1) AR-15-style firearms inflict mass carnage. They can be easily modified — w/ little cost or experience — to fire in a fully automatic fashion.
(TL;DR: they can kill as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.)
2) As we at @bradybuzz allege, Smith & Wesson promoted the M&P 15 to civilians through a reckless marketing campaign that targeted — yes, TARGETED — young men predisposed to violence and miltiary fantasies. bradyunited.org/press-releases…
(Btw, M&P stands for Military and Police — and yes, this is the name of a line of AR-15-style firearms being marketed and sold to *civilians.*)
We recently took legal action alongside @Everytown for & @fred_guttenberg by filing a complaint to FTC to investigate Smith & Wesson’s reckless marketing of this weapon.
Fred's daugher, Jaime, was killed by the 19yo Parkland gunman, who used this firearm. nytimes.com/2020/05/31/bus…
We allege that Smith & Wesson dangerously marketed the M&P-15 by:
— irresponsibly use imagery implying military and law enforcement endorsement
— targeting minors thru the use of visuals from first-person-shooter video games and images of children shooting guns.
Our FTC complaint accuses Smith & Wesson of falsely associating the rifle with the U.S. military and law enforcement.
Their ads appeared to feature active members of the military and used slogans like “To Uphold. To Protect. To Defend” and “The Line of Duty.”
It is unfathomable that a gun manufacturer would devise a marketing campaign specifically targeting would-be mass shooters.
3 years ago today, a gunman used an AR-15 to senselessly murder 4 young people at a Waffle House in Nashville. They had their whole lives ahead of them.
We remember their names:
— Joe R. Perez, 20
— Akilah Dasilva, 23 @akilah_the
— Deebony Groves, 21
— Taurean C. Sanderlin, 29
The 2018 Waffle House gunman wasn't stopped by a "good guy with a gun" — as is almost never the case. (This is a myth pushed by the gun lobby.)
GREAT NEWS: Amid growing threats around homemade "ghost guns," both California AND Nevada just advanced bills to prevent the dangerous spread of these untraceable & unregulated firearms.
And here is the crucial Nevada bill, led by October 1 survivor @sandra4nv.
“What we want to do is make sure that we’re closing that loophole. That we’re not allowing someone who can’t pass a background check the ability to purchase a ghost gun.” #NVleg capradio.org/articles/2021/…
Today's the anniversary of the Senate’s deadly failure to pass gun violence prevention reform via the filibuster.
What happened on 4/17/13 shows exactly why we must #AbolishTheFilibuster — & why we must stop at nothing to push the Senate to pass background checks today.
The legislation that was killed on the Senate floor 8 years ago today was in response to the Sandy Hook shooting, where 20 first-graders & 6 school employees were senselessly murdered.
Americans across the country, DEMANDED Congress strengthen our weak gun laws. @NewtownAction
In response, the Senate took up a series of gun reform bills. The reforms included a bipartisan bill to expand Brady Background Checks, aka “Manchin-Toomey”.
Why background checks? A shocking 1 in 5 guns in America is sold without a background check.
For too long, we've lived under the gun lobby's reckless, dystopian, and outright deadly (!) vision of the Second Amendment. They willfully misinterpret the Constitution to bestow civilians with unfettered access to firearms.
That was *never* the Founder's intention.
As the 9th Circuit Court affirmed just last month, the Second Amendment does NOT mean unfettered access to guns beyond reason. We can — and should — enact life-saving, sensible gun regulations.
(PS You can see my thread on that recent court ruling here.)