Chief Mele Lau-Smith: current california DPH says "under no circumstances should distance between desks be less than 4 feet" SFDPH says 6ft from teachers desk and 6ft b/w student desks as possible. #BoardWatch
This 6ft is also in the agreement with labor partners, would have to go back to the table to change that says @marksanchezsf Counsel Houck says current health and safety guidelines will control (with some exceptions set out in agreement). Have to comply with most restrictive.
Commissioner @KevineBoggess wants to know how this information is being communicated with families. Shouldn't rely on-site leaders. Dept Supe @gbschooly says there are orientation materials for families, include video content. Orientation will be mandatory. #BoardWatch
.@KevineBoggess wants to know if this info is available now to be shared and if it will be shared with curious families even if they are not in first groups to go back. @gbschooly says it is ready but has not been pushed out yet-awaiting reopening dates. #BoadWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf wonders about opening all MS and HS for small group instruction, sports, clubs etc. , rather than having a few hubs. What would it take to do this? #BoardWatch
Chief @DawnKdelivers says that as she is contemplating fall has been thinking about that. Could model what would be needed to do this. Need someone own the process at each site, which classrooms would be set up, flow etc. That is not a small lift. #BoardWatch
The reason for thinking of a small group of MS/HS for spring is that know it can be done well. Don't have labor w/in facilities to move furniture, have been scoping and hiring moving companies. Need to make decision in next two weeks or so to make hiring decisions #BoardWatch
(that was @DawnKdelivers) @mattalexandersf thinks it would be helpful to do this work for as many sites as possible this spring, so that it is more likely to be able to have a full return in the fall. #BoardWatch
Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga wants to know if plans include allowing CBO partners on campus - those who support kids. @DawnKdelivers says the intention is to allow CBOS to use sites this summer after in-person learning concludes. #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins would like to see sites open this spring, even if just for programming. This is also partnerships, relies on Beacons. Would like to see at a minimum all of our MS and HSs open this spring with some type of activity, even if it is not in-person learning #BoardWatch
Next topic: ventilation #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam notes that if BOE needs to give any direction on MS/HS, should make sure we do that. VP @AliMCollins suggest that be discussed with instructional plan later. #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins says that she is concerned about lack of mechanical ventilation. Families might feel safer if that is in place. Hears recommended air flow of 4-6 air change rate per hour. Board has made this request. Feels like that is being overlooked. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: to the extent we have classrooms with non-operable window can use a portable air cleaner or a fan or both, classrooms with less than 75% have to use a fan to bring air into the classroom from outside #BoardWAtch
Kamalanathan: some buildings might not have the infrastructure to run a fan or an air filter in every classroom. Will test theory in places where these are needed. Then think about going to scale. Also need to make sure air cleaners are sized appropriately #BoardWatch
... have procured a few different models and tried out in the classrooms. The next effort is to focus on remedying all the sites where there are any windows broken, do a test drive on units, installation and upkeep. #BoardWatch
... most important threshold emphasized by DPH is to get all the windows working that can be operable #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: would like to be able to come back in last week of March to report on what we have and what is working and recommend what should be purchased. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: confirms this is not impacting capacity. For classrooms where window issues are identified, will either remedy the issue or install window units. #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins: feels like this is taking too long. Know that you are doing a lot. Is this something we can outsource? #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: focus has been on negotiating with DPH, literally landed on this agreement 2 days ago to buy portable air cleaners. Concern with outside help is that electrical system concerns/issues could either be no big deal or major capital investment. #BoardWatch
Next topic: outdoor school/use of outdoor space for instruction or potentially enrichment #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam : interested in how we can increase capacity to bring as many students as possible back. Some schools have been innovative. Understand need policy framework from the board. #BoardWatch
Lam: What are processes moving forward to use outdoors to increase capacity, even if not putting classes out there all day? Do you have a recommendation for working with Rec and Park? #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: have a few different mechanisms to have relationships with Rec and Park. When talk about putting school outside in a place that is "not a school" need to have reasonably equivalent options: eg. bathrooms, security, safety. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: Mapping requirements of school buildings to private sector facilities would be difficult and very time-consuming. Need more robust legal and policy framework to take instruction off-site. #BoardWatch
Negotiating exclusive use of some parks and buildings would potentially displace other groups using the spaces #BoardWatch
Commissioner @marksanchezsf is very interested in exploring outdoor spaces. Don't know how to expand seats with this, understand there is a labor component. Blessed to have so much outdoor space, much is not being utilized (e.g. McClaren Park). Any examples in large districts?
