1/4 I went to Parler for the 1st time now that they're back
and I see THIS from Mark Levin, praising Trump for #OperationWarpSpeed — today!
How pathetic to cheer this
What a phony Levin is to talk about
the #Constitution or #Liberty
f Trump hadn't
- gifted $20 BILLION to #BigPharma in the opening round of #OperationWarpSpeed
- pushed #Fauci's fear campaign
- used the military to deliver (and now inject)
#Fauci is on media tour says he predicted 250,000 deaths last spring?
Let's look at DA NUMBAS timeline:
1)He & Birx gave Trump the bogus Imperial College London model that said 2.2 MILLION would die, Friday March 13
2) Trump issued Exec Order National Emergency
continued 1/3
3) In fall campaign, Trump bragged he saved 2 MILLION lives
4) Now a year later Fauci says deaths are TWICE what he predicted (so fire him, he's a FAILURE)
but THEIR numbas are actually 4.5 TIMES LOWER than what he predicted
3/3 Imperial College simulation: 1) NOT based on Farr's Law
(1840 discovery: epidemics follow a bell-shaped curve)
Remember "Flatten Da Curve"?
2) Model didn't matter anyway since bad software gave a different answer each time WITH SAME INPUT as Univ of Edinburgh pointed out