(1) Chapter 4: Track #1, the path leading out from and back to the RAV4's location by the pond. Image
(2) There is a lot to unpack regarding Track #1:

Wilmer Siebert
A White Jeep

Lights in the Pit

Blood Planting Scenarios

The Camera & Pam-of-God
Known Foot Traffic
K9 Brutus

K9 Loof, Tracks #1 & #4 ImageImageImageImage
(3) Chapter 4, Part 1, The suspected planting of the RAV4 via Jambo Creek Road.

Wilmer Siebert lives off of Jambo Creek Road, next to the entrance to the Radandt Quarry, and just south of the Avery Auto Salvage Yard property (see red box labeled "C" below). Image
(4) Wilmer tried to give Law Enforcement a contemporaneous report regarding a suspected RAV4 and White Jeep driving on the quarry entrance road past his house prior to 11/04. Wilmer's daughter corroborated that fact.

algomaphotoandstory.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/wha… Image
(5) Wilmer provided a sworn affidavit to the Defense in which he described the time of the incident, and the two vehicles involved.

The RAV4 and Jeep entered; only the Jeep exited.

stevenaverycase.org/wp-content/upl… Image
(6) Though RAV4's were not that common in Manitowoc in 2005, their spare tire covers were quite unique and distinctive.

Oddly, the tire cover was not camouflaged when the SUV was found in the Salvage yard the morning of 11/05/2005. ImageImageImageImage
(7) The US Army used Jeeps extensively during Wilmer's lifetime, and he was a home mechanic. His ID of the Jeep may be quite precise.

Below are an old CJ5 w/its hood paint weathered off & a Wrangler Golden Eagle, which had a decal that may have looked like undercoat. Image
(8) Two suspects have been identified with home vehicles that may have been identified as an old Jeep.

The first is Sgt. Andrew Colborn of the Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office. His car is a 1997 Isuzu Rodeo.

It really doesn't look that much like a Jeep. ImageImageImageImage
(9) The other suspect was Chad Blohowiak, whose brother Jason was Married to Ryan Hillegas' Sister Tara. Chad owned a White 1977 Jeep CJ5, that he kept at his parents house in Shiocton, WI.

It was used for off-roading, and was likely available to Ryan's brother-in-law. ImageImageImageImage
(10) The 1977 CJ5 would have been 28 years old in 2005, making paint wear likely, especially for an off-roader.

The CJ5 was also a "Classic Jeep", much like the classic Willys Jeeps used in WW II, Korea and 'Nam. ImageImageImage
(11) The satellite photos show that the Blohowiak family owned the CJ5 long after the Teresa Halbach murder.

April 21, 2017 (left), May 17, 2018 (right)

Courtesy of @googleearth ImageImage
(12) I also believe that the RAV4 was seen during the 11/04/2005 Flyover, though the evidence is debatable.

reddit.com/r/MakingaMurde… Image
(13) Chapter 4, Part 2, The 11/04/2005 Flyover, The Lights in the Pit and the 22 NO CALLER ID Calls on Ryan Hillegas Phone Bill

I believe the RAV4 was planted, as Wilmer suggests, prior to 11/04/2005. On 11/04, a flyover failed to identify the RAV4 on the Avery Property. ImageImageImageImage
(14) The defense was only supplied "edited" flyover footage, and the 11/04 Flyover, performed by an airplane, was contained in the first 4 minutes or so of the recording.

The sound profile shows clearly where the videos were spliced. Image
(15) From the shadows at the main gate, we can estimate the time of the flyover using suncalc.org tools.

The main gate photo was about 3:00pm on 11/04, so the whole flyover for the Salvage Yard was done by about 3:05pm. ImageImage
(16) The best frame in the video comes just before the 4 minute mark. Here is the enhanced frame below. The color saturation has been increased to bring out the underlying color of each of the objects. Image
(17) I have provided 3D models of the RAV4 and the old red station wagon parked beside it. They are oriented close to the angles that they appear at in the flyover frames.

I find this evidence compelling, though some don't. Image
(18) Immediately after the flyover, Ryan Hillegas receives his first "NO CALL ID" call, at 3:11pm. I suspect Ryan told Law Enforcement he had found the RAV4, and they hoped to confirm it during the flyover.