Kamalanathan: not aware of any districts using public agency land to create outdoor classrooms #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: if we want to use outdoors to make in-person learning have more spaces, rather than expand capacity that is different. We are encouraging this. Delegating to site leaders to think about how they want to incorporate the outdoors. #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins : sounds like there is no comprehensive plan about using outdoor space, based on current labor agreements and current policy. If we are relying on sites will be inherently inequitable (diff parent communities etc)#BoardWatch
... also, isn't this part of vision 2020? Get kids outside the classroom more. This might be an opportunity. Should be able to offer outdoor learning/classrooms as part of the portfolio. Request: how many schools have capacity issues that might be alleviated use outdoors.
... is it at all possible this Spring? Summer? Kids basically go to school outdoors when they do summer camp. Maybe opportunities to explore models this summer that we could put in place in the fall. #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins wants to know if all are in agreement about need to expand capacity? @jennyhlam says need to be clear also about the tradeoffs (e.g. MS/HS) #BoardWatch
... hear tension around expanding 3-5 grade and also MS/HS. Now going into the second part of discussion on MS/HS. Will have a presentation, 20 min of public comment, then a board discussion. #BoardWatch
Deputy Supe Ford-Morthel: For 2A MS/HS students (Mod/severe special day and County) will be certain classrooms open, not whole sites. Option of in person or virtual, 5 days per week. #BoardWatch
Second group of MS/HS are focal population. Different needs from ES students. Teachers are specialized. Students will still do classes online but will get support in person #BoardWatch Image
These are the schedule choices for priority MS/HS students (100% in person/ 100% remote) #BoardWatch ImageImage
Showing results of a survey given to HS students. #BoardWatch Image
Concurrent and Dual Enrollment opportunities: currently about 250 students in concurrent enrollment and 1400 in concurrent. Decline is due to budget cuts. #BoardWatch ImageImage
Looking for opportunities to expand this program in the summer. Grant is expiring so have need for more funding #BoardWatch
Extended learning opportunities: in the midst of planning summer programming for MS/HS students: credit recovery, internships, targeted programming. Looking to offer most in-person (not credit recovery)#BoardWatch
Trying to create an in-person "step-up" program for middle schoolers. Partnering with CBOs, Beacons, After-school partners on in-person summer options #BoardWatch Image
Graduation: for 8th graders will be virtual. Hoping to have a live common experience for all seniors. More information to come. Individual HSs are creating award nights and special programs. All seniors will have senior portraits #BoardWatch Image
Moving into 20 minutes of public comment. #BoardWatch
Comment: just hit CDC yellow tier which means can have K-12 open. Do you have thoughts on that? Also want to know how board is supporting district in getting MOU. Hearing there is still an issue with getting instructional agreement in place. #BoardWatch
Reminder from VP @AliMCollins - the topic is around MS/HS instructional plans, concurrent enrollment/dual enrollment, summer opportunities, and graduation activities #BoardWatch
Comment: HS student is worried about students who are in multigenerational households. How will we make sure teachers have bandwidth to keep up quality of teacher for students who are at home? How are extracurriculars factored in? These are the only things keeping us grounded.
