Undoubtably, one the the very best discussions I've seens on C19. Two analytical thinkers (Nick Hudson and Kelly Brown) carefully and methodically destroy the broad lockdown narrative. There are a few take away messages. 1/
One, there was a near complete lack of serious analytical analysis. Two, public health is flying blind and lacks the neccessary skill sets to guide society through the mess. Three, vested interests play an ever increasing role in shaping the C19 narrative for financial gain. 2/
The last is interesting in the Canadian context, with respect to the news media. Both the CBC and the Toronto Star have been hemorrhaging eye balls and revenues for years until C19 magically reversed their fortunes. Coincidence? 3/
Nick Hudson also raised the possibility, that beyond a public inquiry, a Nuremberg-like trial should be considered for the architects. He believes, based on german court proceedings, their was a deliberate attempt to distort the truth for personal gain. 4/
Plenty of food for thought and it is a real pleasure to listen to disciplined academic arguments. Well done to both. End.
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For me, one of the few bright spots of the C19 response has been the number of clever people who have reached out. Of particular note have been civil servants, business leaders, financial analysts and students. 1/
Believe it or not, many in the civil service are just as frustrated as you are. They have kept me focused and calibrated. Just when you think its all a conspiracy, they ride to the rescue and remind me, gov't really is this dumb. The examples are numerous. 2/
Business leaders kept me humble, reminding me of my privilege in academia. Not one missed paycheck while others struggle to keep businesses afloat and fight depression. When this is done, academia and our public health community should open their eyes and beg for forgiveness. 3/
I do like to keep people abreast of the C19 origin story. Many unanswered questions but two things are clear. The origin time has moved back to atleast mid Sept. 2019-early Oct. A large portion of initial patients can't be linked to the Wuhan market. 1/
Still lots to learn but one of particular note is whether other regions of Oceania were hit before we actively monitored the virus. What fragments of evidence we do have suggests yes. Lets dig a bit more. 2/
Here is data from Australia showing an unprecedented spike in flu-like illness in mid 2019. 3/
Thes employment numbers should shock people. Expressed relative to those participating in the labour market, I roughly calculate 1 in 25 ontarians lost their job this year. This was preventable if we stuck to standard public health policy. 1/
Making matters worse, companies are starting to move capital and new jobs out of the province. Sorry to say but the calculations have been done and the future cost structure is just too high. Shrinking tax base and market impact, its looking really grim. 2/
Further, we need to grapple with our crippling debt. Ontario and Canada are primed for inflation followed by a long term deflationary cycle. Canada is starting to look like first world nation struggling with a third world debt crisis. 3/
Academics isn't for the faint of heart. Its about fostering an environment filled with debate and active criticism. We build structured arguments which others dismember, often politely through questioning or a satirical jab. How has academics faired through the C19 response? 1/
Quite poorly, its hard to imagine a worse outcome. We dismembered the academic environment at the very time it was needed. We shuttered debate and thought, to the point of almost criminalizing it. Universities debased themselves as did our other societal institutions. 2/
C19 revealed that academics were just like everyone else. We weren't a pillar of intellectual strength or a reservoir of sober second thought. Not in the least. We easily surcome to the fear and panic narrative created by an undisciplined public health community. 3/
Great treasure trove of ideas comes out of Kelly Brown's dive into C19 statistics. From when/where did the virus originate, when did it come to Ontario, to what happened in LTCs, listen and learn. Building into the first theme.....1/
We still don't have a satisfying C19 origin story. The WHO's recent fact finding mission to China, resolved little and raised the possibility that the C19 epidemic may have started earlier and outside of Wuhan. So.....2/
This is a chart of industrial CO2 production from the @EthicalSkeptic. As he points out, based on the assumption that drops in CO2 production equate to health events, China appeared to be fighting a significant event maybe in 2018/early 2019. 3/
Alex Berensen's reasoning is clear. C19 will end simply because the lie is consuming the ability of gov't and society to function. Two questions remain, why and how. I don't have clear answers to either, but I can speculate. 1/
As to why, I defer to my favorite journalist (Peter Hitchens) who reminds us to never underestimate gov'ts ability to do stunning stupid things. From the start, he linked the logic of the west's C19 response to that of the decaying eastern block nations he used to cover. 2/
C19 is most certainly real but what seems clear is that gov't got the scale of the threat wrong. This isn't trivial, when modeling is out by 25X, it massively impacts gov't actions and scares politicians into acting rashly. 3/