@am_anatiala@Mammals_Suck@sexchrlab@AnneWHilborn Sometimes called Count Ungulata (@am_anatiala , 2021, this volume), the Musk Deer has a peculiar boys-only decoration: fang-like tusks, which take the place of antlers. This fang-tastic animal is found in mountain forests from southern Siberia to the Korean peninsula. #2021MMM
Coming in at up to 8x heavier than the Musk Deer is the Aoudad (659 stoats or 145 kg)! While native to the mountains of north Africa, it has been introduced to Europe & southwest America (Gray & Simpson 1980) tinyurl.com/2m3tbmtf#2021MMM#StoatsAsMeasurement
The Aoudad is also a fan of lichens, in addition to grasses and bushes. A true desert animal, it is able to get all the water it needs from the food it eats. #2021MMM
Tonight both hooved mammals find themselves in the Golden Mountains of Altai, a @UNSECO World Heritage Site in southern Siberia protecting endangered species like snow leopards & fragile habitats like mountain grasslands #AdvantageNotADeer#2021MMMtinyurl.com/5hc7eu64
@unseco Musk Deer is enjoying his home territory in a particularly rich lichen foraging patch. #Yum#2021MMM
@unseco Wanting to approach the lichen patch from ~15 feet away, the Aoudad signals HIS alpha status to intimidate this smaller Musk "deer." Aoudad 'raises the fringe hair over his withers and then licks his own muzzle!' #TakeThat! (Gray & Simpson 1980) #2021MMM
@unseco Not wanting to move away from his lichen patch, Musk Deer stands straight with 'ears erect, displaying canines to rivals with lips vibrating, and the rear part of its body waggling' (Meng et al 2012) #DontYouDare#2021MMMtinyurl.com/4r4j6xw7
@unseco Aoudad likewise escalates his intimidation tactics: Aoudad 'utters a low guttural growl' (Gray & Simpson 1980) #2021MMM
@unseco Aoudad lowers his horns about to charge at the Musk Deer, gathering himself to reach a 'closing velocity up to 80.7 km/hr (50 mph)' (Gray & Simpson 1980) #2021MMM
@unseco Circling with the quickness like they do, Musk Deer 'slashes his tusks on the <Aoudad's> hindlegs, hindquarters, and flanks, tearing the skin and flesh' (Sathyakumar et al. 1992) #2021MMM
@unseco Head down, Aoudad switches tactics to the side-by-side 'close butting, head shoving, and hooking the horns' that Aoudads do (Gray & Simpson 1980) #2021MMM
@unseco But the Musk Deer springs and 'drives his front hooves into <Aoudad's> head, pushing down'! (Sathyakumar et al. 1992) #2021MMM
@unseco Aoudad swiftly concludes that no lichen is worth this lickin' he's gettin'! #2021MMM
@unseco Aoudad turns to trot retreat when the Musk Deer 'furiously chases Aoudad using his tusks to slash down fiercely' (Sathyakumar et al. 1992) until the Aoudad runs at top speed to escape this vicious berserker! #2021MMM
LAST BATTLE: 8th-seeded Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) versus 9th-seeded Spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor) #2020MMM
Our last #TeamDogsish competitor is the Red Panda, a small-to-medium sized carnivore (5kg/11lbs/23stoats) recognizable for its white face, red-ish back & long tail with red-and-buff colored rings #StoatsAsMeasurement#FLOOF#2020MMM
Red Pandas have round heads, large pointed ears, & their bodies are covered with woolly hair (even the soles of their feet!) as an adaptation to their cold, native climates at high elevations #MoreFLOOF#2020MMManimaldiversity.org/accounts/Ailur…
TONIGHT THE WILDCARD: Grandidier's "Mongoose" (Galidictis grandidieri) versus the Pygmy Spotted Skunk (Spilogale pygmaea)! #2020MMM
Galidictis grandidieri was recently better-recognized as a vontsira than a mongoose, but since we <3 our players, we wanted to make it easier to find research on them, hence the air quotes. #2020MMM [gif is man doing air quotes]
Often called the GIANT-striped mongoose, this black & light brown-to-cream striped Feliform typically weighs between 500-590g (an average of 2.5 stoats) #StoatsAsMeasurement#TeamCatsish#2020MMM
UP NEXT from the JUMP JUMP division: 1-seed TIGER versus 4-seed BHARAL #2019MMM
Our Bengal Tiger weighs in at 258kg/1173 stoats & the Himalayan Blue Sheep or Bharal weights 75kg/341 stoats #StoatsAsMeasurement#2019MMM
As noted by #TeamStoat, the male Bharal scared away its previous competitors (the stoat & rocky wallaby) in its native montane habitats of Nepal & India #2019MMM