cont. - worried that online extracurriculars couldn't continue b/c of travel time, but also couldn't do in person. #BoardWatch
Comment: wonder about muni transport and also involving students from our healing in our hands group #BoardWatch
Comment: wonder how Mod/Severe SDC students will be served both in-person and online. Would require switching case managers. Could be a major safety issue if student doesn't know this person #BoardWatch
Comment: want to better understand how this would work. #BoardWatch
Comment: want to applaud efforts to focus on older kids today. Now that in CDC yellow tier would like board to focus on getting all of our kids back into class. #BoardWatch
Comment: curious about how deeply SFUSD has looked into the structure of supporting students with moderate and severe needs at the secondary level. Home base is not the same as it is in elementary. #BoardWatch
cont- students are categorized in very different ways at the secondary level, hope you are doing an individualized check and not just look at "boxes checked" #BoardWatch
Comment: instructor of dual enrollment classes is pleased board is still supporting dual enrollment. Will be remote this fall, give more options for students to engage in online learning #BoardWatch
cont. no reason that more Juniors and Seniors shouldn't do this. Get college credit and experience. #BoardWatch
Comment: feels like we are really close to getting ES back to in-person. Still in the dark as to MS. Will it be this year? Will it be in the fall? It is really unknown. Would like a timeline. Thinking of moving to get certainty #BoardWatch
Comment: understand want public comment to be about programs, but have to think about a plan for a full return for MS/HS students in the fall. See no reason they cannot make a full return. #BoardWatch
PC: Expressing concern, no idea if middle schooler will ever be able to go back full time. This presentation made no indicator MS students will ever go back. They need to be considered as well & we need to get them back. Please put solid plans on the ground #BoardWatch
Several buckets of conversation, start with the instructional plan but also look at summer plans and concurrent/dual enrollment #BoardWatch
Starting w/ 30 minutes of instructional plan. Priority groups are students w/ mod/severe disabilities. Questions around support for this. Also students w/ more needs, focal population w/ newcomers, foster & homeless youth, & those struggling online #BoardWatch
A lot of students in middle & high are doing well online, not to invalidate those that are not #BoardWatch
@lopez4schools : Thank you for the framing. Wondering about outreach for these students & their families. What has been done around this? #BoardWatch
Enikia Ford Morthel: The schedule is not solidified yet #BoardWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf : Clarify w/ 2B group: would they still be doing zoom classes but have support in person, correct? Which is similar to the hubs. So they would be coming to one location but still be distanced learning? #BoardWatch
Enikia Ford Morthel: Strategy is a home school strategy, get to school of record and would take those in a classroom but an adult would be there to support and supervise #BoardWatch
Dawn Kamalanathan: Not providing support for the entire school but for 2 or 3 classrooms for this part of the model #BoardWatch
Sports calendars have been drafted and figuring out how to make activities happen. Still waiting to hear back to finalize things #BoardWatch
Right now there is not a timeline. We all want students back in-person and working towards that #BoardWatch
In consultation with labor partners, a big factor of that is vaccinations. W/o that it is hard to come up with a timeline and hard to plug dates in #BoardWatch
Student delegates: Are there plans or status on extracurriculars if things go hybrid? #BoardWatch
For secondary students in 2B, current instructional plan is either full distance learning or full in-person, which is blended model. Still waiting to hear back about extracurriculars. Blended means you are in a classroom but doing school online #BoardWatch
Student Delegates: Does SFUSD permit school teams to organize outside since park & rec and the dept of health said they can exceeding 25 participants? #BoardWatch
Unclear right now about sports #BoardWatch
Student delegates: For schools with less focal group populations, example: Lowell has fewer newcomer students, how does that affect going back to in-person? #BoardWatch
Aware that schools will vary depending on focal groups and other factors #BoardWatch
If a student is not hitting 40% of engagement then they would be considered into this focal group #BoardWatch
Student Delegates: What is a common live graduation? #BoardWatch
The graduation will be live as in, trying to be happening in the moment and in color. Common as in for all high schools not just based on the individual #BoardWatch
Student Delegates: When will virtual learning no longer be an option? #BoardWatch
This option will be around for as long as it is feasible and there is no strict timeline #BoardWatch
Student Delegates: At smaller schools where one teacher has many students, how will the teacher be supported while they juggle in-person and distance learning at the secondary level? #BoardWatch
Still talking w/ labor partners but do not want people splitting their time at the same time #BoardWatch
Student Delegates: Will the tracker include phase 3 students soon? #BoardWatch
Tracker will be updated with next phases soon #BoardWatch
The dashboard is auto-translated with high-level information for families. The tracker in tableau is not translated #BoardWatch
Student Delegates: How do you plan to handle school lunches when it comes to in-person? #BoardWatch
Lunch will be available at the cafeteria or the yard. Grab & go and home delivery will still be available #BoardWatch
Update on MUNI? #BoardWatch
Meeting w/ team soon about MUNI #BoardWatch