When they thought the flyover failed, they went to plan "B". Image
(19) Ryan Hillegas receives two calls from 920-740-3931 that show up as "MM", or Mobile-to-Mobile. The first was at 3:24pm and the second at 4:13pm.

Then at 4:15pm he starts receiving the mysterious "NO CALL ID" calls again, always incoming with a function code of "D". Image
(20) The "NO CALL ID" calls continue until 7:25pm. There are 22 in all, 21 with function code "D" running from 4:15pm to 7:25pm.

I believe Ryan Hillegas is looking to find the RAV4 again to show the police. I suspect Mile Halbach was with him, as an unwitting patsy. Image
(21) This would explain why Mike Halbach and Ryan Hillegas looked so guilty when they were questioned by a reporter about being on the Avery property.

They say something about having proper authority, but never were, which comes under the category of answering unasked questions. Image
(22) So why did they stop at 7:25pm? Because Chuck Avery had seen Headlights in the Junk Yard Pit and had called Steven at 7:20pm to ask him to investigate.

By the time Steven arrived in his truck, the headlights were gone. ImageImageImage
(23) So at 7:25pm, when Ryan Hillegas vamoosed, he had relocated the RAV4 and given its exact location to Law Enforcement (LE).

Then, somehow, LE and Ryan hatched a plan with unwitting asset, Pam Sturm, to use the search party to uncover the RAV4 location the next morning. ImageImageImage
(24) From the time Ryan had given Law Enforcement (LE) the location of the RAV4 at 7:25 pm on 11/04, to the time Pam Sturm located the RAV4 after 9:30 am on the morning of 11/05, there was an opportunity for MTSO Rogue Officers to access the RAV4.

A 14 hour opportunity. ImageImageImageImage
(25) There is evidence of the RAV4 driver's door being tampered with.

Evidence photo below. Image
(26) A close up shows damage to the weather stripping on the outside of the window just above the lock mechanism and about six inches further back.

There are also marks on the window. ImageImage
(27) The marks are consistent with the use of a slim-jim and a wedge, which are two common tools in a Law Enforcement Officers repertoire. Image
(28) I have to credit @EricEatsBananas for the discovery of the RAV4 damage in the evidence photos.

(29) In addition to the "q-tip" like smear found next to the ignition, and a few dried flakes in front on the floor, seat and center console, Steven's blood was found in the vicinity of the rear passenger-side seat of the RAV4 and on the door frame. ImageImageImageImage
(30) The passenger-side doors were the easiest ones to access at the hidden location by the pond in the Avery Auto Salvage Yard, but they also were the most exposed. Image
(31) The planter had to open the rear passenger side door to get blood on the door frame under the door. All the stains could have been planed by entry through this door, but the "q-tip" like stain likely took driver door access.

It's also the door that's been jimmied. Image
(32) Steven swore he woke up on 11/04 & noticed that blood from his finger cut was missing from his bathroom sink.

If the blood was taken from his sink the night of 11/03-04, it would be in the planter's hands before the window opened at 7:25pm.

stevenaverycase.org/wp-content/upl… Image
(33) Another note on the mysterious 920-740-3931 calls received by Ryan Hillegas amidst the NO CALLER ID calls. The owner has not been identified, but the exchange is registered to Appleton, WI, which, incidentally, is the location of a mysterious RAV4 license plate sighting. Image
(34) The sighting occurred near Appleton, the morning of 11/04/2005. Wiegert didn't follow up, IIRC.

(35) A little more information about the RAV4 weather stripping.

(36) Chapter 4, Part 3 - 11/05/2005, The Day the RAV4 Stood Still

The Stand-Up Meeting, the Camera & Pam-of-God
The Path Revealed by the Holy Spirit
Known Foot Traffic
Tarp-On, Flyover, Tarp-Off
K9 Brutus
Remaining Blood Found in Steven's Sink
Late RAV4 departure ImageImageImageImage
(37) Each Morning the Search Team met at Teresa's home, where Ryan Hillegas, Mike Halbach and Scott Bloedorn provided the plan for the day, that they had worked out using Ryan's Multi-Page Satellite Map. ImageImageImageImage
(38) The Map had a characteristic 'Backward 7", which helped me identify it as the vicinity of the Avery Auto Salvage Yard. ImageImageImage
(39) The "Backward 7" was the tree line south of WI-147, including the woods next to the Radandt Deer Camp. Image
(40) During the preliminary hearing, Ryan was asked to show which areas around the Avery Yard did his team search.

