Joining the SFUSD Board of Education regular meeting. Here is login information and a link to the agenda:…
The meeting has just been called to order by @lopez4schools. This is Miranda from PPS-SF starting off the live-tweet tonight. No snacks or photo, I'm drenched from my pre-boardwatch walk. The rain has arrived! #BoardWatch
Superintendent's report: This week marks the beginning of the trial of George Floyd. Anti-blackness is deeply rooted in our country. Conspiracy theories scapegoat Asian Americans. Must stand together against violence against our Asian brothers and sisters. #BoardWatch
Supe report: Women's history month is being celebrated. Examples: BVHM "tech queens" meet virtually after class, courses are learning about women in computer science and STEM. Marshall HS recognizing Black women "Herstory" month #BoardWatch
Supe report: also national school social worker week! A few ways to celebrate your social worker: thank-you notes w/ specific examples; cards, drawing or virtual messages from students. #BoardWatch
Supe report: School planning summit was on March 6, resources from the summit (budget and site planning tools) are available on the SFUSD website: search "school planning summit" #BoardWatch
Supe report: have served 1.6 million school breakfasts this year. Can pick up school meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays (info here:…) #BoardWatch
Student Delegate report: Student Advisory Council gave feedback on new student newsletter for HS students #BoardWatch
Student Delegate report: Student Summit will be on Friday, April 23, 2021. #BoardWatch
Student Delegate report: SAC uniforms will be arriving and distributed soon. Next meeting will be March 22 at 3PM via Zoom. This is a public council and anyone may attend. Contact supervisor Salvador Lopez Barr #BoardWatch
No commendations or RAVE awards today 😕 #BoardWatch
Now it is time for public comment on NON-agenda items. Starting first with 15 minutes for SFUSD students and then 30 minutes for others. Raise hand in Zoom for your chance to give comment. #BoardWatch
First speaker has 4 letters from students: marina MS student waiting for a plan to return to in-person learning. "I feel lonely, isolated, and sad." #BoardWatch
Cont. Sixth grader: "staying alone limits the time for education . . . school is not interesting or fun without friends . . . virtual school is isolating." #BoardWatch
Elementary school student: seeing somebody in person is better. #BoardWatch
6th grader at APG. "online, as good as my teachers are ... it is harder to interact with people . . . it is hard to communicate with my teachers . . . don't get the social experience I had in elementary school."#BoardWatch
Comment about safe gun storage from a member of an advocacy group #BoardWatch
Student from Roosevelt MS: "I really want to go back to school . . . distance learning has never been a proper substitute . . . even though I'm in a relatively good situation (wifi etc.) don't feel I'm at my best." #BoardWatch
Another Roosevelt student: "You can see online that the teachers don't seem as enthusiastic in their work as in real school... people often have their cameras off and won't talk in class." #BoardWatch
Student from Mission HS: concerned about being prepared for college. I'm considered a "success story" because I actually participate. These are years I will never get back. The best years of my life will be remembered as years of depression. #BoardWatch
Student at Lowell HS: knows we probably won't come back to school. One thing you can do is allow sports. #BoardWatch
Student: this has been especially hard on arts students. It is like looking at a teacher's post-it notes, compared to reading an entire book. I have been out of high school longer than I have been in person. Have not seen friends, go outside once a day. Disheartening #BoardWatch
Student: I'm one of the only students in class or breakout rooms even to speak. Know it won't be possible for all students and teachers to turn their cameras on, but I want to know what will be happening and how we will be given an opportunity to go back to school #BoardWatch
End of student-only comment. First regular PC: what is SFUSD doing to get as much state money as possible? #BoardWatch
PC: would like a statement that SFUSD intends to open schools full time in the fall. This would be very helpful to have assurance. #BoardWatch
PC: Special education teacher at an elementary site wants to push back on the ELPAC and SBAC testing. The platform is really difficult and don't think we will get the results we are looking for, or really assessing what students know #BoardWatch
PC: former SFUSD student, disappointed in the hiring and firing practices as SFUSD. "Frisco kids should be Frisco principals" My friend who was born and raised in the Mission recently received a non-re-elect notice without explanation. Have drive and passion. #BoardWatch
PC: another speaker in support of employee, a wellness educator. Asking board to rescind non-re-elect #BoardWatch
PC: School board is not the enemy. Don't know how we can put kids back when everyone is not vaccinated. Won't send my kids back until we are vaccinated. #BoardWatch
PC: single parents who work have a hard time participating in these meetings, being left out. Concerned about lack of attention for MS and HS students. The agenda item has no plan for them. Need a clear path forward. These years are critical #BoardWatch