Want to clarify what tier SF is in and how that affects our decisions #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess I'm very committed to getting as many students back into school as possible as safely as possible. People may not hear this enough but it is what is in our hearts & our minds. Want families to have these benefits #BoardWatch
Following the California Department of Health tiers which is a color. This is based on case rates in your county and this comes out weekly every Tuesday. We were in purple and we just moved into red today #BoardWatch
Some more information about tiers #BoardWatch
Biggest support needed for a more face-to-face graduation is clarity about what is available. Inauguration is a model for a safe, socially distanced, event #BoardWatch
All of this is being managed centrally and asking for support from the city. Looking for infrastructure. Site leaders would only be contacting families and getting them information #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam : Thank you staff for working towards in-person graduation. Want to arrive at model for secondary schedules. How are we working backwards and mapping? Want things to go in the right direction. Want as many students as possible, safely #BoardWatch
Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga : What do we need to figure out, that does not have to do with the bargaining agreement, that we can work towards to support re-opening #BoardWatch
School reopening dashboard is the best place to look for what indicators are done vs not done #BoardWatch
Will discuss how sports play into bargaining during closed session #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins : Students who were heavily into sports and clubs they might want to take on the additional challenge of concurrent enrollment. How can we support students doing this and dual enrollment during the spring and summer? #BoardWatch
The main limiting factor for spring and fall are the number of sections being offered by city college as appropriate for high school students #BoardWatch
Can staff outline a proposal that the board can take to the city? This seems like an easy win and with their support we can offer more options. We can also support it offline. Is this a good next step? Yes. #BoardWatch
For focal populations in secondary, it looks like roughly 5,000 students. What do you we need to do to get those facilities ready for those students and how will that get us ready for the fall? #BoardWatch
Budgeted for serving mod/severe students in their home classrooms. Heard two different ways to serve the other focal populations that are identified. 1) identify a few schools where all the students go. 2) Build on the home school idea. Need time to figure out...#BoardWatch
what this would look like for other focal populations and need more info and time #BoardWatch
Now there is a lot of confusion, not going to lie, I am a bit confused too #BoardWatch
@lopez4schools Hard to know what this will look like if focal population families have not been surveyed about who wants to go back yet #BoardWatch
Facilities needs to know what approach the board wants to go for so they can look at square footage and other factors, about how close they can get to that ideal plan #BoardWatch
Surveys are going out the beginning of next week, anticipate getting that information back a week later. A key component of getting this info back is being heavily dependent on principals sending daily messages to get those surveys back #BoardWatch
We are logging off for the night, but you can continue follow along on zoom at this link… Thanks for joining us tonight for #BoardWatch

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More from @PPSSFBoardWatch

9 Mar
Joining the SFUSD Board of Education regular meeting. Here is login information and a link to the agenda:…
The meeting has just been called to order by @lopez4schools. This is Miranda from PPS-SF starting off the live-tweet tonight. No snacks or photo, I'm drenched from my pre-boardwatch walk. The rain has arrived! #BoardWatch
Superintendent's report: This week marks the beginning of the trial of George Floyd. Anti-blackness is deeply rooted in our country. Conspiracy theories scapegoat Asian Americans. Must stand together against violence against our Asian brothers and sisters. #BoardWatch
Read 199 tweets
8 Mar
Superintendent and President Lopez are logged on, but the press conference has yet to begin... #BoardWatch
VP Collins is also in attendance, starting now! Almost 200 people are in attendance via FB live. #BoardWatch
Friday evening an agreement was reached - same language being used so far as in the announcement on Friday #BoardWatch
Read 28 tweets
23 Feb
Hi all! It's Jessi again who will start off tweeting at today's special meeting. You can find the agenda here… No snacks today since I ate a large lunch, what are your go-to board meeting snacks? #BoardWatch
Waiting on a few more board members but getting the translation and ASL information out now #BoardWatch
Here is the information for ASL translations and how to make comments at public comment #BoardWatch
Read 338 tweets
9 Feb
Welcome to #BoardWatch everyone! Here's todays agenda…. Also a reminder that PPS-SF has a facebook & instagram that I also run. Give us a follow if you feel so inclined #BoardWatch
Also pictured are todays snack of choice, Berkeley Bowl's cherry gummies #BoardWatch
Translation information for the meeting #BoardWatch
Read 190 tweets
4 Feb
Talullah The Cat and I are coming to you from the Augmented Budget & Business Services meeting starting soon #BoardWatch Image
Here's the link to todays agenda… #BoardWatch
It seems there was a link mess up and the meeting is taking longer to start than usual #BoardWatch
Read 72 tweets
26 Jan
Joining SFUSD's Board of Education, a land acknowledgment being given by Greg Castro #BoardWatch
Superintendent's report: January is national mentoring month. Appreciation event this Thursday. Over 400 students are getting extra attention from staff and community member mentors. #BoardWatch
Supe's report: resources for students and families-info about vaccines, a searchable library for SF Loves Learning clips (…) #BoardWatch
Read 181 tweets

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