Ryan drew the the two boxed regions w/X's. He denied ever being south of the yard near Wilmer's and the location where the RAV4 was found.

Note the "Backward 7" Image
(41) The morning of 11/05, Ryan treated Pam Sturm specially. He admitted to giving her Jerry Pagel's direct number, rather than having information relayed to him first.

All the other team members called Ryan for coordination. Image
(42) In Ryan's pre-trial testimony he gave a fairly unbelievable explanation for giving Pagel's phone number and a camera to Pam Sturm. ImageImageImageImage
(43) The entire pre-trail testimony can be found here:

(44) It was actually Scott Bloedorn who gave Pam Sturm the digital camera.

Per testimony, Pam left the morning briefing as:

(A) The only one assigned to go to the Avery property.
(B) The only one given Sheriff Pagel's direct phone number.
(C) The only one given a camera.
(45) Timeline:

09:00am Pam Sturm arrives late at Halbach Residence
09:20am Pam Sturm leaves for Avery Auto Salvage Yard
10:00am Sturms arrive at Avery's
10:05am Pam Sturm gets Chuck Avery's permission
10:29am Pam Sturm calls Sheriff Pagel

stevenaverycase.org/wp-content/upl… ImageImage
(46) After finding the RAV4, Law Enforcement descended on the scene at battalion strength.

DCI S/A Fassbender arrived in his red & black winter coat. There was rain coming, so they decided to preserve the exterior of the RAV4 by totally contaminating it with a tarp. Image
(47) By the time of the Helicopter Flyover on 11/05/2005, Ground Officers had managed to totally hide RAV4 under tarps. ImageImageImageImage
(48) I should note that Pam Sturm only took six lousy pictures of the RAV4 as she found it.

All other pictures are contaminated by Law Enforcement Officers and their brilliant tarp. Image
(49) At some point, with the tarps in various stages of deployment, Julie Cramer and her HRD Dog Brutus arrived at the scene. The incident is reported in Julie Cramer's report. Image
(50) In Trial Direct Testimony, Julie Cramer described quite a bit more than she had written in her report. ImageImageImage
(51) At trial, Cramer says Brutus specifically alerted at the rear of the RAV4 near the spare tire. Image
(52) Now, while looking at Trial Exhibit No. 31 (left), Cramer says Brutus provided a second alert on the side of the RAV4 and she was worried he would knock the plywood down that was leaning on the wheel. ImageImage
(53) Investigator Dederring's contemporaneous report is discrepant with Julie Cramers' testimony (CASO, pg 89). Dedering says Brutus was sniffing under a tarp, and not on the plywood in the photo Kratz chose to show, which didn't have a tarp. Image
(54) What they agreed about was that Brutus alerted on the RAV4 passenger side.

Blood was later found on that backseat door frame & on the CD Case on the backseat. Nothing significant was found on the front passenger seat.

Was Brutus telling us the blood was there then? ImageImage
(55) According to Julie Cramer's report, She arrived with K9 Brutus at the crusher shortly after 3:30pm on 11/05/2005.

The RAV4 alerts likely occurred before 4:00pm. If Brutus smelled Stevens blood on the rear passenger-side door, this closed the time window for planting blood. Image
(56) We also see Ken Kratz's M.O. when he avoided mentioning the tarp, showed a picture without one, and coached Julie Cramer to give more details than she gave contemporaneously in her report. Image
(57) There's another golden nugget in Julie Cramer's report re K9 Brutus and the RAV4.

"Brutus showed interest along the berm south of the vehicle. We proceeded into the gravel pit immediately south of victim's SUV, and while he seemed agitated, no second alert was given...." Image
(58) So after Alert #1, Brutus told us there was a faint human remains scent to the south of the RAV4.

If it was Steven Avery's bleeding finger, he would have walked home. Nope.