PC: Gun violence protection advocate says group sent letter to Board a request to send a letter to all parents and guardians about safe storage of fire arms. It is a really important and non-controversial issue. Happened in SFUD in 2014, needs to be sent often. #BoardWatch
PC: need to check out the non-re-elect list. Speaking in support of a teacher at Cesar Chavez on the list. Important to look into school health department. #BoardWatch
PC: another speaker in support of someone on the non re-elect list a Latina, born and raised in SF, with a master's degree. Should look at folks that represent neighborhoods. #BoardWatch
PC: pre-k assessment form for special ed has box you have to check for male/female. Has not been updated since 2016. Please update, and also please spell children's names correctly. Accent marks are part of our name. #BoardWatch
PC: three more speakers asking for board to rescind non-re-elect decision. "This is a system where a person of color can be pushed out without any transparency behind the decision." Seems to be a pattern in the department. #BoardWatch
PC: why can't we move faster to get more state funds? Why are we still committing to costly measures not required by DPH? #BoardWatch
PC: teacher finds it hard to contact department staff in HR, Benefits, and (Leaves? LEADs?). Say it is because they don't have access to district phones, but teachers who don't have this access are expected to do hundreds of wellness calls #BoardWatch
PC: This district should not push out local, excellent, teachers of color #BoardWatch
PC: would like to see better communication. Please require principals to communicate with families at least once a month. District communication is confusing too. Communication is everything. #BoardWatch
PC: another parent supporting the educator also concerned about children's data being given to mega-companies like Google #BoardWatch
Next item: report from the Student Advisory Council. Appreciating Board of Education Secretary Esther Casco. Addressing what happened at Feb 9th PAC meeting. Do not accept or rest on fact that PAC d/not currently accurately represent all families #BoardWatch
PAC report: have recognized need to reach out more to community organizations outside of SFUSD. Appreciate the many people who have reached out to learn more about the PAC #BoardWatch
PAC report: appreciate BOE commissioners who have reached out and helped strategize. Hope to work for greater understanding and not make assumptions, avoid the type of situation last month. Hope we can appreciate all parent leaders and volunteers. #BoardWatch
PAC report: Chair of the PAC speaking off-script, appreciating work that Board has done, know this is a complex situation. Still feeling upset about how our unanimous nomination ended up. Board could have email us instead of taking up 2 hours of public time debating. #BoardWatch
PAC report: top priorities for the year are 1) communication, 2) instruction and learning, 3) issues of equity, including ability to have one's voice heard. #BoardWatch
PAC report: at March 3rd PAC meeting talked about shared values, talked about prioritizing meaningful dialog. Will have quarterly business meetings now. On communication: felt that info from district would be better broken down with more bullets and less jargon #BoardWatch
PAC report: members had questions about plans to return to in-person learning, problems processing the information. Wondered about families hesitant to return and what factors led to this feeling. Is it lack of info, trust? Schedule issues? #BoardWatch
PAC report: members are very concerned about the number of students identified as experiencing homelessness #BoardWatch
PAC report: appreciate everyone who spent long hours in negotiations and hard work and dedication of teachers who keep adapting. Have heard from teachers who are very concerned about proposed schedule of teaching both distance and in-person students each day. #BoardWatch
PAC report: ask that district communicate with parents in clear and direct language. Many are confused about what phase/wave students are in. Parents are wondering what will happen in the fall. Not knowing creates anxiety for families and students. #BoardWatch
PAC report: PAC participates in advisory alignment meetings, LCAP task force meetings, and student assessment committee meetings. #BoardWatch
PAC report: PAC is actively recruiting new members. Held first info session on Feb 24. Shared info about the PAC and application process. Currently scheduling more sessions and looking for CBOs who would like to partner with us. Now application is in a google form #BoardWatch
Next PAC meeting is April 7, from 6-8PM and is open to public. If interested in attending, contact #BoardWatch
Going into public comment #BoardWatch
PC: Membership Chair for CAC. Uplift all of the great work of PAC, these are volunteers. Taking their time & energy to help & create spaces for families to have a voice. We work in tandem to uplift voices. Thank you for your time & thoughtfulness #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you PAC for mistreatment of staff. Did not give change to introduce self and speak. Please do better and apologize. Thank you #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you PAC and coordinator for the thoughtful work towards family voice. The PAC alone should not be addressing this. City should be working towards this too. Encourage PAC to understand and remove barriers and targeted outreach...
