1/7 My sister-in-law, an RN in the GTA looking after COVID-19 patients every day, told me most of her patients are in their 20s and 30s. Most are sent to the ICU within 12 hours of being admitted. In each case, their entire family is sick with COVID, sometimes 8 or 9 people.
2/7 A veteran RN with 3 kids, she wasn't scared during the 1st, or even the 2nd, wave. But now, like her colleagues, she is terrified. Leaders need to listen to their science advisors, not lobbyists. Decisions need to be made according to public health, not political ambitions.
3/7 This pandemic is inequitable. Some can stay home, but those who are unhoused, elderly, lower income, or those considered “essential” workers are dying. Many of them take public transit on their way to their workplaces in factories, grocery stores, hospitals, and LTC homes.
4/7 Many of these “essential” workers are BIPOC. Many are still unvaccinated. If essential workers are actually essential, why aren’t we doing everything to protect them? Make this lockdown count.
5/7 Make this lock down the last one we need so that hospitals can get back to treating other life-threatening illnesses, schools & businesses can open, mental health can improve. And people stop dying.
8/9 A lot can change in 6 weeks. With current trends and proposed restrictions, even with vaccines, Ontario could see 18,000+ new COVID cases/day and 1,800 in ICU. OR our leaders could listen to their own science advisory and stop transmission.
9/9 IF our leaders (at all levels) listened to scientists, in 6 wks, our case numbers could become a flat line on the bottom of the graph, like the Atlantic provinces, the North, Taiwan, NZ, Australia, etc. Thousands of lives could be saved.
1/With the 4,456 new official Covid-19 cases in Ontario today and the majority of Covid-19 cases in Canada now being VOCs, maybe it's a good time to update what we know about transmission. Thanks to @DFisman for editing and fact-checking and @realsarahpolley for the inspiration.
•Covid-19 is airborne: the virus can hang suspended in the air for hours and travel much further than 2m (6’), especially indoors
3/This includes people who have not yet developed symptoms (pre-symptomatic) and those who never develop symptoms (asymptomatic)
•The majority of Covid-19 cases in Canada are now the variants of concern, which are 1.2-2.2 times more contagious, and 60% more deadly