If it was a blood planter w/marshalled materials covered in blood, he'd head away ASAP. Bingo. Image
(59) Now that the flyover had passed, Law Enforcement decided to remove the tarp from the RAV4 to prepare it for shipment. Soon after, it rained.

A second set of bad pictures were taken just before sundown. ImageImageImage
(60) If Steven's blood wasn't already in the RAV4, there was one more window for planting, as traffic near the RAV4 died down at dusk.

The RAV4 sat at the Avery Auto Salvage Yard until 8:45pm on 11/05 and arrived hours late at the Wisconsin State Crime Lab in Madison. Image
(61) Did You Know?

WI State Lab technicians found Steven Avery's blood in his sink as reported by Detective Dave Remiker in the MTSO Report. His entry is dated 11/08.

WI SCL Evidence Labels can be seen on this picture of Steven's Sink. ImageImageImage
(62) Chapter 4, Part 4 - 11/07/2005, A Loof Trackin' Fool Comes Along

We've unpacked a lot, and now we are ready to look at the Loof Tracks near the location the RAV4 was found. Two tracks come into this area: Track #1 and #4. ImageImage
(63) By now, we've set the groundwork for understanding that this had not been a well preserved crime scene.

The RAV4 was planted.
Ryan, et al, paid a secret visit.
Steven's blood was planted.
Pam and Nicole Sturm, Law Enforcement, and the moving truck driver contaminated it. ImageImageImageImage
(64) Let's review Officer Fauske's report for Track #1: ImageImageImage
(65) The start of Track #1 begins with the pre-scent and perimeter scent inventory ritual, just like all the others. Loof is harnessed and given the "Find" command.

Loof goes to the location that the RAV4 had been (note its not there on 11/07). Image
(66) Next, Loof shows interest in the blue tarp that had been draped over the RAV4 on 11/05. Surprise, surprise it had scent on it and had contaminated the outside surface of the RAV4.

Then, just like Brutus, Loof goes up over a berm to the south into the gravel pit. Image
(67) This initial move south is revealing, but what is Loof following? The victim's scent? Human remains like blood?

Loof next tracks the scent to deer stands in the nearby woods. Image
(68) The deer stands (Location A) are near a path through the woods that is large enough for a vehicle.

This would have been an ideal place to hide a vehicle, while proceeding on foot. Image
(69) The initial track to the deer stands is along the same path that Loof followed on the last leg of Track #4, but in the opposite direction. ImageImage
(70) From the deer stands, Loof encountered a ravine of water. This may be a good time to mention that it poured on Sunday, 11/06/2005 and the ravine was likely dry prior to that. The rain likely impacted trail conditions substantially. Image
(71) What Loof did next? She tracked along the south side the entrance/exit road going ESE until reaching Wilmer Siebert's home at the end of the path and turning north on Jambo Creek Rd, then losing the scent. ImageImage
(72) After giving a "Negative Scent" on Jambo Creek Rd, Loof "regained scent" near the front of Wilmer Siebert's property and circled it (Box C) and went on to a location where a vehicle may have parked nearby (Box B). ImageImage
(73) From Box B, Loof worked along the north side of the entrance/exit road back to the deer stands (Box A), but followed a different path away from from them that led back to the vicinity of the RAV4, but came out just west of it. Image
(74) We suspect several things happened in the vicinity of Loof Track #1.

The RAV4 planter left the RAV4 to meet up with a White Jeep and leave past Wilmer's home.

The Blood planter left the RAV4 with bloody swabs, secured them, and either left or returned to work duty. Image
(75) Of course we also have Pam Sturm's story of three men speaking Spanish on 11/05. Could they have taken a back entrance? Image
(76) Brutus left the RAV4 and went over the berm, but did not follow a trail. He was extensively trained to find Human Remains, including cremains. So it's unlikely Loof was following human remains on this track.

(77) It's also very unlikely that the RAV4 was taken to this hiding place with Teresa in it, and the RAV4 did not go over this berm at the south end of the property line, but the initial part of the track likely started with Teresa's scent & led to the deer stands (*S to Box A). Image
(78) From the deer stands, Loof seems to search for scent and find it on the right side of entrance & exit road. Loof follows it past the point it turns north on Jambo Creek Rd. and eventually gives a "No Scent" signal.