Comment Cont: Our BOE actually represents our student body which does not always happen #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you to PAC for speaking for the parents of SFUSD. Disturbed by BOE lack of concern of parents. Disrespectful. Parent of the LGBTQ community w/ biracial children. Did not respect him volunteering w/ many openings. We don't feel heard as parents #BoardWatch
PC: Reminding folks that no one parent speaks for everyone. Commend the PAC for all of your hard work. Been a lot of push back. Hear a lot of anger over what happened a few weeks ago. Going to share their experience. What happened was hurtful but this does open up...
Cont. The possibility for Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Arabic speaking members to join the PAC. Opportunity for more diverse voices on the PAC. Sometimes mistakes are fortunate things that we can learn from There's great value in not having disproportionate white parents #BoardWatc
PC: Solo, queer parent. Indigenous, POC, they/them pronouns. Thank you to PAC, also parent volunteer. Volunteering before parent, likes the targeted outreach that you are doing. Really important that we also think about LGBTQ communities and the intersections they hold...
Comment Cont: The rainbow flag now also includes black & brown stripes to include LGBTQ+ BIPOC. Love watching these reports and value your efforts, cannot wait for a multicultural PAC #BoardWatch
PC: Deep thanks for the work of PAC, thank you for your efforts to represent parents in SFUSD. Wanted to address the nomination. There's been talk about diversity & who is diverse. This person is diverse, only man, only LGBTQ person. Cannot only look through lens of race...
PC Cont: Race is one factor but there are many. There were many vacancies on this PAC. Do not look at things through one lenses. Do not attack volunteer parents who are giving their time. Please consider they are spending their time & effort to help out for broader #BoardWatch
PC: Bad connection from someone. Concluding public comment #BoardWatch
Discussion with student delegates & board #BoardWatch
Student Delegate Correa Almanza: Thank you to PAC and the work they put in with the outreach efforts. Diversity is complicated and nuanced, excited to see how the PAC grows #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess : Thank you PAC! As a new member, has issues with how the PAC works. Does not give enough power to parents or students & things are not addressed in a timely manner. Want this to be fixed. #BoardWatch
Communication needs to be more consistent and connected. Want more meaningful conversations. Need to financially support advisory committees by paying them and providing more staff support so parent & student leaders can be supported #BoardWatch
Needs more investment in these groups. It should be more impactful and less advisory #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam : Thank you PAC & PAC coordinator. Sorry to Michelle & Naomi, for the hurt & disrespect you felt at the last board meeting. Served 10 years as parent volunteer before on school board. Know & recognize the time, effort, & care that parent volunteers put in
We need to ensure that PAC are representative. Heard from several orgs post last months discussion around increased engagement. Commissioner Lam & Naomi at event last night about creating stronger communication between district & parents #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins : Thank you for the presentation, for the leadership, & for volunteering. Also volunteered in the past, knows about the tireless work that parents do. Comes at expense of spending time w/ own families. #BoardWatch
Been talking to staff about how we can stipend these roles. Volunteering can be a barrier for low-income families who might not be able to participate. Staff should be following up with this soon #BoardWatch
Diversity is difficult, especially want there to be outreach for monolingual families. Translations are available upon request but that requesting can be a barrier. Can we commit to having translation at meetings going forward? #BoardWatch
Difficulty w/ stipends because of certain legal reasons. Also nervous about making promises to families that may not be able to be kept in terms of $. Interpretation: Extremely tight budget this year. Do not have $ for multiple translators for each meeting #BoardWatch
