Biblically, sex is INTIMATE, MUTUAL, and PLEASURABLE. The whole point of 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 is mutuality. And sex is about intimacy; God describes His relationship with us in sexual terms.
Therefore, any interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7 that says to women, “You need to allow your husband to use your body on demand, no matter what you are feeling,” is completely unscriptural and taking that out of context to weaponize it.
RE: Every Man’s Battle telling men NOT to objectify women. Actually, no. EMB calls women “METHADONE” for their husbands’ sex addictions. That’s objectification right there.
Also, the EMB response to lust is for men to take their sexual energy and transfer it to their wives. They say, "This newfound hunger will shock her. She has been accustomed to providing you five bowls a week, primarily through physical foreplay and sexual intercourse."
"Things were at equilibrium. Suddenly you need an extra five bowls from her. For no apparent reason, you come calling for intercourse twice as often.” It is still lust even if it for your wife. Using your wife is still using her. Lust is not “legal” simply in marriage .
They never, ever, in the whole book, describe women in any terms other than physical. I draw your attention to the opening description, with her “ample bosom” and “glistening flesh” that he was feasting on.
And “bouncing your eyes” to avoid women is STILL seeing women as only sexual objects. Jesus doesn’t avoid looking at women. He simply chooses to truly see them.
And BTW—I’m happy to provide more terrible quotes from EMB, including normalizing masturbating in parking lots or portraying a youth leader who rapes a 15-year-old in a sympathetic light. I have a whole spreadsheet. But I’ll leave it here. Yes, EMB objectifies women.
As for men not having to be taught to lust—actually, our surveys of men showed that the more you believe the every man’s battle message, the more you use porn and have trouble with lust. This normalizes and excuses it.
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We're all bemoaning the celebrity Christian culture that led to the Ravi Zacharias & Carl Lentz (& so many more) sex & sexual abuse scandals.
But what if the problem is not just--or even mostly--celebrity culture?
What if it's the evangelical view of sex?
A thread.
Yes, celebrity culture gave these men (and so many others) more access to victims, and it gave them cover for what they were doing.
But it was not celebrity culture that taught these men to objectify women. Our evangelical culture did that all on its own.
Take the Every Man's Battle series of books: Every Heart Restored says: "Because of male hardwiring, men don't naturally have that Christian view of sex."
EMB says: "We find another reason for the prevalence of sexual sin among men. We got there naturally--simply by being male."
Here’s my problem with the #TheWisdomPyramid : He says that books are higher than online resources.
But in our survey of bestselling evangelical resources for our upcoming book The Great Sex Rescue, it was the books that called women methadone for their husbands’ sex addictions.
It was books that said about sex, “if your husband is typical, he has a need you don’t have,” denying women’s sexuality (Love & Respect).
That book also said sex was about a husband’s “physical release”, rather than also about deep intimacy and knowing.
It was books that said that women had to give husbands oral sex & hand jobs during their periods & postpartum phase, because it was a difficult time “for him” (Sheet Music).
It was a book that called a rapist “equally unhappy” to his wife, his rape victim. (Act of Marriage).
One reason I find Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis so dangerous to our children:
In this age when too many Christians are believing conspiracy theories, Ham marinates kids in conspiracies from the very beginning when teaching young earth creationism.
He teaches kids: You cannot believe scientists or teachers or leaders. They are all trying to lead you astray. Only we, who aren’t actually scientists, know the real science.
(When kids grow up and learn science, they feel they have to abandon God).
From very young ages, then, our schooling of kids is predicated on conspiracy theories.
Think how much the church does this! Even with biblical counselling—you can’t believe anyone secular or medical. They are trying to lead you astray. You can only believe the Bible.
Apparently Every Man's Battle has a new edition out this year--a 20th anniversary edition that they have revised.
Here's what I hope they took out (a thread):
I hope they repented of calling women "methadone-like fix when your temperature is rising"--
Women are not methadone.
Women are people. Whole people. We are not sexual receptacles, as we are called in the accompanying book Every Heart Restored.
I hope they repented of the pornographic description of the jogger in the intro--"As she approached on my left, two tiny triangles of tie-dyed fabric struggled to contain her ample bosom. My eyes feasted on this banquet of glistening flesh..."
Can I we talk about orgasms, and the numbers 48 and 33?
A thread.
In our survey of 20,000 married (predominantly Christian) women, we found that 48% of women almost always or always reach orgasm during sex, while 33% never do, rarely do, or do so intermittently.
(for numbers geeks who are bugged right now, the other 19% reach climax often).
I'd like to say two things to that 33%.
First, you are not alone. So many women struggle with this! Orgasm is complex. There's a mental component & a physical component, and sometimes things don't line up well.
You are not broken. You aren't missing a "pleasure gene".
In our survey of 20,000 women, we found that sexless marriages weren’t caused by women just deciding not to have sex. They generally had other factors, including: husband’s porn use; sex feeling terrible (never orgasming); sexual pain; relationship issues.
Our results will be out in our book The Great Sex Rescue (Baker, March 2021), but in a nutshell, sexless marriages generally are not the problem; they are a SYMPTOM of another problem. Figure out that other problem.