@MatiasTurkkila DDR/natsitaustaiset #Vihreät eivät ymmärrä huumoria.
Kukaan ei ole nähnyt PPP: tä eduskunnassa piiitkään aikaan.
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius: "Pimpparauta" | 16.12.2012
@MatiasTurkkila@satuhassi Valokuva, jonka #vihreät haluaisivat hävittää | Mikko Paunio | 3.8.2018
- Saksan Die Grune Partei (Vihreät) perustettiin Offenbachissa v. 1979. Sen perustivat kaksi poliittista ryhmää: 1) marxismiin pettyneet äärivasemmistolaiset ja 2) vanhat natsit. webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache…
@MatiasTurkkila@satuhassi Saksan ex. ulkoministeri ja Vihreiden keulakuva, militantin Revolutionärer Kampf -ryhmän johtaja Joschka Fischer. - jotkut frankfurtilaiset, jotka kouluttautuivat Palestiinassa terroristeiksi, alkoivat natsityyliin murhata kapitalisteja ja juutalaisia. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutio…
@MatiasTurkkila@satuhassi Kun Saksan Vihreät perustettiin 1980, mukana oli useita entisiä kansallissosialisteja. Aurinko, swastika eli hakaristi, oli 1940-luvun Saksassa uusiutuvan energian symboli.
Vihreän puolueen ensimmäisen logon, auringonkukan, suunnitteli natsi Joseph Beuys. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_…
@MatiasTurkkila@satuhassi#Antifa is heir to Germany’s Red Army Faction, daughter of terrorist Ulrike Meinhof says | June 3, 2020
The only real difference between Antifa and the old Baader-Meinhof Gang of West Germany is that Antifa has no prominent leader, centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2020/06/03/ant…
@MatiasTurkkila@satuhassi#Vihreät The 360-page study,"The State Security Ministry and the Greens", written by historians J. Gieseke and A. Bahr. It details how 15 to 20 members of the Green Party in 1980 cooperated closely with the secret police, #Stasi, in Communist East Germany. boell.de/index.php/de/2…
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@PaiviAnttikoski@THLorg Rajoitukset eivät voi perustua pseudotieteeseen, Suomessa väärin käytettyyn PCR -testiin, CT=40, eli 60 miljoonakertainen monistus, joka antaa virheellisiä positiivisia.
- WHO on ohjeistanut laboratorioita käyttämään enintään CT=35, CDC CT=33. thevaccinereaction.org/2020/09/corona…
@PaiviAnttikoski@THLorg WHO Finally Warns PCR Test Positives at High Cycles Are Garbage | Jan 26
- Dr. Fauci knew this in July when he said that tests with a Ct above 35 were likely picking up viral debris or dead virus. anti-empire.com/who-finally-wa…
Cop Among 10 Killed in Shooting at Colorado Supermarket, Suspect in Custody | Mar 23
- A shooting at a Colorado supermarket killed at least 10 people Monday, including a police officer, and a suspect was in custody, authorities said. news18.com/news/world/pol…
'Tragedy, nightmare': Gunman kills 10 in Boulder, #Colorado, supermarket, including police officer; shoppers 'stampede' for cover | 5h ago
- The police officer who died was identified as Eric Talley, 51, an 11-year veteran on the Boulder force. eu.lcsun-news.com/story/news/nat…
#Colorado supermarket shooting kills 10 | Mar 22
- Police gave few immediate details of the shooting and no known motive for the violence, which unfolded at about 3 p.m. at a King Soopers grocery store in the Table Mesa area of Boulder, reuters.com/article/us-col…
Anna-Maja siirsi #kuntavaalit2021 hysteerisen @mapetti Excel -exponenttikäyrän perusteella, mutta vaatii jopa epidemilogista näyttöä liikkumisrajoituksien perusteeksi.
- Lääketieteellisiä perusteita ei ole saatu #rokote - ja #Maskipakko -hysteriallekaan. mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/oike…
Biden says he agrees Putin is "killer" (Video) | 17.03.21
Biden said Putin would "pay a price" for interfering in U.S. elections. unian.info/world/biden-u-…
Joe Biden says Russian President Vladimir Putin will 'pay a price' for meddling in US election | 1h ago
- Mr Biden said he does not think the Russian leader has a soul, and when asked if he thought Mr Putin was a killer, he told the broadcaster, "I do." abc.net.au/news/2021-03-1…
Biden: Putin will ‘pay a price’ for interfering in 2020 election | 03/17/2021
- Biden declined to elaborate on the consequences Putin would face, saying that “you’ll see shortly.”
- U.S. could “walk and chew gum at the same time”... politi.co/30OpZQO
Scientist Hancock ['MD'] says there is no evidence [pictured] AstraZeneca vaccine has caused blood clots
- Matt insisting there is no evidence the coronavirus jab has caused #bloodclots after some European nations halted its rollout. standard.co.uk/news/uk/matt-h…
Emer Cooke, the #EMA’s executive director, told a press briefing on Tuesday there was “no indication” that the vaccine was the cause of the “very rare” reported blood clots.
Before taking up her current #EMA role, Emer Cooke was the Director responsible for all medical product-related regulatory activities at the World Health Organization (#WHO) in Geneva between November 2016 and November 2020. ema.europa.eu/en/about-us/wh…
'#Oxford/#AstraZeneca the fastest and safest "vaccine" ever in break record time, cutting a normal process of 10 years to 1 maintaining all safety & efficacy' @THLorg
#Fimea: Suomi ei ainakaan toistaiseksi ole keskeyttämässä Astra Zenecan koronarokotteen käyttöä, vastuuta ei oteta – @Fimea: n ylilääkäri Maija Kaukonen @kmkaukonen: veritulppailmoituksia, 'signaaleja', on tehty yhdeksän yle.fi/uutiset/3-1183…