When looking at budget for following year this would be important #BoardWatch
This should not be a budgetary issue when it comes to language. At a minimum there should be Spanish and Chinese translators at each PAC meeting, we have them at our meetings #BoardWatch
@SFUSD_Supe want the board to make requests when they want things #BoardWatch
We should be trying to reduce barriers, would love to see representation of foster youth. Plugging that PAC needs more resources #BoardWatch
PAC application is now a google form and it will be translated to all languages that are on the district website. How does the PAC create paths for those who cannot fully commit to volunteering w/ the council and how do they ensure those voices are still being heard? #BoardWatch
PAC report is translated into Spanish, which is awesome! This board, which is a majority parent board, has been acknowledging these issues. It's not just one sided, it's not just race, it's language, it's ability. When we talk about parents, we mean all parents #BoardWatch
Going into section E and starting off with the return to in-person learning presentation! I'll include the slides next #BoardWatch
Surveys for those in 2B went out today! Principals please remind families to turn those in. Need that info to determine how many people plan to return to in-person learning #BoardWatch
Here's the decision tree for how decisions are being made #BoardWatch Image
Here's the decision tree for being in the orange. Noted: There is not a step for vaccines because that is not a requirement for the Orange Tier MOU #BoardWatch Image
Tentative timeline, please note the asterisk #BoardWatch Image
6-12 are not covered in this agreement and will continue to talk w/ UESF about those grades #BoardWatch Image
UESF Members who are at increased risk of COVID19 may work remotely. Substitute teachers would be assigned for in-person instructor while the teacher of record provides live instruction #BoardWatch
Sticking w/ the 6 feet guideline which is the current public health guideline. These guidelines change all the time so sticking w/ 6 feet just in case #BoardWatch
Pre-K will follow pre-pandemic schedules #BoardWatch
Schedule A #BoardWatch Image
Testing! Received 14 proposals and started talking w/ the color lab. Goal is to have staff testing starting March 2, and student testing starting on March 9 #BoardWatch
To open in red tier, staff have to be vaccinated at recommended dosage. Orange tier does not require vaccines. Made significant progress w/ vaccines. Midpoint last week, secured 4,000 codes and disseminated to staff in Wave 1 & 2. Also elementary wave 3 sites #BoardWatch
Also sent to student nutrition staff and custodians. Over 2,000 staff have now been vaccinated. Walgreens offered to vaccinate staff this Friday-Sunday, and have 1,500 doses for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Kaiser also has enough for all staff. All staff let know #BoardWatch
Moving into the new survey #BoardWatch
Survey is in multiple languages. There will be another comprehensive set of info before they go back for in-person learning #BoardWatch Image
This is a short survey window but please get it done! It's due on March 16th. Around a similar time w/ be assignment letters for those applying for assignment. Hopefully these will not confused families. Spread the word about these distinctions if you can #BoardWatch
Surveys are going out to all families 3-5th grade and phase 2B focal students. Mainly foster youth, students experiencing homelessness, those in public housing, less than 40% of distance learning, new comer students #BoardWatch
2A Families: You can update teachers with your decision about face-to-face at parent teacher conferences this week #BoardWatch
This could not have happened w/o people coming together. At the end of the day, all in this boat together. It's not perfect & it will be bumpy, but this is uncharted territory. We will get some things right & some wrong, but keep in mind we are doing this together #BoardWatch
Opening up to public comment, limiting to 30 minutes, one minute each #BoardWatch
PC: Behavior Analyst & Special Educator. Last night sat & discussed reopening w/ other special educators. All a bit disheartened. Clear that the plan does not represent what really happens at school, specifically for students w/ disabilities. So many people work w/ them...
