The ginger winner of tonight's wild card battle will go on to face the Red Kangaroo for the Red, in Fur Division... #2021MMM
Hopi chipmunk (Neotamias rufus) is a small (47-59g) ground squirrel that only lives in the western United States, mostly in Utah & Colorado (states I have recently called home!) #2021MMM
Rufus is Latin for red or red-haired, which aptly describes the stripe running down the back of Hopi chipmunk as well as it's sides and feet (Burt & Best 1994) #2021MMM
Hopi chipmunk has been referred to as rusty, orangish-red, pale bright-rufous, chestnut and even cinnamon in color (Burt & Best 1994) [Photo by @joelsartore] #RedInFur#TeamSquirrel#2021MMM
Our second rodent warrior is Southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi), who tips the scales somewhere between 20-42g (Merritt 1981) #TeamVole#2021MMM
SRB voles are found coast-to-coast in Canada and along the Rocky & Appalachian mountain ranges in the United States, which happens to overlap with Hopi chipmunk #2021MMM
Both rodents live in forests & rocky areas, but SRB vole prefers the coniferous and deciduous kind while Hopi chipmunk likes pinyon-juniper woodlands (Burt & Best 1994, Merritt 1981) &
Since neither rodent has a seed or ranking, the location for tonight's wild card battle is determined by a coinflip... [gif of woman flipping a coin] #2021MMM
Even though this forest is more dark, cool & damp that Hopi chipmunk is used to, the chipmunk begins foraging for seeds on the forest floor #2021MMM
Suddenly the chipmunk becomes vigilant, standing frozen, only the chipmunk's eyes move rapidly to scan the scene... #IsItAWeasel#2021MMM
A foot away the SRB vole is partially raised up, into a crouching posture with one paw lifted, suggesting this encounter could escalate to aggression (Mihok 1981) [image created by @Mammals_Suck]
During the breeding period (which is RIGHT NOW!), male voles can become more defensive of their home range, displacing other voles and rodents in woodland habitats (Merritt 1981) #MyHouse#2021MMM
The vole "raises into full-upright posture" and beats chipmunk's head "with both paws" #PawBeat (Mihok 1981) #MightyRodentFury#2021MMM
Intruder chipmunk, without local residence or mates, is less motivated to return aggression with the slightly smaller but more determined vole (but if chipmunk were at home, see Yahner 1978)
With ample food and hidey holes elsewhere, Hopi chipmunk quickly retreats further into the forest as SRB vole briefly chases after #AndStayOut#2021MMM
LAST BATTLE: 8th-seeded Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) versus 9th-seeded Spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor) #2020MMM
Our last #TeamDogsish competitor is the Red Panda, a small-to-medium sized carnivore (5kg/11lbs/23stoats) recognizable for its white face, red-ish back & long tail with red-and-buff colored rings #StoatsAsMeasurement#FLOOF#2020MMM
Red Pandas have round heads, large pointed ears, & their bodies are covered with woolly hair (even the soles of their feet!) as an adaptation to their cold, native climates at high elevations…
TONIGHT THE WILDCARD: Grandidier's "Mongoose" (Galidictis grandidieri) versus the Pygmy Spotted Skunk (Spilogale pygmaea)! #2020MMM
Galidictis grandidieri was recently better-recognized as a vontsira than a mongoose, but since we <3 our players, we wanted to make it easier to find research on them, hence the air quotes. #2020MMM [gif is man doing air quotes]
Often called the GIANT-striped mongoose, this black & light brown-to-cream striped Feliform typically weighs between 500-590g (an average of 2.5 stoats) #StoatsAsMeasurement#TeamCatsish#2020MMM
UP NEXT from the JUMP JUMP division: 1-seed TIGER versus 4-seed BHARAL #2019MMM
Our Bengal Tiger weighs in at 258kg/1173 stoats & the Himalayan Blue Sheep or Bharal weights 75kg/341 stoats #StoatsAsMeasurement#2019MMM
As noted by #TeamStoat, the male Bharal scared away its previous competitors (the stoat & rocky wallaby) in its native montane habitats of Nepal & India #2019MMM
UP NEXT: 2nd seed Manatee (Trichechus manatus) versus 12th seed Ring-tailed Vontsira (Galidia elegans) #2019MMM
The West Indian Manatee is a fully aquatic mammal (it never comes out of the water, like whales) with two subspecies that are found along the coast of Florida, islands of the Caribbean, & northeastern coast of South America (Husar, 1978) #2019MMM
Truly a sea cow, manatees are herbivores & graze on all sorts of water plants. In fact, one free-ranging manatee spent on average 11 hours per day feeding (Etheridge et al, 1985) #WayToGoGus#WhereIsPickle#AwesomeOldPapers#2019MMM