1/. In 2018, inspired by this tweet👇from the Taco Stop, Texas, I put out a call for space to set up a #TakeOneLeaveOne rail to provide warm clothes for anyone who needs them in winter
A London church - & local shop keepers - agreed to house it for a week
1/. Horrific! @lindsaylohan interviewed by David Letterman in 2013.
2/. INTERVIEWER: Everyone’s talking about it
BRITTNEY] shy smile] What?
INTERVIEWER: Your breasts
#BrittneySpears getting asked about getting breast implants, aged 16, on German TV.
3/. In 1975, Michael Parkinson introduced Helen Mirren as the “sex queen” of @TheRSC
He asked if her “equipment” or “physical attributes” had prevented her from becoming a serious actor, & whether the size of her breasts “detract from the performance”.
At 8pm, the deadline expires for Spanish rapper, @PabloHasel, to turn himself into the police & begin a 2+ year prison term...for his song lyrics & tweets
Pablo Hasél tweeted this morning: “Tendrán que venir a secuestrarme!” (“They'll have to kidnap me!”) amnesty.org/en/latest/news…
No one should be criminalized for tweeting/singing something that may be distasteful or shocking
#PabloHásel's conviction for "glorifying terrorism" & “insulting the crown" sparked protests & spurred @amnistiaespana to launch a campaign with @c_tangana.
Pablo Hasel will be the first musician in #Spain to be jailed for his lyrics but other rappers like @valtonyc & other artists, journalists & activists have also been targeted under the same law.
1/. “As he walked out of prison it was also us who were set free.”
31 years ago, Nelson #Mandela was released after 27 years behind bars.
As Breyten Breytenbach wrote at the time: "Perhaps there is now a little more sense to our dark passage on Earth.” aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/…
2/. “Through his integrity, courage & strength Mandela showed by example what a single individual can achieve, & in so doing he instilled the belief that injustice, whether large or small, can be defeated.”