I am not who I think I am
I am not who you think I am
I am who I think you think I am
"She must think I'm stupid"
"They must think I'm petty"
"He must think I'm fat"
Our entire identity is woven around what we think others think of us.
We may never get to know what they think.
Yet we never fail to form an opinion.
And live our entire life, on that opinion of ours
Fear has led to more procrastination than laziness ever will.
The biggest reason for our inaction is not our laziness.
It is our fear.
The fear of what if this doesn't work out.
The fear of what will people say.
The fear of missing out on something else.
This fear paralyzes us.
Engulfs us.
And the next thing we know, it has become a habit.
Look at the mirror.
The strength is you.
The competition is you.
The enemy is you.
We can be our greatest friend.
Also the one that inspires us everyday to be better than who we were yesterday.
And we can definitely be our worst critic. The one who constantly tells us that we are not worth it.
We are the stories we tell ours.
Nothing happens if I cry.
It only happens if I try.
We will all fail. It is inevitable.
But we won't all succeed.
So when we are told that failure is the stepping stone to success, that is a lie.
It is not failure that leads to success.
It is wiping your tears after the failure, getting back up and entering the arena.
Everything in the world today is designed for our comfort. So it tricks us into believing that life's goal is comfort.
But the one who make change happen are, on a daily basis, pick discomfort.
Knowing they might fail, they chase it, because thats their way to grow.
You are what you do.
Not what you say you'll do.
Everyone has a map.
Few set out on that journey.
Even fewer reach it.
But the ones who set out, have the story to tell.
That is who we become.
Being calm is a skill
The world thrives on our reactions.
It feeds off our emotions.
It wants to provoke us.
In such a world, being calm is a an act of rebel.
And it comes with practice.
We aren't born with it.
We chose it.
Spend your life exploring.
Not settling.
Everyone wants you to settle.
Finish your education and settle.
Get married and settle.
Have kids and settle.
Buy that car/house and settle.
But what are we giving away, in this attempt to settle?
Explore your own self.
Your own hobbies, interests, choices.
Your life.
Life's worst tragedy is not death.
It is what dies within us while we are still alive.
Regret is the worst form of dying.
And we die everyday because of it.
Because of "what if"
"What if I didn't listen to them"
"What if I did"
"What if I have listened to my own self"
Most of us are not making a living everyday.
We are dying everyday!
If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
We weave these stories in our head of all that will happen once we ask.
But the person opposite isn't living these stories.
They are unaware of the turmoil in our head.
So when we ask, it is a BIG deal for us, but something they have rarely thought of in their head.
Just ask!
If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole.
If you ran into assholes all day, you are the asshole.
It is easy to blame the world and say "they don't get it"
But if no one gets it, then maybe it is us who doesn't it.
This level of objectivity, once found, is a precious discovery!
If you truly know yourself, NO ONE can defeat you
Much of our insecurities in life come from a bleak understanding who we truly are.
We are not sure if we are truly what we think we are or we are faking it?
Hence the small provocation from the world perturbs us, because there is a small chance what they are saying might be true
Respect doesn’t come from title.
It comes from conduct.
When people respect you for your title or position, it is not you who they respect.
They respect that title or position.
When they respect you irrespective of your title or position, they respect you for who you are and how you make them feel.
Saying thank you is manners.
Feeling thankful is behavior.
We are taught to say thank you.
But we are rarely taught to be thankful.
Thankful for what we have, what we were born into, the opportunities we take for granted, the privilege we have.
Gratitude is a super power, when deployed by someone who has been blessed with a lot.
Life is all about doing, about motion.
About doing something that is bigger than you.
And having fun while doing it.
We all will be forgotten years after we die.
Might as well enjoy it while we live!
A lot of people dismiss quotes as motivational garbage.
But for me quotes serve as reminders.
Mental models of how to think about different situations, about your own self and about the world around you.
In the absence of quotes, we are left with sentences and explanations.
And the longer the sentence, the widely varying inferences it will draw.
Making it hard to absorb, or relate to, at the right time.
These quotes have worked for me.
I will encourage you to find the ones that work for you.
I read 30-45 mins everyday.
Early in the morning.
Only non-fiction.
No specific topic. Anything that intrigues me.
How it has helped me is to connect the dots from multiple fields, personalities, experiences.
I remember how Stoic Philosophy helped me design the investment approach for nearbuy and how Charlie Chaplin's biography helped me make better video content.
Mistake 1:
Not valuing your time and treating it like its free
We dont know how much is our per hour cost.
We dont know how much do we ACTUALLY spend, when we watch Netflix 2hrs/day
We dont know how much should we charge for a project
We dont understand how our time = money
Mistake 2:
Spending your time on things that are easy to measure money-wise
We will spend half a day travelling to one end of the city, to save Rs. 1000, because we know we will conclusively save that amount
But we won't spend 2 hours preparing for our salary negotiation!
Your grades in college are not going to define your life.
The first company you work for is not going to define your life.
Your first pay package is not going to define your life.
2. Who and why you decide to spend your life with - is one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life.