WHO, @OIEAnimalHealth and @UNEP have issued guidance to reduce the public health risks associated with the sale of live wild animals for food in traditional food markets. bit.ly/3g78ST2
WHO, @OIEAnimalHealth and @UNEP call on national authorities to suspend the trade in live wild mammals for food or breeding purposes and close sections of food markets selling these animals as an emergency measure. bit.ly/3g78ST2
Animals, particularly wild animals, are the source of more than 70% of all emerging infectious diseases in humans, many of which are caused by novel viruses. Wild mammals, in particular, pose a risk for the emergence of new diseases.
Globally, traditional markets play a central role in providing food and livelihoods for millions of people. Banning the sale of these live wild mammals can protect the health of market workers and shoppers.
The #COVID19 pandemic is a challenging time, for children, parents and caregivers.
Doing a few simple activities with your child can provide them with vital comfort and love during these uncertain times.
Exercise helps kids with a lot of energy (and adults) to de-stress when we #StayHome
Let your child choose the music and have a 10-minute dance! You might even impress them with your moves! 🕺🏼👯💃🏼
⬆️ Increasing tobacco taxes is the most effective way to reduce #tobacco use and lower the risk of associated death & illness, and healthcare costs. #Tax4Health
"Out of 220 countries and economies, 194 have now started #COVID19 vaccination, and 26 have not. Of those, 7 have received vaccines and could start, and a further 5 countries should receive their vaccines in the coming days"-@DrTedros#VaccinEquity
You should still get the #COVID19 💉 even if you’ve had a previous infection. The vaccine acts as a booster that strengthens the immune response. #VaccinesWork!