What studies have been commissioned about this? Those, in particular, reviewing the long-term risks to those who have worn masks over prolonged periods in the past.
Is the answer that none were commissioned and those that might have been published were not considered?
I think we can be quietly confident that, so far as the government is concerned, that is indeed the answer.
Irrespective of evidence of the efficacy of masks in clinical settings and (more importantly) within the community, no requirement to wear masks can be proportionate or ethical if it has not weighed their potential benefit against their risk of harm.
Isn't is lovely to see all these quiet, dead cities, closed factories and grounded aircraft.
Take this as a warning that if lockdowns are accepted in *any* circumstances they will be imposed for 'climate' reasons before long.
Lockdowns should be prohibited in any circumstances.
One person has a cough and the whole of the financial capital of the perfect utopia that is New Zealand is shut down. nzherald.co.nz/nz/covid-19-co…
This response doesn't make sense even on the 'logic' of eradication. The whole point of eradication - of exceptionally dangerous diseases like smallpox and Ebola NOT C19, but we'll put that to one side - is that you can contract trace the v v limited number of infected people.
Not that you must shut down an entire city because of one incident.
Of all the turncoat nominal liberals and conservatives,@DominicRaab is one of the most disgraceful.
He actually wrote a book on liberty but was at the forefront of the lockdown and its perpetuation by the ‘Five Tests’ and now suggests this grotesque, #CCP means of social control.
@cjsnowdon@mitrebarnet Then why do you reply with something about deaths, not hospitalisations?
1. Data on hospital ‘admissions’ of patients with C19 includes anyone who has had a positive PCR test up to 14 days before admission, on admission or after admission: (coronavirus.data.gov.uk/about-data#eng…)/
@cjsnowdon@mitrebarnet 2. Any person testing positive within different seven day periods would be counted within each of those? See, from the NHS publication:
For example, if a person was tested on Thursday and Friday of the same week, they would only be counted once in the reporting week.
@cjsnowdon@mitrebarnet However, if someone was tested on Tuesday and Friday of the same week, that individual would be counted in 2 reporting periods, as the 2 tests fall into different 7-day reporting periods.
The People’s Republic of China is the most dangerous evil in our world today. Particularly due to its pernicious influence throughout the world and in international institutions.
No, the most *dangerous* evil for the world. There are worse regimes - Isis, etc - but they are not as dangerous. China’s tentacles, on the other hand, are everywhere.
Surprise, surprise. The Year Zero idea that we can end a pandemic through vaccination - which has never happened before - has feet of sand. Every other respiratory pandemic has ended through exposure, natural immunity and evolution to less fatal strains. blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/04…
I say Year Zero because the singular feature of the reaction to this pandemic has been the refutation of all prev experience of how pandemics develop & how they are addressed; & all previous pandemic planning, right up to October 2019, as I set out below:
That is not to say that vaccines might not have a part to play. They might. But the fact that vaccines take years to develop is not merely due to the need to test them adequately for adverse reactions. It is because of the need to test their effectiveness.