I literally don't know what they are smoking to make this statement
“The trade in traffic hasn’t been eliminated, but it is substantially harder to buy fake traffic and it’s substantially more expensive to buy realistic-looking fake traffic that will actually get the buyer paid"
The case is Phunware Inc., vs. Uber Technologies Inc. and Uber Technologies Inc. vs. Phunware Inc., case number CGC-17-561546, in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Francisco.
"Uber counterclaimed against Phunware, accusing it ... of wire fraud, racketeering, transporting fraudulently obtained funds across state lines and common law fraud, seeking up to $17 million in compensation as well as additional amounts for punitive damages.
"most of the Uber app installations that Phunware claimed to have delivered were generated by a fraudulent process known as “click flooding,” which reports a higher number of clicks than those occurring.
fraudsters, ad tech companies prey on gullible marketers and trick the reporting to claim credit for sales that would have happened anyway (it was not caused by the ad spending)
so despite the billions spent in digital, when a few marketers had the courage to run tests (pause their digital campaigns), they saw NO CHANGE in business outcomes