Comment Cont: The plan seems like it was created by those who don't know what happens in school. Board please work w/ the district to see what actually happens in classrooms #BoardWatch
PC: Teacher at Balboa. Please work w/ educators to changed proposed hybrid learning schedule. Need more planning time. Not equitable for distance learners. Harmful working conditions for educators. Elementary teachers only given two 15 minutes windows for planning #BoardWatch
PC: Advocacy chair for CAC. Thanks for the work put into this. So much time & energy. Piggy back on earlier comment, don't see asynchronous option for those who are extremely immunocompromised. Will distance have an asynchronous option? 75% of students w/ IEPS are in gen ed
PC: Parent for Student in 2nd & 6th grade. Very concerned by absence of indication for middle & high school besides focal groups. Can't be leaving ms & hs students out in the cold. They need to return & want to return. Outdoors spaces should be utilized #BoardWatch
PC: 5th grade teacher at Wave 3 school, what this looks like to many of us is separate but unequal education. Black and Brown students are most likely to stay home, won't have teacher instruction from 8:30 AM to 2:30PM. #BoardWatch
PC: SFUSD Kinder teacher of 21 years disappointed that input of educators not taken into account when doing schedule. Will be interacting from 7:50 to 3:05 with only small break. No break in the afternoon at all, even for bathroom. #BoardWatch
PC: Mom of ES and MS student thanking board. New hope, but left with questions. MS son wonders why schools are not opened and other things are. Online schooling disadvantages outweigh advantages. #BoardWatch
PC: what can you do in a 15 minute prep period? To call. 15 minutes prep is laughable and insulting. Similar to a "rest break" in retail. Feel so dehumanized. #BoardWatch
PC: teach 3 sections of Newcomer math and 2 of PE, what am I supposed to do if 3 classes are coming back and others are not? #BoardWatch
PC: appreciate the fact that relationships are maintained with these schedules, but does feel inequitable and on the backs of teachers. Thank teachers for taking on extra hours to maintain that relationship. Sad we are here #BoardWatch
PC: 1st-grade teacher at Paul Revere: looking at the schedule it hit me that I will be teaching for more hours than I ever have but providing the worst quality education that I ever have. Hard to do small group reading instruction. 120 min per students in distance is change.
PC: K teacher at Sherman is being asked to reinvent kindergarten, no centers, no guided reading. Must force a class of 5-6-year-olds to sit in a chair for 4-5 hours straight with no breaks. Being asked to do job of 2 teachers. #BoardWatch
PC: teacher at SF Unified for 25 years, also parent of MS student. Want to return to school when it is safe. Proposed schedule shocked. To think a teacher can have direct instruction for all contractual hours is ludicrous. No time to prepare, assess, anything. #BoardWatch
PC: as a teacher, this schedule asks teachers to become robots. Not plan for anything fun, engaging, or high quality. Don't know how I could teach with this schedule. Have people who made this schedule recently taught? #BoardWatch
PC cont: asking students we are basically pushing aside, in distance learning, to start their day at 7:45AM is despicable. #BoardWatch
PC: have concerns about the schedule, fact that MS and HS are left out, 75% of kids with IEPs are left out. Want a commitment that all students will have 5 full days in the fall. #BoardWatch
PC: special education teacher is disappointed with the dismissal of well-thought-out schedules. What you have bargained does not work for my HS SDC students or those who are included for 50% of the day in general ed. Worried about inequality at elementary level #BoardWatch
PC: parent of kids at Alice Fong Yu - nothing is on the dashboard about our site. See no reason we couldn't open on April 12. Re instructional hours: for the past year my child has only had 60 min per day, maybe need to do a little more now. #BoardWatch
PC: What teachers are being asked to do is disrespectful. Know there is a mad rush to squeeze in in-person learning. Think about long term. We know teachers are very burned out and thinking about leaving the profession. #BoardWatch
PC: Parent of 1st grader was filled with joy at news that he might be going back. Know that not all students will share that joy. Remind to consider MS and HS students. They are suffering too. #BoardWatch
PC: RSP teacher at an elementary site. The notion that teachers are complaining is definitely not the case. They want the best for their students. Is this schedule best? For teachers or students? #BoardWatch
PC: Thank the Board for process of getting students back to school. Seen press releases but still unclear what day my student is scheduled to return. Also want some reassurance about the fall. Surprised to hear facilities are not all ready. #BoardWatch
PC: Teacher on Special Assignment and parent. Schedule with inequitable schedule is distressing. All students will suffer under this schedule. All IEP, SST, calls to parents, emails, collaboration etc. will have to happen in 2 hours on wed. #BoardWatch
PC: Teacher and parent. Like differentiating instruction but will have no ability to do this. Most of my parents did not get the survey, I need to help them but cannot. Need more support. #BoardWatch
President @lopez4schools reminds that this will be on the agenda each week for comment. Student delegate Correa Almanza has question about the survey. Deputy Supe Leigh notes that survey response will inform which schedule student will follow (distance, in-person, hybrid).