Call this subtrack "1A". Image
(79) Because of three HRD Dog alerts along the Conveyor Road (CR), we believe the RAV4 was brought in this way, momentarily blocked, perhaps by a red Pinto wagon, then brought to the pond along the end of the Loof Track #6 path (E*). Image
(80) The path in the woods to the deer stands would have been an ideal place to hide the White Jeep (Box A).

If it happened as Wilmer Siebert said (Box WS), this would be the area in which the RAV4 planting took place. Image
(81) The turn north on Jambo Creek Rd also would be a likely path for the planters; it leads back to WI-147 which takes you back to Interstate-43. Image
(82) After Track #1-A that ended on Jambo Creek Rd, Fauske indicates she looked east of the road but did not find scent. She doesn't show this work on her map.

When she comes back over to the vicinity of Wilmer Siebert's property, "K9 Loof was able to regain scent". Image
(83) Can we be certain that this new scent is related to the scent article or Track #1-A? Absolutely not. Fauske did not do another "Find" ritual and may have just found fresh scent or some other target smell.

Let's call this Track #1-B. Image
(84) Track #1-B starts on Wilmer Siebert's property (see Box C). Loof circles Siebert's property counterclockwise. Next she loops around a possible nearby parking spot (Box B), then follows the north edge of the entrance/exit road to a place near the deer stands (Box A). Image
(85) The final leg of Track #1-B follows a different path through the woods and out to the quarry pit, finishing west of the RAV4's location. Image
(86) In her report, Officer Fauske seems to act like the track ended simply because she was back where she started.

She does not mention receiving a "Negative Scent" signal. Image
(87) The end location suggests the scent carrier was on foot and did not simply beam up to his/her starship. Fauske also cut off Track #4 shortly after it returned to the location of the RAV4 and didn't even comment on the last leg of Track #6. ImageImageImage
(88) Our theory of the case places two key events in the vicinity of Track #1-B.

- Ryan Hillegas showing Law Enforcement the location of the RAV4 on 11/04.

- Someone planting blood in the RAV4 sometime after 7:25pm on 11/04 and before the RAV4 left around 8:30pm on 11/05. ImageImageImageImage
(89) Ryan Hillegas likely told law enforcement that he thought he saw the RAV4 on the Avery property sometime after 11/03 at 5:00pm and before the flyover on 11/04 at 3:00pm.

I think it's likely he involved Mike Halbach to provide some cover. Image
(90) I think the failed flyover made Law Enforcement (LE) request Ryan and likely Mike to see if they could locate the RAV4 again, while covertly communicating to LE over a NO CALLER ID line. Image
(91) We know Law Enforcement was all over the RAV4 and the Avery property on 11/05, two days before Loof Track #1. An officer even watched the emptied spot on 11/07.

It seems unlikely that Loof was following the freshest scent regardless of source. Image
(92) It's equally unlikely that Loof was following a trail of human remains, because Brutus didn't do it on 11/05, and the trail would only be weaker later.

Loof had trained on Narcotics, Evidence and Explosives; all of these were equally unlikely, too. ImageImage
(93) So we're left with the scent article, either the primary odor, or in its complete absence, a contaminating one.

The shoes used as the scent articles were at Teresa's home, suggesting its either Scott Bloedorn, Ryan Hillegas, Mila the Cat, or a frequent visitor. Image
(94) We've a 2nd reason to suspect one of the tracks was laid by Ryan Hillegas, 22 incoming phone calls from a "NO CALL ID" number that Ryan refuses to discuss.

The calls start immediately after the 11/04 flyover and stop when Steven Avery investigates headlights in the pit. Image
(95) The first "NO CALLER ID" call comes at 3:11pm on 11/04, shortly after the flyover ends its search of the Avery property (~3:05pm).

4 incoming calls come in the next:

470-0842 Tara Blohowiak (Ryan's Sister)
740-3931 Mobile-to-Mobile Twice (Appleton)
737-8491 Mike Halbach Image
(96) Did You Know?

