6 years ago, 26 tweets, 14 min read Read on Twitter
UP NEXT for the ELITE TRAIT: #2 MANATEE (Trichechus manatus) versus #1 MOOSE (Alces alces) #2019MMM
(tonight's battle was a group effort between @chumblebiome, @je_light & yours truly) #2019MMM
The last two mammals standing from the WATERFALLS division have definitely benefited from their higher seeds & home court advantage #2019MMM
Manatee has been floating & eating its way through the warm waters off Florida's coast, scaring away the Vontsira & the Aquatic Genet with it's crazy "prehensile use of perioral bristles" (Marshall et al, 2006) #2019MMM
The Manatee also narrowly escaped an encounter with a motorized boat, while the Tapir was less lucky #RIP. Sadly, watercraft collisions are a big threat to American or West Indian Manatees @IUCNRedList #2019MMM iucnredlist.org/species/22103/…
Moose has reigned supreme against the Bulldog Bat, the Flat-headed Cat, & the Rakali in @RockyNPS, @GrandTetonNPS & on @IsleRoyaleNatl #AmericasBestIdea #2019MMM
The biggest threat to Moose is also human activity, specifically habitat loss due to development, but populations world wide are on the rise according to @IUCNRedList #2019MMM iucnredlist.org/species/560032…
Our third randomized ecology of the night is... MANGROVE!! #2019MMM
Mangroves are coastal forests that thrive in salty conditions that kill most other plants. These important ecosystems filter water for inland streams, stabilize coastlines, prevent erosion, and buffer the coast from hurricanes & typhoons #WhyThankYouMangroves #2019MMM
Manatee definitely has the upper hand (hoof? flipper?) since the Florida coast is basically mangroves! However, tonight's mangroves are those of the Casamance River in northern Senegal & home of their cousins, the West African manatee. #2019MMM
These mangroves were experiencing heavy deforestation, but the Senegalese NGO Océanium has been actively working to protect the mangroves of Casamance & Sine Saloum since the late 90's, actively replanting trees since 2008. #2019MMM livelihoods.eu/projects/ocean…
The Moose is feeling a bit warm in the tropics, since they are more used to high elevations & cooler temperatures. But moose also love water! #2019MMM
In fact, moose are the classic example for a balanced diet. They search out aquatic plants to meet salt requirements (figure from Feldhamer et al., 2015) #2019MMM
The large Bull Moose is craving salt after a long winter, so he is already taking advantage of the extra sodium in the mangrove & rooting around for tasty aquatic plant bits #2019MMM
BUMP! Manatee is foraging nearby too & bumps one of the Moose's legs. Manatee investigates with her lip whiskers, as sea cows are known to do with inaminate objects (Hartman, 1979) #2019MMM academic.oup.com/jmammal/articl…
Feeling but not seeing the manatee, Moose takes a step or two away & continues to forage #2019MMM
Manatees generally do not share space with other animals (Hartman, 1979), so she starts to slowly swim in the opposite direction to find a new foraging space #2019MMM
But within moments, Manatee gets stuck in a net!! (reenactment photo, as part of education program in West Africa) #2019MMM africanaquaticconservation.org/blog/2012/07/0…
Manatees around the world can get caught in nets that are set purposefully or accidentally (Reeves, 1988; Borodia & Lodi, 1991) #2019MMM cambridge.org/core/services/… & researchgate.net/profile/Lilian…
Manatee struggles to free herself, but the net catches on her propeller wounds & she becomes ever more stuck! #2019MMM
The Moose can sense the underwater struggle, but he suddenly hears something else ..... #2019MMM
...the voice of humans, & specifically of the EcoGuard! These locals work with @saveourseas to help protect mangrove ecosystems in Senegal #2019MMM saveourseas.com/update/a-commu…
African manatees stuck in nets have been saved & released more often recently, thanks to educational programs. @AfricanAquatic reports that such programs have directly resulted in more reports of entangled manatees #2019MMM africanaquaticconservation.org/blog/2014/10/2…
Luckily for our large lady, the EcoGuard is on patrol & within minutes spots the struggling manatee #2019MMM
Moose watches from afar, munching on salty plants, as Manatee is removed from battle #2019MMM
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