I keep seeing articles bemoaning a "baby bust" due to declining birth rates.
But they all seem to miss a big part of the story. All around the world fertility rates are ⬇️ except in parts the world where health conditions are poor & child mortality is high. 1/
When women have access to family planning, healthcare including antibiotics & vaccines, an education & the ability to have a career, we often opt to have fewer children.
Declining birth rates = more women making our own choices. 2/
Also, while I don't buy the "population bomb" alarmism that Earth has reached some arbitrary human carrying capacity (it's not about total # of ppl, but how we collectively use & waste resources), I'll add that less pressure on the planet's limited resources isn't a bad thing. 3/
To those asking about population numbers & environmental/#climate challenges -
Women are being forced out of the workforce during this pandemic at much higher rates than men. Single mothers have been hurt most. 2/
Keeping women in the workforce benefits everyone. Study after study demonstrates that equity & diversity in the workforce translates to better decisions & higher profits. 3/
Anyone else frustrated by the majority of Phil Spector articles being published about his death?
Most writers seem to express that he was a pretty amazing guy, who unfortunately happened to murder a woman & what a shame it marred his legacy. 🤔
Headline @people below. Down the page: “Throughout the marriage, Phil Spector subjected Ronnie to psychological torment before she escaped. "I thought I was going to die”
This, before he killed a woman.
Why are journalists celebrating this guy? “Lousy” isn’t the word I’d use.
And don’t get me started on everything wrong w @RollingStone. “A legacy marred by murder?”
Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903? She created board games to express her political beliefs.
Originally called ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists of her time like Carnegie & Rockefeller. 1/
The Landlord’s Game was intended to show that an economy rewarding wealth creation is better than one where monopolists work w few constraints.
It demonstrates how families build wealth & amass fortunes. There were diff versions before Parker Brothers released theirs in 1935. 2/
Monopoly aside, you should know more about Elizabeth Magie.
Her father, James Magie, was a abolitionist & newspaper publisher who traveled w Abraham Lincoln around Illinois. He introduced Elizabeth to Henry George’s best-selling 1879 book, “Progress & Poverty.” 3/
Many friends & neighbors think I’m overly cautious w #COVID19. But my experience w hospitalization has profoundly shaped how I view this threat.
In 2009 I almost died bc of an anesthesiologist’s error during a straightforward cyst removal in the hospital. 1/
I aspirated during surgery & woke up literally coughing up lung tissue.
I couldn’t breathe.
I was by myself in the recovery area, still hooked up to beeping monitors & scared. And at first no one noticed my 02 levels crashing. 2/
I had expected to be home that evening, but landed in the hospital for a week w aspiration pneumonia.
They pumped me w loads of antibiotics & for the first time I had allergic reactions to several. They checked my lungs a lot. Continually scanned me for clots. 3/