Leigh: can update the survey received in December, or communicate with teacher during conference about preference #BoardWatch
Correa-Almanza had a question about graduation. Deputy Supe says trying to have a live in-person graduation if health guidelines allow. #BoardWatch
Correa-Almanza: think about burnout that students are experiencing right now. All work is homework, so hours of after school homework does not help. Thanks students who called in. "You are stronger than you ever imagined." #BoardWatch
Correa-Almanza: I was 16 when this started, next month I will be 18. We are stronger than the person we were when we entered this. Excited for the writing of this next chapter. #BoardWatch
VP Collins: we are turning a corner, hearing about vaccines, welcome news about community sites. Thank student delegate for making us look at what is hopeful and new. Excited about idea of students being able to return to classrooms. #BoardWatch
Facilities have been in process since early fall to get to this point. The target has moved as they are working. Constantly scaling up as gone along. Planning 50 moves in 30 days. Follow those moves w/ site inspections. Leaders need to be there while also distance learning
Trying to be accommodating to peoples time, in term of inspections. Giving 5 days notice. Trying to do a lot of volume in short period of time, and communicating all of this. DPH has to inspect sites, been very responsive. Constrained by how fast they can move #BoardWatch
Original instructional schedule proposed it separated in-person w/ remote and this one looks like a combo of the two. How was this schedule arrived at? #BoardWatch
Will this schedule also be for middle and high school or no? #BoardWatch
District proposed schedule where teachers would focus on either in-person or virtual. The whole process w/ negotiations, heard clearly from educators union that they wanted to remain w/ current students. If you remain, it will not be either or but both #BoardWatch
This schedule is a result of that compromise #BoardWatch
The schedules that have been shared are only for prek-5 #BoardWatch
Schedule C is for mod/severe classes. Each one will be a puzzle based on who is coming back. Mild will also pose a different deep dive. This is in progress based on who will return #BoardWatch
Setting aside days, w/ CAC partners, to look at the schedules, to look at the MOU, and to see what should be done. Language in the MOU about increased support incase things are too difficult to take on #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess can we maybe extend public comment? 30 minutes feels short. Staff questions: how much do families have faith that these timelines won't change? #BoardWatch
@SFUSD_Supe a lot of different factors but really trying to meet this timeline. Might be a school or 2 that does not meet it, but trying to keep it as solid as possible #BoardWatch
What are our specific goals around testing? Is there a goal time when we hope to have most of our staff vaccinated? #BoardWatch
Goal is for everyone to have the opportunity, which has now been done. Every SFUSD staff member has gotten an email saying they can get vaccinated. Up to you, if you do get vaccinated. #BoardWatch
Tried to figure out how many people accessed codes but the website does not allow them to view that. 500 have responded to their vaccination opportunity saying no I don't want it or no I have already been vaccinated #BoardWatch
Have not offered support for getting to vaccination sites #BoardWatch
President @lopez4schools would like for future vaccination opportunities to be in more accessible placed than just 555 #BoardWatch
March 22nd will be testing opportunity for staff. The agreement requires biweekly testing in red, and weekly in orange. Still in contract negotiations about cost. Want to make sure we honor agreement while also being cost efficient. Contract will have full details #BoardWatch
March 29th will be testing for families. Want everyone to be tested 7 days before returning to in-person #BoardWatch
Is there a target goal for the 2B survey? How are we making sure there is an equitable response? #BoardWatch
Aspirational goal is hearing back from all families. Know that having principals and support staff reaching out to families helped increase responses #BoardWatch
This time doing an individual survey link for each student, so if a parent calls with questions, they can call and help them fill out that individual link with the questions #BoardWatch
Teachers will be engaging w/ families at this week family teacher conferences to increase responses #BoardWatch
The hope is that the fall will be much more normal but it will depend on DPH. Hoping to get a prediction soon about what the fall will be like. Hoping for a much more normal state #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess want to open schools different than how we closed them. Want things to open safely but all students deserve access to be programming in our district. This plan isn't perfect but we have to plan & push together #BoardWatch
President of UESF. Offer some context. True that UESF & SFUSD consulted regarding schedules, did not bargain them. Not a mandatory subject of bargaining. Did bargain on impacts of school schedule, that's what you will see in the tentative agreement...#BoardWatch
Agree that teachers staying w/ students was a priority for educators. While the district initial proposal, thought had suggestion that was better. The district did acknowledge that this schedule will keep students & teachers together....#BoardWatch
High priority from district to have full days w/ as many days as possible. Have now heard from people doing the work that this schedule will be very difficult especially w/ prep time. Time again, in light of all trying to get students back in school safely...