It takes no tools whatsoever to remove the spare tire cover of a 1999 RAV4. Why would anyone trying to camouflage the SUV not remove it?

d2n97g4vasjwsk.cloudfront.net/2000%20Toyota%… ImageImageImageImage
(97) Here once again are the 6 pictures purportedly taken by Pam and Nikole Sturm. The RAV4 spare tire cover is not camouflaged in any way.

It is pointed to the east so it is visible to people walking down the lane from the crusher, which was the most likely approach path. Image
(98) In Summary, Loof Track #1 appears to be two different Tracks:

#1-A, the path out, is consistent with a person carrying scent rendezvousing with another person or car by the deer stands in the woods and leaving.

#1-B, the path back, is still a mystery. ImageImage
(100) ETA: Here is the original post by @EmergingTruth after a DMV search revealing that Jason Blohowiak had a White 1977 Jeep CJ-5 in his name.

Jason and Amy lived at Jason's parents' home in Shiocton, WI. The driveway I showed was their driveway.

(101) ETA: Here is the Reddit post on Tick, Tock, Manitowoc with more details about the 1977 CJ-5 owned by the Blohowiaks.

(102) Regarding breaking into the RAV4: Policemen and women often carry a Car Lockout Kit in their trunk, including a slim jim and a wedge, and air bag wedges and long reach sticks.

Here's a demonstration video.

(103) Did Pamela and Nikole Sturm take the first photos of the RAV4, or were they on the camera when Scott Bloedorn gave it to them? There are reasons to suspect the latter.

(104) ETA: Here is the embedded information in the RAV4 rear shot from the onedrive Detail view.

Camera: DSC-W5 (Sony Cybershot)

11:40 AM on 11/05/2005
(After the 10:29 AM call?)

Modified: 08:40 PM on 11/04/2005
(What's this?) ImageImageImage
(105) ETA: Here's the quickstart guide for the Sony Cybershot (DSC-W5). This is the camera Scott Bloedorn lent to Pam Sturm.

(106) ETA: Higher resolution image of Pam and Nikole Sturm shot seems to show no weatherstripping damage on the RAV4 at 10:29 AM on 11/05/2005.

Do you agree? Image
(107) ETA: A closer look at the higher resolution image of the Pam & Nikole Sturm picture showing the driver side weatherstripping around 10:29 AM on 11/05/2005. Image
(108) ETA: I don't see weatherstripping damage in this picture. Does anyone else? ImageImage
(109) ETA: Could File time stamp discrepancy be due to the camera the Sturms used having a 12 hour time setting error?

If so, the photo may have been taken on 11/4/2005 at 8:40am, when we suspect the RAV4 was planted. ImageImageImage
(109-2) THE Camera that the Sturms had did not sync with a PC to get the time; the time was set manually. It also used military time without making it clear in the menu.

sony.com/electronics/su… ImageImage
(109-3) The picture file and Camera metadata conflict:

The Time Taken would be assigned by the Camera and would depend on the Camera's time setting.

The Time Modified would be assigned by the PC that the file was first transferred to, using the PC Time Clock. Image
(109-4) Most PC's in 2005 were on a network and automatically synchronized their time with an internet source.

The Camera was manual, so error prone.

The stamps conflict because the time the file was created on the PC must be later than the time the picture was taken. ImageImage
(109-5) If the file was transferred immediately to the PC, than the PC Time would be the time the picture was taken.

Realistically, the file was transferred some time after the picture was taken, so the time stamp error is even larger. ImageImage
(109-6) If we assume the file was transferred from the memory card to the PC disk 12 hours after it was taken, the real time for the photo would be 8:40 AM on 11/4. ImageImage
(109-7) Does anyone remember the chain of custody documents for this Camera and the six photos? Image
(109-8) A description of the timestamps shown for a file on Microsoft OneDrive. Image
(109-9) Another strange thing about these photos. They were all taken within one or two minutes of the first one being taken.

Why wouldn't the Sturms shoot more pictures as they examined the vehicle?

