1. Let us first be very clear—we are in a 3rd wave—and epidemiologically, we are somewhere comparable to early-mid December 2020. From @COVIDSciOntario@Billius27
2. A huge difference is ICU capacity. In mid-December, we had around 276 patients with COVID in ICUs, and around 181 on ventilators.
Right now, that number is 355 and 205, the ICU workers are tired, and those numbers are just starting to rise.
3. How quickly cases rise is unpredictable. If we're lucky the rise will be more like 🇫🇷 than 🇮🇹 or 🇦🇹 but it is very clear that truly steep growth often occurs and (if you follow the international press) it always feels like it is taking you by surprise. It ain't.
4. There are no easy solutions. Hoping or saying a wave isn't happening won't free up ICU beds or reduce virus transmissibility, but it will hamper govt ability to take action.
Nobody wants more lockdowns and vaccines just can't come fast enough. But let's #CallAWaveAWave.
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As all of Ontario waits with baited breath to learn how @fordnation has decided to act on what the mostly leaked Science Table shows, I thought it important to explore what "all options on the able" look like.
A 🧵:
First, there are no MUST DOs.
There are places around the world who have kept schools open and seen cases drop, and there are places who have managed to drop without closing borders, restricting travel, or curfews.
But COVID is transmitted by people interacting, usually indoors in prolonged close contact.
The data (and my experience) seems to show that some of this post-holiday surge was related to people behaving as people do. globalnews.ca/news/7555586/p… It appears that we will hear more of this tomorrow.
Although we deserve a fair amount of blame, govt should shoulder much, too...
What is #COVIDzero? What is elimination? What is strategy? A primer
1. #COVIDzero is a slogan. It is aspirational. It sets a high bar for a country that has failed to set a bar. @JustinTrudeau yesterday said that it doesn't make sense to have a unifying mssg. I beg to differ.
2. Elimination, in the proper sense of the term, means reducing incidence of infection or disease to zero in a geographical region for a period of time, with continued efforts.
Nobody seriously believes you can keep the cases of COVID at zero for any sustained period of time.
No country on the planet has been able to eliminate COVID, and this includes the best performing countries: New Zealand, Vietnam, China, Australia, South Korea, etc. They all have cases.
But they have an elimination strategy and mindset.
I am friends/like/respect @BogochIsaac and have listened/read his views. Unsurprisingly, we agree on ~ everything.
Main areas of disagreement: 1. Feasibility: if there is PUBLIC/POLITICAL WILL to protect small businesses, older adults, vulnerable and down-the-road freedom ✅
2. Time/severity of hardship: these are, again, public and political DECISIONS. People need to know what they are choosing. If I told everyone facing today that we could have avoided the certainty of today's hardship with a bit more hardship, would we have endured it? ✅
3. Border restrictions and restricted movement: Atlantic Canada have freedom of movement within, with a shared US-Canada border. How have they done it? Thoughtful determination. Would you rather be in a Canada Bubble right now then our current reality? ✅
I have drafted multiple rage-tweets following today's 2 pressers, but realize that I am just emotionally exhausted from the inevitability of it all:
- people getting sick
- families and businesses ruined
- healthcare overwhelmed
Let's start with what won't work:
These WILL reduce the case load. But, if we take the examples of Melbourne and Belgium, the halving time will be somewhere between 7-14 days, depending on completeness and adherence of any "circuit-breaker".
If we start at, say, 1300 cases, then we can expect getting to 650 cases in, say 7-14 days, 325 in 14-28 days, and 162 in 21-42 days. That would bring us to where we were around Labour Day. Taking our foot off the breaks, though, would expectedly bring us back up to where we are.
What is wrong with Ontario's latest approach to COVID?
It is #So1stWave. Emerging from the first wave, we were happy we survived it, and thought that if we could just keep case counts reasonably low or prevent hospitals or ICUs from being overwhelmed, we would win the battle.
This is the ExCUSE (Examples of Canada, US, and Europe) approach. The govt. released their new plan predicated on this thinking. If I were to bet, it was conceived over 6 weeks ago (i.e. around Sept. 23). To remind you, this was ExCUSE total deaths and cases 6 weeks ago.
I will focus on 2 countries to demonstrate what happens when you take a #So1stWave approach. We will start with Belgium (pop 11.5m), using data from @OurWorldInData and Belgium's National Science Institute: epistat.wiv-isp.be/covid/covid-19…. Here was where they were Sep 23. <4 deaths/d.
Prompted by several posts and threads, I am going to outline what I view as the "A-PAC Approach"
A-PAC refers to Asia-Pacfic and Atlantic Canada: 🇦🇺(25M), 🇨🇳(1.39B), 🇯🇵(126M), 🇳🇿 (5M), 🇰🇷(52M), 🇹🇼(24M), 🇹🇭(69M), and 🇻🇳(96M). Atlantic 🇨🇦 has 4 provinces ((NS, NB, NFLD, PEI, 2.4M)
These countries/provinces have varying geography, population size and density, degrees of democratic norms; some are islands, but others share sizable borders. Several have used a cordon sanitaire (i.e. making a region an island, even if it isn't one) to create an "island".
The A-PAC Approach consists of 6 principles: 1. Aim for really low number of new cases and zero transmission 2. Ensure any new people (esp. cases) coming in from outside are quarantined 3. Aggressive test-trace-isolate 4. Strong public health leadership