archive.vn/uWwUQ
Greta Accidentally Revealed That She’s Just A Puppet And Is Now Under Criminal Investigation In India | February 8, 2021
- tweeted a document given to her that instructed her what to tweet and what actions to take on a violent farmers’ revolt in India. humansarefree.com/2021/02/greta-…
George Soros accused of instigating clashes between Hindus and Muslims | 12h ago
- Greta Thunberg and George Soros in India
- "the money trail behind the #GretaThunberg ToolKit details, it will all lead to you George Soros,” thebl.com/world-news/geo…
The Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked Soros Documents
- DC Leaks posted more than 2,500 docs going back to 2008
- attempted to manipulate Europe's 2014 elections
- donated $650,000 to support for the groups at the core of the #BlackLivesMatter movement." investors.com/politics/edito…
Mexico president warns against believing US now has ‘open doors’ | Feb 11
- Lopez Obrador urged migrants not to believe traffickers who tell them they could get legal status immediately. aje.io/qdkg6
US authorities are investigating a report that approximately 80 migrants were trapped in a tanker truck and were struggling to breathe. | Feb 11
- The caller told the dispatcher in Spanish; "We are dying," the man said. "We don't have any more oxygen," presstv.com/Detail/2021/02…
‘People Will Die. People Will Be Raped’: Former Acting ICE Chief Says Biden Has Declared America ‘A Sanctuary Jurisdiction’ | Feb 10
- “People will be victimized by criminals that shouldn’t even be here. This is — it’s coming,” dailycaller.com/2021/02/10/peo…
#Sweden#vaccine#passports will ‘probably be required’ for shopping, eating out, travel,..
- The PACE – the international body of which the ECHR is a part has passed a resolution that vaccines must not be mandatory and no one should suffer discrimination lifesitenews.com/news/sweden-va…
Council of Europe Decrees #Vaccines Must Not be Mandatory and the Non-Vaccinated Must Not be Discriminated Against
| Jan 29, 2021 @lenahallengren
- The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe europereloaded.com/council-of-eur…
Health Minister #LenaHallengren: "I won't resign" - Radio Sweden
- In an interview with Swedish Radio's P1 Morgon programme, health and welfare minister Lena Hallengren says she is listening to the criticism, but that she is not thinking about resigning. sverigesradio.se/artikel/7626851