Time to stop blaming the union, blaming teachers, & blaming educators. If they are saying the schedule is difficult, we should all collectively take a look at that. There are still students in distance learning who need attention too #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam what will this vaccination roll out look like? #BoardWatch
If you are eligible, you can go to the Kaiser website, you go through the interface and sign up that way. Also there is a phone number you can access. Make sure they are getting info for those who don't normally use the internet #BoardWatch
This is a serious time crunch and racing against the clock to get the opportunity out as fast as possible #BoardWatch
As results come back, there will be more info about what days look like #BoardWatch
Better timeline for 2B in two to three weeks once there are survey results #BoardWatch
Current agreement is prek-5. What is the timing for secondary students in focal populations? #BoardWatch
Incentive funding package is for prek-5, focal populations, and one secondary grade level. Want clarity around timing so the board can know if they can leverage that money #BoardWatch
All of this is still be analyzed. One piece to modify is that focal populations are tk-grade 12. As said in the rules and budget & business services committee, the most difficult element is the condition of offering in-person learning for one full, secondary grade #BoardWatch
We don't have a published plan that looks at one full secondary grade in-person yet. Looking at this question actively, need a bit more time before coming to a definitive decision. This will be a tough lift #BoardWatch
In terms of timeline, full funding calls for in-person for all of those students groups on the first instructional day after April 1st. 1% reduction for total funding after each day. 5% every week, with that math. Outside limit is May 15th for eligibility #BoardWatch
The same bill passed, the larger portion of that bill is for learning recovery. That is the larger portion of that bill, it's 4 billion out of the 6.6 billion. We are eligible and we will receive those funds, estimating at 39 million #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam we need to understand what is needed to get that heavy lift going. Looking forward to the analysis and those plans to know what is needed for the district to get additional support #BoardWatch
All of this is happening because we know it's not only $ for the district but for learning recovery & how do we support staff. Know staff is starting to plan for summer, would like to see those summer plans soon #BoardWatch
Of course given the conditions of the pandemic, we are making great strides. There is light at the end of the tunnel and very important to know how long it will take to get a large urban district back to face-to-face learning. Want this planning to happen now #BoardWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf there are a lot of bright spots. Thank you @SFUSD_Supe for your leadership through this. Thank you President Soloman and UESF leaders. Thank you @lopez4schools. So much time, efforts, & energy #BoardWatch
Hear the frustrations around the schedules and the time. Important to also acknowledge the progress that has been made. Those figures, if I do my math correctly, by August 6th, we should be offering in-person learning to nearly half students #BoardWatch
Adding one full secondary grade is important and should happen. Many families are not ready to return to in-person. Many educators brought up how these schedules don't prioritize those who choose not to return. Need to remember that, juggling all of these #BoardWatch
Agree w/ Commissioner Lam about getting one more full secondary grade to get those critical funds. Even if April 26th, is the day when it happens, still getting most of those state funds. That's a lot of resources to put towards this heavy lift #BoardWatch
Suppose there could be some flexibility on schedule but this is the product of compromise between UESF and SFUSD #BoardWatch
Commissioner @marksanchezsf how can we employ other staff to help out with teachers? 15 minutes of prep is not enough time to properly prep, it's time to use the restroom or call mom. It's not doable. Want to be flexible w/ how we support classroom teachers #BoardWatch
Want to concur with Commissioner Lam and Alexander that we are doing everything we can to reach the revenue that the state is offering #BoardWatch
Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga wants to know when we can bring back CBO partners. Spent whole career in SE of city, CBOs are such an important piece of kids academic experience and how they are getting supported. Cant open schools if not including CBOs #BoardWatch
Lau-Smith: Don't have an update on the summer, but actively working on "suite" of summer offerings between SFUSD and CBO partners. Immediately starting April 12, looking to work with some ExCel CBOs for early release Wednesday #BoardWatch