Why wouldn't they try to shoot a picture of the inside from close up? Image
(109-10) Bingo! If the RAV4 picture files were transferred from the Camera minidisk to a PC four and a half (4.5) hours after they were taken, then the actual picture times would correspond to the last daylight on 11/04, when Ryan Hillegas was receiving "NO CALL ID" calls. Image

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9 Mar
(1) Loof Science II - Appendices

Complete Scent Dog Track Analysis Chart - Initial Revision Image
(2) Suspect v. Track Analysis Summary Chart Image
(3) Suspect v. Track Analysis Chart, Initial Release Image
Read 9 tweets
9 Mar
(1) Loof Science II - Afterword

The call to fight injustice unites the world in a righteous cause.

Might for right. Not might makes right.

Thank you for your interest and help. ImageImageImageImage
(2) Well it took a long time, but I finally re-reviewed all the dog scent and alert data with the new knowledge I received from Jeff Young. The pandemic delayed me, but I was not deterred. ImageImageImage
(3) I looked at each track under multiple working theories:

- Tracking or Air Trailing
- Teresa's Scent
- Freshest Scent Trail
- Contaminator of Scent Article/Carrier of Teresa's Scent
- Other training goal (drugs/human remains/explosives) Image
Read 12 tweets
8 Mar
(1) Loof Science II - Chapter 8: Call to Action re Operation Dog Nose and Operation Minelab

Cremains likely remain along many of the Loof Tracks. A top HRD dog could help us find them.

The Tracks also provide places to look for Buried Evidence w/a SotA Metal Detector. ImageImage
(2) One thing Jeff Young told me about his Scent and HRD dog Zoe was how far K9 training had progressed since 2005 and how sensitive Zoe's nose was for cremains.

I believe Jeff said he had worked cases with 10 year old cremains and felt 20 year old cremains were possible. Image
(3) We think Teresa's cremains were buried at the Kuss Rd. Burial Site because the uprooted tree hole was easy to dig out, and then excavated by Law Enforcement and carried to the berm, and on to Steven's burn pit.

Brutus and Loof even alerted in the quarry pit. ImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
8 Mar
(1) Loof Science II - Chapter 7: What does the scent dog and HRD evidence say about our top suspects?

Steven Avery
Brendan Dassey

Scott Tadych
Bobby Dassey

Ryan Hillegas
Scott Bloedorn

Rogue Law Enforcement ImageImageImageImage
(2) Overall, the Scent and HRD Dog evidence is:

Highly Inculpatory for Rogue Law Enforcement: it shows them planting cremains while the property was under Police Custody.

Inculpatory of Ryan Hillegas: showing he led Law Enforcement to the RAV4 on 11/04. Image
(3) The evidence is also:

Highly Exculpatory for Brendan and Bobby Dassey: it shows Brendan's so-called confession is totally false, and it provides evidence of malfeasance not involving either Brendan or Bobby.

Exculpatory for Steven Avery and Scott Tadych. Image
Read 32 tweets
8 Mar
(1) Loof Science II - Chapter 6: Putting it all together

What do we know and what do we suspect based on the scent dog evidence in the Teresa Halbach murder case? ImageImageImageImage
(2) Chapter 6 - Part 1: Defense Failures

The failure of the defense to use the Scent and HRD Dog evidence:
- To strengthen their argument about planted bones,
- To show the importance of the Kuss Rd. burial site, and
- To poke large holes in the state's case is immense. ImageImageImage
(3) The defense should have introduced Tracks #3 & #4 (top) & #5 & #6 (bottom) and corroborated them with the HRD alerts on the excavated dirt at the suspected burial site, and the mysteriously appearing trail from the deer camp back to the berm, SW of Steven's yard (#4 v. #6). ImageImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
8 Mar
(1) Loof Science II - Chapter 5: A more speculative theory about Tracks #1-A and #1-B

What if the person who laid Track #1-A, came back later and tried to retrace his/her steps, and that created Track #1-B, or vice versa. Image
(2) Our current theory of the 22 calls is that Ryan H claimed to have discovered the RAV4 on 11/03 or 11/04, and then came back, perhaps with Mike H, to confirm its location for Law Enforcement. Image
(3) Perhaps Track #1-A was Ryan Hillegas coming back out after finding or planting the RAV4, and Track #1-B was Ryan trying to retrace his steps with Mike Halbach.

Without a scent dog, Ryan would retrace the path imperfectly. Image
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