3/ The source of this deeply misleading factoid is, of course, questioning last week by @SenRonJohnson who continues to float the falsehood hat the mob was unarmed.
3/ Moreover, as @arawnsley showed: Roberto ("Rob") Minuta has also been linked to a range of other Trump-world figures, and has been seen escorting Michael Flynn & Alex Jones.👇👇
Tip of the spear in breaches & violence. Planned & mobilized resources & executed as units (e.g. #Oathkeepers, #IIIPER s, #ProudBoys)
They are also the most likely to commit follow-on attacks.
Radicalized individuals, motivated by conspiracy theories & extremist ideology found each other (or were family members & friends) and went to the #Capitol as a group.
BREAKING: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved capture/kill operation against journalist Jamal #Khashoggi, per US Intelligence assessment. THREAD 1/
2/ Assessment highlights:
-MBS' "control of decisionmaking"
-involvement of MBS' key advisor & protective detail in #Khashoggi operation
-MBS' support for violent operations to silence dissidents abroad
-his absolute control of KSA security & intel
3/ Aides to #MBS were likely afraid failure to complete tasks might result in being fired or *arrested.* Would not have undertaken a sensitive action without MBS consent. Would not have questioned his orders.