Lau-Smith: have to look at facilities. Can't have school and CBOs in building all together. Now have to clear building in between. #BoardWatch
VP Collins: wants update on when window fans and filters can be put in classrooms. Chief Kamalnathan: have recently settled on approach with DPH about ventilation. Conducted extensive survey of 15K windows, database of operable vs inoperable. Shared with DPH. #BoardWatch
Direction DPH has given us is for classrooms with 95% of operable windows are functioning, can use without additional aids. 75-95% range use portable air cleaner or a fan. #BoardWatch
VP Collins d/n want this much detail, wants to add a window fan to each classroom even if that is above what DPH requires. Don't want to take time away from prepping schools, but want a plan and a timeline for having that. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: right now purchasing a couple hundred air cleaners and fans. Trying out different models. Over spring break, after mad dash open sites, will pause and assess what timeline will look like and what purchases should be. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: cost estimate is about $1M for purchasing and installation. Collins: this is important for families of color who are scared about safety, and kids won't be getting vaccinated. #BoardWatch
Now moving on to Item 2, on 5 Keys charter school adult school and independent HS. #BoardWatch
Five Keys submitted renewal petitions, and also asked to add sites. This must be reviewed by staff at a public hearing. This is the criteria for the review of charter renewal petitions. #BoardWatch Image
Five Keys is considered an "alternative" school status so is automatically discretionary and has different criteria. There are five indicators reviewed. #BoardWatch ImageImage
Now is a presentation from 5 keys. We are going to log-off for now, but if you wish to see the presentation about this interesting alternative charter school you can find the webcast on SFGovTV2. #BoardWatch…

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More from @PPSSFBoardWatch

8 Mar
Superintendent and President Lopez are logged on, but the press conference has yet to begin... #BoardWatch
VP Collins is also in attendance, starting now! Almost 200 people are in attendance via FB live. #BoardWatch
Friday evening an agreement was reached - same language being used so far as in the announcement on Friday #BoardWatch
Read 28 tweets
3 Mar
Chief Mele Lau-Smith: current california DPH says "under no circumstances should distance between desks be less than 4 feet" SFDPH says 6ft from teachers desk and 6ft b/w student desks as possible. #BoardWatch
This 6ft is also in the agreement with labor partners, would have to go back to the table to change that says @marksanchezsf Counsel Houck says current health and safety guidelines will control (with some exceptions set out in agreement). Have to comply with most restrictive.
Commissioner @KevineBoggess wants to know how this information is being communicated with families. Shouldn't rely on-site leaders. Dept Supe @gbschooly says there are orientation materials for families, include video content. Orientation will be mandatory. #BoardWatch
Read 112 tweets
23 Feb
Hi all! It's Jessi again who will start off tweeting at today's special meeting. You can find the agenda here… No snacks today since I ate a large lunch, what are your go-to board meeting snacks? #BoardWatch
Waiting on a few more board members but getting the translation and ASL information out now #BoardWatch
Here is the information for ASL translations and how to make comments at public comment #BoardWatch
Read 338 tweets
9 Feb
Welcome to #BoardWatch everyone! Here's todays agenda…. Also a reminder that PPS-SF has a facebook & instagram that I also run. Give us a follow if you feel so inclined #BoardWatch
Also pictured are todays snack of choice, Berkeley Bowl's cherry gummies #BoardWatch
Translation information for the meeting #BoardWatch
Read 190 tweets
4 Feb
Talullah The Cat and I are coming to you from the Augmented Budget & Business Services meeting starting soon #BoardWatch Image
Here's the link to todays agenda… #BoardWatch
It seems there was a link mess up and the meeting is taking longer to start than usual #BoardWatch
Read 72 tweets
26 Jan
Joining SFUSD's Board of Education, a land acknowledgment being given by Greg Castro #BoardWatch
Superintendent's report: January is national mentoring month. Appreciation event this Thursday. Over 400 students are getting extra attention from staff and community member mentors. #BoardWatch
Supe's report: resources for students and families-info about vaccines, a searchable library for SF Loves Learning clips (…) #BoardWatch
Read 181 tweets

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