Hvor mange får senfølger?
Stadig et svært spørgsmål at få svar på, men studiet fra King's College London er nu publiceret
➡️13.3% med symptomer ≥28 dage
➡️4.5% ≥8 uger
➡️2.3% ≥12 uger
Risiko for senfølger korrelerer med alder, BMI og at være kvinde 1/4 nature.com/articles/s4159…
Vi kom med et ikke helt skæv analyse og bud sidste år i videnskab.dk med et gæt på 1-2% efter 3 måneder
"Flere studier tyder på, at minimum 1-2 procent af de smittede vil ende med senfølger efter en COVID-19-infektion" 2/4 videnskab.dk/forskerzonen/k…
Her er en gammel tråd om emnet med flere artikler 3/4
"The United States has announced that it will spend big on research into ‘long COVID’ — the long-lasting health effects of a SARS-CoV-2 infection.2 4/4 nature.com/articles/d4158…
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Here are cases in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland for the last 3 weeks, adjusted to Denmark's population size 1/x
If one also tries to adjust for both population size & number of tests performed in DK (DK tests a lot), using SSI's correction factor of [test ratio]^0.7, it looks like this 👇 2/x
Although, this does not entirely fit with the ratio of Covid-19 deaths registered in each Country. It might have something to do with delay in reporting, or the fact that there are around 3 week from test to death, or the test-adjustment might not apply to other countries 3/x
A couple of interesting papers on 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Level and link to reduction in Infections 1/x jamanetwork.com/journals/jamas…
"Vitamin D levels may constitute a modifiable risk factor for postoperative nosocomial infections in hepatobiliary surgery patients." 2/x journals.plos.org/plosone/articl…
"Practice improvements of comparable potential magnitude with negligible cost & exemplary safety & efficacy are rare, & raise deliberation of the ethical implications of choosing not to test for, & not to treat, low vit D status in advance of surgery" 3/x link.springer.com/article/10.118…
Det bliver ved med at komme rigtig gode nyheder ud omkring vaccinerne - det lover godt for fremtiden
Effekten der er observeret i de kliniske studier er nu blevet bekræftet efter udrulningen i mange lande. Især data fra Israel, England, Scotland og Danmark ser imponerende ud 1/x
Flere datapunkter tyder nu på at Astra-Zeneca/Oxford er ligeså god eller bedre end Pfizer/BioNTech og Moderna på flere parametre. economist.com/graphic-detail… 2/x
I de kliniske studier blev der kun målt på (1) hvorvidt man så et fald i antal smittede med symptomer. Der lå effekten mellem 60-95%. 3/x
For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, Denmark now have the fewest cases of the Nordic countries below 1/x
Denmark is testing the most 2/x
and Denmark have the lowest test positive percentage, meaning DK is most likely identifying more cases, than the other countries
if you test 50.000 and find 308 cases
if you instead tested 100.000 you would find 500 cases
and 150.000 test would find 664 cases 3/x
-Restriction on restaurants (max 4)
-high schools closed
-Restrictions on shops
-Masks recommended in public transportation
-Border control to Denmark
-No alcohol after 8pm
-Restrictions on gatherings (max 8)