He also talked to us about how he went undercover with fellow gun vvolence survivors @TChristianHeyne and Omar Samaha to expose the deadly gun show loophole.
Colin's father, @papagodd, is the president of the Virginia Center for Public Safety. Andy's been a @bradybuzz volunteer since 2008, and I am honored to call him a friend and ally. For years now, he has lead the fight for sensible gun laws in Virginia. richmond.com/news/virginia/…
.@LoriHaasVA's daughter had to pretend she was dead in order to survive the Virginia Tech shooting.
Lori and @papagodd's leadership in Virginia put us on the path to flipping the state legislature and passing MAJOR gun violence prevention reform. virginiamercury.com/2020/04/16/vir…
This we know: Gun violence is a public health crisis.
Whether it’s physical damage like the bullets leeching lead into @clgoddard body or mental health stuggles or socioeconomic effects, the toll of gun violence is immeasurable.
Entire communities pay the price for generations.
It is deeply tragic that today, as we observe 14 years since the Virginia Tech shooting, Americans also woke up to headlines of another major gun massacre — with 8 people senselessly murdered at a FedEx Facility in Indianapolis. #EndGunViolence
It's important to understand that our nation’s gun violence epidemic isn’t just mass shootings.
It is also domestic violence, gun suicides, police violence, and more.
It is the brutal murders of 20yo #DaunteWright in MN 13yo #AdamToledo in Chicago, both at the hands of police.
Every day in America, +300 people are shot.
Most of these tragedies don't make the news.
They include domestic violence, gun suicide, unintentional shootings, and more.
✔️expand background checks
✔️increase police accountability
✔️invest in underserved Black and Brown communities, ✔️ban assault weapons
✔️reform the gun industry
if you’re sick and tired of gun violence in America, please join me and @bradybuzz in demanding the Senate take immediate action on the solutions sitting before them.
Today's the anniversary of the Senate’s deadly failure to pass gun violence prevention reform via the filibuster.
What happened on 4/17/13 shows exactly why we must #AbolishTheFilibuster — & why we must stop at nothing to push the Senate to pass background checks today.
The legislation that was killed on the Senate floor 8 years ago today was in response to the Sandy Hook shooting, where 20 first-graders & 6 school employees were senselessly murdered.
Americans across the country, DEMANDED Congress strengthen our weak gun laws. @NewtownAction
In response, the Senate took up a series of gun reform bills. The reforms included a bipartisan bill to expand Brady Background Checks, aka “Manchin-Toomey”.
Why background checks? A shocking 1 in 5 guns in America is sold without a background check.
For too long, we've lived under the gun lobby's reckless, dystopian, and outright deadly (!) vision of the Second Amendment. They willfully misinterpret the Constitution to bestow civilians with unfettered access to firearms.
That was *never* the Founder's intention.
As the 9th Circuit Court affirmed just last month, the Second Amendment does NOT mean unfettered access to guns beyond reason. We can — and should — enact life-saving, sensible gun regulations.
(PS You can see my thread on that recent court ruling here.)
.@WhiteHouse's 6 executive actions to reduce gun violence will:
1️⃣ address the flow of unregulated ghost guns
2️⃣ address dangerous uses of stabilizing braces
3️⃣ strengthen extreme risk laws, which prevent gun suicide
4️⃣ prioritize investment in community interventions
5️⃣ issue an annual report on gun trafficking to provide data to inform lifesaving policy solutions
6️⃣ nominate former ATF agent @davidchipman as @ATFHQ director to oversee and enhance gun industry oversight
40 years ago on March 30, 1981, a bullet changed the course of U.S. history.
White House Press Sec Jim Brady was shot in the head when a gunman tried to kill President Reagan. Jim was paralyzed. But he used the tragedy to take on the NRA & change our nation's gun laws.
President Reagan was struck by a single bullet. He'd feel the effects for years. Two officers were also wounded.
Jim was shot in the head. He'd been on the job as Reagan's @WhiteHouse press secretary — his dream job — for just two months. cc @POTUS
The news that day falsely reported that Jim Brady was dead. It's not hard to undertand why — the scene itself was gruesome, and Jim's injury was near fatal.
3/30/21 marks 40 years since Jim Brady was shot in the Reagan assassination attempt. He was paralyzed for life but didn't let that stop him. @POTUS can honor Jim Brady & save countless lives by taking immediate action to reduce gun violence. #TheTimeIsNow